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  • in an interstellar burst - sga fic:
    sga fic: title: conversations that could've happened in 'midway' (but didn't): a sheppard/mckay story summary: see title? Also, featuring my very favorite thing to write: 14 year old 'mah boyfriend Rodney is so awesome!' Sheppard. :D stupid crack fic
    in sga fic with a_kiden mcshep post-midway
  • mcsmooch: The Universe is Awesome, yo
    The Universe is Awesome, yo complete crack. really. Takes place in the time that had to exist, medically, between Trio and Midway. featuring: an extremely drunk Sheppard. spoilers: very very slight for 'Trio'. word count: a little over 500 rating: G, fun for the whole family.
    in sga fic with a_kiden mcshep
  • in an interstellar burst - sga fic: there is no mystery left (R) -
    there is no mystery left author: _kiden pairing: mckay/sheppard words: 1,376 rating: R - lets go with mature, for the sexual talking over breakfast summary: "The truth is no matter how much you know that after a few weeks the joke is going to get old, the first few days of being stuck in a time loop are hilarious." notes: crack that turned into angst that turned into fluff
    in sga fic with a_kiden mcshep team

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