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  • liviapenn: SGA: Small Primes and Square Roots, by Livia (1/2)
    Small Primes and Square Roots where jeanie picks John out of a line up, and then dies, leaving rodney to bring up Sara. And the emails flood to McMurdo. (just wonderful)
    in sga fic with domestic mcshep
  • McKay/Sheppard Slash - "Catch You Up" by Crysothemis (NC-17)
    Catch You Up Author: Crysothemis Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 for sex, sex, more sex, and some language Wordcount: ~2200 Summary: Things don't always go according to plan Notes: PWP, no spoilers, no beta, not mine
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • mcsmooch: ficlet: alive, alive
    Alive, Alive, by sheafrotherdon ~ Rodney works it out, and John falls apart.
    in sga fic with kisses mcshep
  • mcsmooch: The Future Mrs McKaytoe Head, PG
    The Future Mrs McKaytoe Head, PG *giggles unnervingly* Okay, so. [info]unamaga did not explicitly tell me not to do this, and therefore it is a PRESENT for HER because I love the smell of traumatised in the morning. :D McShep, slash, PG, ~460 words. So, so much crack.
    in sga fic with a_villainny crack mcshep
  • mcsmooch: The Universe is Awesome, yo
    The Universe is Awesome, yo complete crack. really. Takes place in the time that had to exist, medically, between Trio and Midway. featuring: an extremely drunk Sheppard. spoilers: very very slight for 'Trio'. word count: a little over 500 rating: G, fun for the whole family.
    in sga fic with a_kiden mcshep
  • minervacat: FIC: I Got Soul But I'm Not A Soldier (1/2) [SG:A, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17]
    I Got Soul, But I'm Not A Soldier Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Spoilers through 3x08, "McKay & Mrs. Miller". Disclaimer: Brad Wright & Rob Cooper own the characters. I'm just screwing around, sans profit. Summary: when everyone's lost, the battle is won, with all these things that i have done. 13,800 words. (sibling to 'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.)
    in sga fic with earth mcshep
  • Missed the Saturday Dance
    multimedia WWII mcshep au.
    in sga fic with au mcshep
  • MVP
    MVP by Speranza Author's Note: This story was written for the sga_flashfiction "Post Secret" challenge. The post-secret postcard is here. Many thanks to Shalott, Resonant, Mia, and the ever-invaluable Terri, who's my MVP. wherein rodney reads john's file and start to really look at him.
    in sga fic with mcshep
  • mz_bstone: Parenting in the Pegasus Galaxy.
    sequel to "A Beautiful Lifetime Event".
    in sga fic with domestic mcshep
  • OK Computer
    OK Computer by Speranza Author's Note: This is the story I was calling "lesbians" for a long time, but I have to warn you that there are no real lesbians in it: just porn lesbians. It's actually the third in a series of stories I sketched out in the summer of 2006, the other two being Kid A and Amnesiac, hence the Radiohead title. Huge beta thanks to Lim, Terri, Resonant, Mia, Julad, & Shalott. Julad says I have to tell you, the reader, that this story is kind of nuts, but hold on, hold on: it all works out.
    in sga fic with a_speranza au mcshep
  • rageprufrock: 14 Valentines: Lustrous
    Lustrous (1/2) Rating: NC-17 Summary: (SGA) Tin is a lustrous gray. Posted as part of the 14 Valentines Project, to read today's essay on body image, go here.
    in sga fic with a_pru au domestic mcshep nc-17 sad
  • rageprufrock: 14 Valentines: Lustrous
    Lustrous (1/2) Rating: NC-17 Summary: (SGA) Tin is a lustrous gray.
    in sga fic with a_pru au domestic mcshep
  • sapote3 - Panthalassa: SGA, R
    Category: AUish, Futurefic, Kidfic, Het, Slash. Warnings: Het, R, Character death(s). Most massive kidfic ever. Reproductive politics. Angst. Spoilers through 3x19. Pairing: McKay/Cadman, McKay/Sheppard (implied) Length: 14,500 words, 71 k.
