- [DE] Florian Laumer: [EN] SharePoint 2013 Standard vs. Enterprise vs. Foundation Feature Comparison Matrix
[DE] Florian Laumer: [EN] SharePoint 2013 Standard vs. Enterprise vs. Foundation Feature Comparison Matrix | Und bevor Office 2013 Ende Januar released wird, gibt es schon einen sehr guten Eintrag im TechNet wo die Unterschiede der verschiedenen Versionen dargestellt werden. Wichtig: das alles betrifft die onPremise Installationen.
in Public bookmarks with 2013 [de] [en] comparision features foundation microsoft migration office sharepoint standard update
- [DE] Migration von ECM-Lösungen: Move or Stay? | XING Themen
Migration von ECM-Lösungen: Move or Stay? | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | XING Themen | Grüne Wiese gibt es in Punkto ECM selten. Bei den meisten Organisationen und Unternehmen gibt es bereits "irgendetwas" im Keller - DMS, Archiv, ECM - wie auch immer genannt. Anstelle der Neubeschaffung tritt so häufig das Thema Ablösung oder Update. Aktuelle Studien gehen davon aus, dass das Migration 2013 ein "hot topic" sein wird.
in Public bookmarks with archiv archivierung consult continuous diskussion dms document ecm kampffmeyer management migrate migration move preservation project stay storage strategie trend ulrich
- [EN] Digital Forensics and Digital-Born Content in Cultural Heritage Collections
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiv archivierung archiving clir digital-preservation digitalforensics imported information-management migration standards study
- [EN] Digital Landfill - John Mancini: 100 technology predictions (plus 10 of my own) for 2013
In an earlier post (2013 Predictions -- Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement -- What Comes Next?) I talked about the next steps in the "collision" between Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. That got me thinking about all of the other "prediction" posts relative to technology. I have to admit, I love these posts. So following a quick recap of my own predictions re SoR and SoE, you will find 100 (yes 100) predictions from posts I found interesting. This, of course, is not to imply that I've found them all. Most likely not. So if you know of some I've missed, add the link in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim bigdata cloud ecm eim information management mancini migration mobile predictions social trends
- [EN] Why is content migration so difficult? | James Lappin | 13.02.2012
Why is content migration so difficult? | James Lappin | 13.02.2012 | Thinking Records | Content migration is a problem that affects all organisations, and which affects archivists as much as records managers | The description is correct, but is MoReq2010 really a solution to solve the migration problem? I think - No!
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving archivist content management manager migration moreq moreq2010 records
migration from all users