- [DE] Social Business | IBM JamCamp | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Social Business & Compliance
Social Business in Deutschland - Tags:Social Network, Web 2.0 - Von: Sibylle Gassner - Montag, 24. Oktober 2011 | 14:58 Uhr -
"2.0-Software wehrt sich gegen Dokumentation", sagt Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Geschäftsführer der Project Consult Unternehmensberatung. Er stellte in seinem Vortrag viele jener Fragen, die von Social-Web-Jüngern gerne mit einer Handbewegung vom Tisch gewischt werden.
in Public bookmarks with [de] business compliance ibm jamcamp kampffmeyer social ulrich vortrag
- [DE] SPON | Sascha Lobo | Pöbler an die Maus! | 16.02.2011
Mal ein guter Beitrag von Sascha Lobo ! S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine | Pöbler an die Maus! | Die ständige Forderung nach digitaler Höflichkeit nervt, findet Sascha Lobo. Denn mit dem Kampfruf "Schmähkritik!" schaffen es Unternehmen, Kritiker im Internet mundtot zu machen. Ein Plädoyer für eine vernünftige Beleidigungskultur im Netz. | 16.02.2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] for:twitter internet kritik saschalobo social social-software spon web web2.0
- [DE] Stefan Pfeiffer: Deutschland muss ein Social Business Land werden | 10 Thesen
[DE] Stefan Pfeiffer: Deutschland muss ein Social Business Land werden | 10 Thesen | [DE] Deutschland, das “Schland” der Ingenieure, muss ein Social Business werden – Ein Pamphlet mit 10 Thesen für 2013 | Posted on January 31, 2013 | Es führt kein Weg daran vorbei. Deutschland, das Land der Ingenieure und Erfinder, muss ein Social Business werden. Nur so werden wir uns im globalen Wettbewerb behaupten könnrn. Wir leben von unserem Knowhow, davon, dass wir hochkomplexe Lösungen und Produkte entwickeln. Und wir müssen das schneller und besser tun als diejenigen, die dann unsere Autos, Solartechnologie oder Maschinen kopieren.
in Public bookmarks with 10 [de] business deutschland digitalnaiv pfeiffer schland socbiz social stefan thesen
- [DE] Zukunft des WWW: Eine gigantische Maschine gegen den Tod | Peter Glaser | SPON | 18.07.2011
Zukunft des WWW: Eine gigantische Maschine gegen den Tod | Peter Glaser | SPON | 18.07.2011 | Das Ziel ist die totale Erinnerung: Um alles für uns tun zu können, möchte das WWW alles über uns wissen. Schon heute saugt das Netz enorme Datenmengen aus unserem Alltag auf. Diese könnten in Zukunft der Rohstoff für eine neue Art von Gedächtnis sein.
in Public bookmarks with [de] archive archivierung for:twitter gedächtnis information-society internet mememory social spon www
- [EN] 16 Characteristics of a Social Workplace
16 Characteristics of a Social Workplace | Elizabeth Lupfer | July 19, 2012 | Original post: 16 Characteristics of The Social Workplace by Shirley Williams (Blogger of Social Media Pearls) | One tool or platform does not make an organization social. It is not just about the tools- especially in isolation of the bigger picture. Well at least it ought not be. Sensational headlines just feed the fear of those with a social media phobia. What organizations and businesses should be thinking about is how can they leverage this new way of doing business.
in Public bookmarks with [en] arbeitsplatz change der free future less office organization paper paperfree paperless social trends workplace wpfd zukunft
- [EN] After Flash, why PDF must die ! - AIIM Social Business Expert Blog
AIIM Community | Serge Huber | CTO at Jahia Solutions | April 25th | Ok now that I have your attention, I'll quickly say that of course I believe that PDF is a great technology that has served its purpose for a long time, but I believe we should progressively stop using it in some use cases since the world has actually changed to slowly make it less relevant. PDF, the Portable Document Format, was initially created by Adobe to address a difficult problem at the time: how to generate a document that would always look the same, no matter the platform it was viewed on, and that would print out in the same way on various printers connected to different hardware and operating systems. It used at its core the Postscript technology it had pioneered and combine...
in Public bookmarks with [en] adobe aiim archiving business document ecm flash format html5 pdf pdfa pdfa-1 pdfa-2 portable socbiz social wars
- [EN] AIIM & Andy McAfee's 3 reports on Social Technologies and Business Process
Andy McAfee's 3 reports on Social Technologies and Business Process | 3 PDF reports | Slideshare compilation | released on January 25th, 2012
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim andrew bpm business ecm market mcafee process report socbiz social technologies trends
- [EN] AIIM: six new whitepapers on Information Management
Six new whitepapers from AIIM - free download:
#ERM Electronic Records Management
#SocBiz Social Business
#BPM Business Process Management
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- [EN] As email passes 40, is a midlife crisis in the cards? | Andy McLoughlin
As email passes 40, is a midlife crisis in the cards? | Andy McLoughlin | 24.06.2011 | A few weeks ago, electronic mail, or email as it’s now affectionately known, hit the respectable age of 40. When Ray Tomlinson, a young computer engineer, sent the first email in 1971, he could only have guessed how it would impact the way we communicate in both our business and personal lives. Email has transformed the way people shop, bank, communicate with family members and do business. Now an essential tool for approximately one billion mobile workers across the globe, email continues to dominate the way in which we communicate.
