- Newzie.com
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds freeware reader rss syndicate by 6 users
- Open Directory - Reference
Libraries: Library and Information Science: Technical Services: Cataloguing: Metadata: RDF: Applications: RSS: News Readers: Web Based
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds reader rss syndicate by 2 users
- Pluck 2.0 Beta, Firefox Edition - RSS Reader
Pluck 2.0, Firefox Edition (beta) is a lightweight RSS feed aggregator and integrated bookmark manager. Using Pluck, you can easily navigate between the RSS Reader and Bookmark Manager via an integrated sidebar. Via a free subscription service, you can synchronize your RSS Feeds and bookmarks across multiple computers at work or at home.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator bookmarks feed news reader rss
- Recruiting.com: WEB 2.0: The Next Version of the Web
The first generation of the web was just a bunch of sites linked to other sources of info via hyperlinks. Now we have more ways to interact online (eg. blogs, RSS and Tagging) and, therefore, more ways to use the web.
in Public bookmarks with internet rss web2.0
- Rojo är nu den bästa RSS läsaren med hjälp av greasemonkey
Jag har alltid gillat on-line webb feed läsaren Rojo. Alla de extra finesserna som Rojo har som inte Bloglines har, gör tjänsten mycket intressant.
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Free Online RSS, Atom or OPML to PDF Generator
Free Online RSS, Atom or OPML to PDF Generator
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in Public bookmarks with converter feeds opml pdf rss tools web by 15 users
- RSS for webmasters
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in Public bookmarks with rss by 4 users
- RSS Ping
RSS Ping combines RSS item metadata with site update information. It enhances the current ping specification, adding information about exactly what has been updated or published, with the notification that something has been updated. RSS Ping reduces the need to revisit or work done by aggregators and search engines when revisiting the publisher site after being pinged, to provide truly real-time updates for information on the Web.
in Public bookmarks with ping rss syndication web2.0
- Rss2mail services and my Sony Ericsson M600
To read RSS feeds on my Sony Ericsson M600 I use RSS2Mail services on the net. I don't like the built-in RSS reader in the phone. I blog with the phone, so I want to be able to edit, copy and move the RSS posts, and you can't do that in the built-in RSS reader.
in Public bookmarks with m600 mobile moblogging rss rss2mail sony_ericsson
- RssFwd : Reading RSS the way you are already reading your emails
Why re-invent the wheel or run yet-another-application to read your stuff? Create another set of folders, sub-folders, filtering, spam-filter training,... when your existing E-mail application has done it all - tried and tested - and finally just the way you like it? This site allows anyone to subscribe to any RSS / Atom feed and receive the updates in their email inbox. You can get more technical information at the blog (e.g. download source codes, updates). I can be reached at choonkeat at gmail.
in Public bookmarks with email feeds reader rss by 11 users
- ScrappyGoo
ScrappyGoo searches Google News and generates a unique RSS feed of the results. This persistent news search delivery is offered as a free service. By default, each feed has 10 entries. Works with advanced operators and Feedjumbler.
in Public bookmarks with feeds google news rss search
- Scratch
Scratch is the minimalist's web log. Scratch gives you nothing more than the meta-weblog API for posting. Reading is done via Atom or RSS. That's it. There's no HTML to hack up. You don't have to use the same, tired old web log template that everyone else is using. Break out of that blue, rounded rectangle! Be original! Thumb your nose at those primitive apes still using the web! Use Scratch! Scratch can also serve as a framework for developing your own weblog package.
in Public bookmarks with blog blogging cms rails rss ruby software weblogs
- Start.com News: www.start.com released (no more "/3")
From the homepage: late last night we removed the "/3" from start.com - it's now available without puzzles or obfuscation, at http://www.start.com (although still a "preview") <br><br> primarily driven by your feedback, here are some of the highlights: <br><br> <ul> * feed read/unread support * more/fewer headlines * auto-refresh for feeds * many improvemens on: o look and feel o feed subscriptions o default experience o sidebar behavior * as we as many bug fixes </ul>
www.start.com released (no more "/3") - Windows Live
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- Talk Digger
Check who is linking to you.
A Data Appliance and Network supplying relevant data in support of citizen journalism
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in Public bookmarks with blogs links rss search by 2 users
- Talkr - Letting blogs speak for themselves
Talkr provides a service that allows you to listen to your favorite text-only news sources rather than read them. If you can point us to an RSS feed (a machine-readable version of your favorite blog or news source) we will convert that feed from text to speech.
in Public bookmarks with audio feed podcasting rss
- The Binary Realm
Digg Eater is a RSS news aggregator designed just for the Digg.com tech news site. If your anything like me your always trying to keep up on the latest tech news. This is a great way to check out the latest stories on Digg.com and keep your blog up to date.
in Public bookmarks with feed reader rss
- The Personal Bee
The Personal Bee is a "discovery engine" that helps you discover information from a collection of RSS feeds. In contrast, client-based RSS readers and web-based RSS aggregators merely catalog your RSS feeds. These tools are adequate if you subscribe to fewer than 5-10 news sources per topic of interest. Compared to RSS search engines, the Bee captures the latest "buzz words" in a topic area without requiring you to pre-specify search terms.
Blog search, breaking news, photos, and videos, on the latest headlines, business, entertainment, lifestyle, politics, sports, and technology. See what and who is most popular in the blogosphere.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogs feeds reader rss syndication by 6 users
- The Rocketinfo RSS Reader
The Rocketinfo RSS Reader is a FREE personal news and information tool that allows you to search, subscribe, read and track content from thousands of RSS and Weblog sources.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed feeds reader rss syndicate
- Tim Yang’s Geek Blog » Feed Digest : Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds
Feeddigest is finally released and it has all the features I’d been waiting for. It’s like RSSmix and Bloglines in one. You can combine feeds and there’s an interface where I can see and control all my mixes. There’s even a built-in online feed reader. When the statistics feature comes into play, Feedburner will have a competitor. http://feeddigest.com/
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds rss syndicate syndication
- Tiny Tiny RSS - Ajax based Server Side Aggregator
For years I've been searching for a perfect RSS aggregator. I tried desktop ones (Straw, Blam!, Liferea) - while nice programs they usually lacked something or were overencumbered with features. Also, desktop aggregators can't solve the problem of keeping read feeds in sync between different machines.
Tiny Tiny RSS homepage and development site
in Public bookmarks with aggregator ajax feeds rss syndicate
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