    in sga fic with domestic mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: All These Places We Have Met by Toft (dating challenge)
    All These Places We Have Met Author: toft_froggy Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Notes: This is monanotlisa's fault - not what she asked for, but, um, she told me to write. So I did. Thanks to lim and wychwood for help along the way, and mecurtin and frostfire_17 for beta. I initially meant this to be something a lot more lighthearted along the lines of a 'Groundhog Day'-type setup, a funny take on the challenge, but, um, I ended up with this, which really couldn't be said to be light-hearted or funny. Nor does it bear much resemblance to the challenge, but dammit, I wrote it for it, and if you squint at the word 'courting' rather than 'dating' it works. Warnings: Uh, made one of my betas cry? Just so you know. Although that might have been the typos.
    in sga fic with dating mcshep by 2 users
  • sga_flashfic: All These Places We Have Met by Toft (dating challenge)
    Title: All These Places We Have Met Author: toft_froggy Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Notes: No spoilers. This is monanotlisa's fault - not what she asked for, but, um, she told me to write. So I did. Thanks to lim and wychwood for help along the way, and mecurtin and frostfire_17 for beta. I initially meant this to be something a lot more lighthearted along the lines of a 'Groundhog Day'-type setup, a funny take on the challenge, but, um, I ended up with this, which really couldn't be said to be light-hearted or funny. Warnings: Uh, made one of my betas cry? Just so you know. Although that might have been the typos. No particular warnings, though. No spoilers either. Word Count: 9,910 Summary: "You take me to the nicest places, McKay."
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 by 2 users
  • sga_flashfic: Drabblet: Potatoes and Carrots and Parsnips, Oh My [by Cate]
    Potatoes and Carrots and Parnsips, Oh My (Bad Sex Challenge) Author: sheafrotherdon Rating: R Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Summary: Rodney has awarded various parts of his anatomy with exceedingly curious names A/N: I cannot believe I am posting this. It's SO SO siriaeve's fault. ~350 words
    in sga fic with badsex comedy mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Fic: A Whole World of Trouble (Dating Challenge, AU)
    A Whole World of Trouble (Dating Challenge, AU) Author: sheafrotherdon Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC17 Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine - I'm just playing in the sandbox Summary: John Sheppard's a singer in the local honky-tonk; Rodney McKay's newly moved into town. Dating ensues! ~9000 A/N: Thanks to dogeared and siriaeve for the indispensable beta; to girlnamedpixley and beej for the [inspirational] [art work]; and to everyone who suggested a song! A soundtrack's available at my journal [here].
    in sga fic with au mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Fic: Hope, Duty, Pride, Home (Family Challenge)
    Hope, Duty, Pride, Home by sheafrotherdon ~2200 words, PG, the Team become parents (Teyla/Kanaan, Ronon/Jennifer, and John/Rodney). Beta'd, as ever, by the lovely dogeared. Teyla's baby's name borrowed from siriaeve's fic-to-be!
    in sga fic with a_sheafrotherdon domestic mcshep rononjenifer teylakanaan
  • sga_flashfic: Who's Left and Who's Leaving, by the_drifter (Amnesty 2007: Ways to Die Challenge)
    Who's Left and Who's Leaving Author: the_drifter (fiercelydreamed) Summary: "No names," Rodney tells them, one more time. "And no dates -- I'm serious about that. No one can know what anyone else is planning." John learns the structures of life and death. Notes: 9500 words, vague spoilers through S4, mild language. Huge thanks to shaenie for betaing.
    in sga fic with a_the_drifter mcshep team
  • sga_flashfic: With Feathers, by aesc (Not Human challenge)
    is it wrong that I sort of want a sequel in which Rodney nearly gets plucked? This made me realize I have left out one very crucial detail. .A Bird of Courage John, like the rest of the flock, recognizes that Rodney is very, very smart, even for a Meleagris gallo-whatever, but there are times when John wonders exactly how smart.
    in sga fic with a_aesc christmas mcshep turkeys

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