- [DE] #RMFT2013 Records Management Fachtag 26.11.2013 in Offenbach
PROJECT CONSULT führt am Dienstag, dem 26. November 2013, zum siebten Mal ihren Fachtag zu Records Management durch. In diesem Jahr steht der Fachtag unter dem Motto "Information Governance". Das diesjährige Hashtag ist #RMFT2013 - und hier geht es zur Anmeldung.
in Public bookmarks with 14721 33000 [de] akte compliance consult datensicherheit drukff elektronische fachtag grc iso management metadaten privacy project records rmft13 schriftgutverwaltung tagung
- [DE] BND will soziale Netzwerke live ausforschen | SPIEGEL ONLINE
BND will soziale Netzwerke live ausforschen | SPIEGEL ONLINE | Digitale Aufrüstung: BND will soziale Netzwerke in Echtzeit ausforschen | Der Bundesnachrichtendienst will sofort wissen, was getwittert und gepostet wird: Um soziale Netzwerke in Echtzeit ausforschen zu können, rüstet der Geheimdienst laut "Süddeutscher Zeitung" digital auf - und investiert dafür 300 Millionen Euro.
in Public bookmarks with [de] ausforschung bnd bürger echtzeit geheimdienst netz netzneutralität nsa privacy
- [DE] Europäische Kommission - Entwurf Datenschutz Grundverordnung
EUROPÄISCHE KOMMISSION | Brüssel | KOM(2012) 11 / 4 | 2012/0011 (COD) | Vorschlag für
zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und zum freien Datenverkehr (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) | 26.01.2012
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- [DE] Facebook Apps: Welche Daten man als User preisgibt
Robert Basic ins einem Blog zum Thema Facebook Apps: Welche Daten man als User preisgibt | 3.5.2011 | Einiges an Feedback im Blog und auf Facebook
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- [DE] GI Gesellschaft für Informatik sieht Cloud Computing kritisch
10 Argumente
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- [DE] heise online - Was Facebook über Nicht-Mitglieder weiß
#heise heise.de | Was #Facebook über Nicht-Mitglieder weiß | 03.02.2010
in Public bookmarks with [de] article datenschutz facebook imported privacy social_software socialsoftware by 2 users
- [EN] Bits or Pieces?: on Prism | Simon Wardley
On Prism | The intertubes are all aghast at the news of US intelligence surveillance. There's ample discussion on the EU needing strong data protection laws (which we already have) and counter examples of why it won't work. | Hence my suggestion is as follows : | 1. Declare outrage at the unwarranted intrusion of PRISM on privacy and declare this as a breach of trust. | 2. Introduce EU wide legislation temporarily banning US internet service giants and removing any obligation under trade agreements due to the breach of trust. | 3. Introduce an EU investment (Venture Capital) fund of 100 Billion euro's to act as seed capital for building of equivalent services. Develop EU's own technology capability, ensure technology that is built is open source, provide...
in Public bookmarks with [en] eu prism privacy spying trust
- [EN] Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite
Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite | Jon Mitchell | 15.01.2013 | The big Facebook news tech blogs were all freaking out about turned out to be just another shot in the platform wars. There's nothing exciting about Facebook's Graph Search. It's just another way to lock in free users to a mediocre, incomplete service, just like Google wants to do with Google+. Until there's a personalized, natural-language search box that can search whatever and wherever we want, I don't think anything else matters. The way I see it, there are three companies offering rudimentary artificial intelligence to consumers at a grand scale: Google, Apple, and now Facebook. (Sorry, Microsoft, you're a distant fourth.) All of these companies wa...
in Public bookmarks with [en] ai aoole apple artificial facebook google graph intelligence knowledge lanuage management microsoft natural privacy search social transparency trends unified
- [EN] Secret U.S. court prohibits NSA from holding phone records beyond five years | ZD Net
Secret U.S. court prohibits NSA from holding phone records beyond five years | ZDnet | The U.S. government's metadata collection program cannot store phone records for longer than five years, handing a rare victory to civil liberties advocates. | A U.S. secret surveillance court has denied a bid by the U.S. government to hold onto phone records for more than five years, handing a rare win for civil liberties and privacy advocates. But because the motion was denied "without prejudice," the Justice Dept. is allowed to file a new motion should new evidence or facts come to light.The U.S. government submitted a request in February to store the data, collected under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, for longer than five years. The government's argument was that...
in Public bookmarks with [en] act court fbi liberty management nsa patriot period phone privacy records retention storage surveillance victory
- [EN] The Cloud and the Asymmetric Patriot Act | Lubor Ptacek | 09.08.2011
[EN] The Cloud and the Asymmetric Patriot Act | Lubor Ptacek | 09.08.2011 | There have been numerous articles recently about cloud-based companies and their policies in regards to the Patriot Act. Most recently, Dropbox and Microsoft Office 365 have generated headlines when the press found out that their end user license agreement includes clauses that basically state that the company may have to hand the customer data over to the law enforcement authorities under certain circumstances – such as to comply with the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (in short USA PATRIOT Act).
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