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  • cesperanza: New SGA Story: Anti-climax
    Title: Anti-climax Author: Speranza Fandom: SGA Pairings: John/Teyla, John/Ronon, John/Rodney, John/other (implied) (oh shut up!) Excerpt: It surprised him, actually, that it took him so long to have sex with Rodney, considering that he spent way more time with Rodney than with anyone else.
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep podfic_read
  • OK Computer
    OK Computer by Speranza Author's Note: This is the story I was calling "lesbians" for a long time, but I have to warn you that there are no real lesbians in it: just porn lesbians. It's actually the third in a series of stories I sketched out in the summer of 2006, the other two being Kid A and Amnesiac, hence the Radiohead title. Huge beta thanks to Lim, Terri, Resonant, Mia, Julad, & Shalott. Julad says I have to tell you, the reader, that this story is kind of nuts, but hold on, hold on: it all works out.
    in sga fic with a_speranza au mcshep
  • Archive of Our Own (rev. 907)>>works show
    Friendly Speranza Summary: "I didn't know you knew him," John said. Notes: Thanks to Terri and Lim and Res for their beta work on this. I'd hoped this would be finished for the sga_flashfic "Comfort Challenge," but alas, not to be.
    in sga fic with a_speranza mschep
  • cesperanza: New SGA: At The End Of The Pier
    At The End Of The Pier: A Tag to The Shrine (20k) Author: Speranza Fandom: SGA Pairing: McShep Author's Note: Look, hey, I wrote a PWP!!! Thanks to Lim, Resonant, and the longsuffering Terri. Excerpt: "I mean, it was the pier, of course, and me nearly dying, and what's a little brain surgery among friends?"
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep nc-17 post-theshrine
  • Ordinary Life
    Ordinary Life by Shalott and Speranza Author's Note: This story was written for the SGA Zine Surfacing, published by Val and Stormy of Duet Press. This is a fairly early, Season 1 -2 type story, written when going back to earth was a novelty. The impetus for the story was Shalott's annoyance at the joke that Rodney didn't have any messages on his answering machine in "Home". Rodney obviously thinks that this is unusual ("Huh! Must have been a power failure or something.") and we think he's right about that. Feel free to play "guess who wrote what," also known as "spot the writer's obsessions" (cough*speedo*cough), though the real sekret of this story is that, er, this is scarily what Shalott and I are like when we travel together.(*facepalm*).
    in unread_yet_sga with a_shalott a_speranza mcshep
  • Pure Bodies and Clean Hearts
    Pure Bodies and Clean Hearts by Speranza Author's Note: For the sga_flashfic "virgin" challenge; betaed by shalott, giddy, and resonant, who did some serious hard lifting on the sex scenes; thanks, res!
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep
  • The Group-W Bench
    The Group-W Bench by Speranza Author's Note: A PWP, more or less. Thanks to Lim and Terri for beta. Oh, and PS--vis a vis the title; if you weren't fortunate enough to grow up with Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant (I'm told that it's an East coast thing), hie thee hither for a listen.
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep nc-17
  • War Bride
    War Bride by Speranza
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep
  • Weddings, Plural, and a Yak
    Weddings, Plural, and a Yak by Speranza for giddy
    in sga fic with a_speranza domestic mcshep

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