- [EN] Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite
Facebook Graph Search Is Boring: We Need A Unified Search AI | ReadWrite | Jon Mitchell | 15.01.2013 | The big Facebook news tech blogs were all freaking out about turned out to be just another shot in the platform wars. There's nothing exciting about Facebook's Graph Search. It's just another way to lock in free users to a mediocre, incomplete service, just like Google wants to do with Google+. Until there's a personalized, natural-language search box that can search whatever and wherever we want, I don't think anything else matters. The way I see it, there are three companies offering rudimentary artificial intelligence to consumers at a grand scale: Google, Apple, and now Facebook. (Sorry, Microsoft, you're a distant fourth.) All of these companies wa...
in Public bookmarks with [en] ai aoole apple artificial facebook google graph intelligence knowledge lanuage management microsoft natural privacy search social transparency trends unified
- [EN] How the Scenery Changes | Tech.pinions | The era of the PC is over, Android is main stream
[EN] How the Scenery Changes | Tech.pinions | The era of the PC is over, Android is main stream | Ben Bajarin | Motion Graph | I’m preparing for a presentation on Monday and am using this motion graph, which I was able to export as an animated .gif. Sorry the labels are a bit tricky to read. Thought I’d share it just to show how the scenery changes.
in Public bookmarks with [en] android apple changes dos era graph how ios is main motion of over pc scenery stream tech.pinions the windows
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