- [DE] MoReq2010 Launch in Budapest | PROJECT CONSULT | 13.05.2011
Ein Launch eines Standards für Records Management bei dem das Dokument mit der Spezifikation nicht zur Verfügung steht. MoReq2010 wird erst in zwei, drei Wochen veröffentlicht. Auf dem DLM Forum Members Meeting in Budapest gab es nur Vorträge zum Thema.
in Public bookmarks with [de] conference dlm dlm-forum erm for:dschultz56 for:hannskk for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:michielh for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:souslapoussiere for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management standards
- [DE] Präsidentenwechsel beim Bundesarchiv | Glückwunsch an Michael Hollmann, Danke an Hartmut Weber
[DE] Präsidentenwechsel beim Bundesarchiv | Glückwunsch an Michael Hollmann, Danke an Hartmut Weber | Präsidentenwechsel beim Bundesarchiv | Mi, 30.03.2011 | Der bisherige Abteilungspräsident im Bundesarchiv, Dr. Michael Hollmann, wird neuer Präsident des Bundesarchivs. Diesem Personalvorschlag von Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann hat das Bundeskabinett heute zugestimmt. Hollmann tritt die Nachfolge von Prof. Dr. Hartmut Weber an, der mit Ablauf des 31. März 2011 nach gut elf Jahren altersbedingt aus dem Amt scheiden wird.
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiv archivierung bundesarchiv digital-preservation for:culturalheritage for:europeana.tech for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:leisenberg for:michielh for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:sebgiessmann for:souslapoussiere for:steve_bailey for:tomraftery for:twitter
- [EN] Digital Preservation and Nuclear Disaster: An Animation | Youtube
Team Digital Preservation saves the world from nuclear disaster caused by the work of Team Chaos
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiv archivierung digital-preservation digitization for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:europeana.tech for:fgilbane for:gdearing for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:leisenberg for:markdav for:twitter nucelar preservation video youtube
- [EN] DLM Forum Member Meeting & MoReq2010 in Budapest | James Lappin
James lappin attended the DLM Forum meeting in Budapest last week (May 12 and 13) at which Jon Garde announced that the core requirements of the MoReq 2010 specification had been finalised and would be published as a PDF on the DLM forum website within the fortnight following the meeting. It was possible that it might also be issued as a hard copy publication later in the year.
in Public bookmarks with [en] digital-preservation dlm dlm-forum erm for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:gdearing for:hannskk for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 preservation records records-management standards
- [EN] MoReq2010 Core Modules | DLM Forum
MoReq2010 Core Modules Specification published on 6.6.2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] dlm dlm-forum erm for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:europeana.tech for:gdearing for:hannskk for:hobohm for:injelea for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:tomraftery for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management standard
- [EN] Records Matter, Declaration Doesn’t | Chris Walker
Records Matter, Declaration Doesn’t | Chris Walker | 23.02.2011 | Formally declaring a piece of electronic content as a record is antiquated, artificial, and unnecessary.
in Public bookmarks with 2_0 [en] content enterprise-content-management erm for:culturalheritage for:dhinchcliffe for:dschultz56 for:europeana.tech for:fgilbane for:gdearing for:hobohm for:javatar for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:kossatsch for:leisenberg for:twitter iso15489 records-management
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