- [DE] Records Management = Schriftgutverwaltung? DOK März/April 2012
Ulrich Kampffmeyer - Records Management = Schriftgutverwaltung? DOK März/April 2012 - „Schriftgutverwaltung“ – die offizielle Übersetzung von „Records Management“, die auch in DIN 15489 benutzt wird – umfasst deutlich mehr und deutlich anderes als der Fachbegriff dem Laien auf den ersten Blick vermittelt. Denn das Wort „Schriftgut“ ist so sehr an die Papierwelt angelehnt, dass es schwerfällt, die Brücke in die elektronische Welt zu schlagen. Dies wurde erneut auf der Tagung „Records Management Fachtag 2011“ vom 29. November des vergangenen Jahres deutlich (http://recordsmanagement.
in Public bookmarks with 8 [de] arma consult dok fachtag kampffmeyer laie management markt papier papierwelt principles project record records schriftgut standards trends ulrich
- [EN] ARMA : GARP Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles
ARMA : GARP Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles - 7 principles easy to understand! But why must traditional RM be so boring, why is RM software so complex?
in Public bookmarks with [en] arma erm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter principles records-management standards
- [EN] Day of Digital Archives | 06.10.2011
The Day of Digital Archives is an initiative to raise awareness of digital archives among both users and managers. On this day, archivists, digital humanists, programmers, or anyone else creating, using, or managing digital archives are asked to devote some of their social media output (i.e. tweets, blog posts, youtube videos, etc.) to describing their work with digital archives. By collectively documenting what we do, we will be answering questions like: What are digital archives? Who uses them? How are they created and managed? Why are they important? This year’s Day of Digital Archives will be held on October 6th and entries will be gathered at the Day of Digital Archives blog.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiv archives arma day digital preservation
- [EN] Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar
Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar | DLM Foundation | Jon Garde
in Public bookmarks with [en] arma dlm dlm-forum education erm imported moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management rm standards web
- [EN] Social Networks and their Impact on Records Management | ARMA | Helen Streck
Social Networks and their Impact on Records Management | Helen Streck | 25.01.2011 | ARMA Whitepaper | PDF
in Public bookmarks with [en] arma erm filetype:pdf for:twitter media:document moreq records-management recordsmanagement social-business social-software socialsoftware
- 2007 Cohasset ARMA AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey Results Released : Electronic Discovery Law
Cohasset hat über 1700 Organisationen zum Thema Records Management befragt und ergänzt mit der Studie die vorangegangenen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 2001 und 2005.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim arma compliance erm imported markt moreq records_management rm standards trends by 2 users
- ARMA Association for Records Managers and Administrators
Records Management Verband in den USA
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim arma ecm enterprise_content_management imported metadaten preservation records_management rm standards storage verband by 5 users
- RIM Standards, Best Practices, ISO 15489 & MoReq - ARMA International
ARMA Seite zu Standards im Records Management
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving arma imported information metadata metadaten moreq moreq2 preservation records_management rm standards verband by 2 users
arma from all users