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- [EN] CMSwire | Box Rises On Cloud Interest, Traditional Enterprise CMS Vendors By-passed
CMSwire | Box Rises On Cloud Interest, Traditional Enterprise CMS Vendors By-passed | David Roe | 11.01.2012 | If anyone doubted that there was money in the cloud, then the end-of-year wrap from Box might dispel it. According to CEO Aaron Levie, over the last year alone, its revenues doubled, staff numbers has more than doubled, and it has doubled its customer base to more than 8 million users. Just a small caveat here: These are all figures and claims made by the company itself so there is no independent verification. However, there is no reason to doubt them as the growth in the use of cloud applications has been well documented over the course of 2011. | Box and the Cloud | Leaving aside the figures themselves, there are a few interesting insights tha...
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] archive box business cloud collaboration content document e ecm enterprise management market mobile saas socbiz social trends web2.0
- [EN] Digital Landfill - John Mancini: 100 technology predictions (plus 10 of my own) for 2013
In an earlier post (2013 Predictions -- Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement -- What Comes Next?) I talked about the next steps in the "collision" between Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. That got me thinking about all of the other "prediction" posts relative to technology. I have to admit, I love these posts. So following a quick recap of my own predictions re SoR and SoE, you will find 100 (yes 100) predictions from posts I found interesting. This, of course, is not to imply that I've found them all. Most likely not. So if you know of some I've missed, add the link in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim bigdata cloud ecm eim information management mancini migration mobile predictions social trends
- [EN] Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite
Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite | Jon Mitchell | 15.01.2013 | The big Facebook news tech blogs were all freaking out about turned out to be just another shot in the platform wars. There's nothing exciting about Facebook's Graph Search. It's just another way to lock in free users to a mediocre, incomplete service, just like Google wants to do with Google+. Until there's a personalized, natural-language search box that can search whatever and wherever we want, I don't think anything else matters. The way I see it, there are three companies offering rudimentary artificial intelligence to consumers at a grand scale: Google, Apple, and now Facebook. (Sorry, Microsoft, you're a distant fourth.) All of these companies wa...
in Public bookmarks with [en] ai aoole apple artificial facebook google graph intelligence knowledge lanuage management microsoft natural privacy search social transparency trends unified
- [EN] Get Out of Email: Social Business at the Tipping Point | CMSwire
[EN] Get Out of Email: Social Business at the Tipping Point | CMSwire | 18.01.2013 | Why email when there is social media? Knowledge workers are bogged down by tasks like responding to and reading emails, and by simply looking for the information they need to complete daily tasks. But can social business make them more productive, and make businesses run better? | Connections at the Tipping Point | Working together is part of what makes us human, but some technology, like email, has not lived up to its promise to make our lives easier. Likewise, staying on task and focused is also a bit harder when the entire Internet is just a swipe away. One of the ways social business tools, including collaboration software, can help break through this ironically tech...
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] business cocommunication collaboration control e e-mail ecm eim email enterprise gap mail media messaging social zero zeromail
- [EN] Information Management Will Never Be The Same: 2012 Enterprise CMS Trends
Joe Shepley (@joeshepley) | Information Management Will Never Be The Same: 2012 Enterprise CMS Trends | 20111123 | A look at my picks for noteworthy ECM 2012 trends:
1.The rise of Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
2.The evolving relationship between compliance and social media
3.ECM goes viral
4.Realistic retention
5.Mainstream Enterprise 2.0
6.Mid-tier ECM steps up to the plate
7.SharePoint decision time
in Public bookmarks with 2012 [en] cms cmswire com compliance content ecm enterprise ilm management media socbiz social trends
- [EN] Laurence Hart: Content isn't Social, You Are | AIIM
Laurence Hart | Content isn't Social, You Are | 07.07.2011 | AIIM ECM blog | The term social content has been getting some airplay of late. In my opinion it is a marketing term describing something that has been around for a while. Let’s dissect the term for a minute.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim blog cms collaboration content content-management ecm for:twitter social social-business social-content social-media web2.0
- [EN] Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace - Gartner
Gartner Magic Quadrant | Social Software | 2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] business for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter gartner magic quadrant roundup socbiz social socialmedia software stats trends
- [EN] Newsletter December 2012 | XING group "Information & Document Management"
[EN] Newsletter December 2012 | XING group "Information & Document Management" | Paul Caspers | 20.12.2012 | Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
in Public bookmarks with aiim archivierung beratung business christmas collaboration ecm happy itbdms management new preservation records socbiz social standards trends wpfd xmas year
- [EN] Outside the inbox | Luis Suarez | IBM
Outside the inbox | Blog of Luis Suarez, IBM | Thinking about the future of communication in a world without email
in Public bookmarks with [en] communication death der e-mail email ibm luis network of social socialbusiness suarez the tod wpfd
- [EN] Rough Type | Nicholas Carr's Blog
Rough Type | Nicholas Carr's Blog
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog collaboration for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter future itk social social-business social-media trends by 2 users
- [EN] Scientists use the social networks | Nature
The use of social platforms becomes more and more important to scientists | Nature article | Online collaboration: Scientists and the social network Giant academic social networks have taken off to a degree that no one expected even a few years ago. A Nature survey explores why.
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration facebook google nature networks online peer research researchgate scholar scientists social twitter by 2 users
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