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  • sga_flashfic: With Feathers, by aesc (Not Human challenge)
    With Feathers (~1,600 words) .by: aesc .pairing: McKay/Sheppard .rating/warnings: PG, absolute crack .excerpt: Every winter it’s the same story: John tries to lead them across the field, over the river, and up the hill through the forest, but the snow blankets every convenient landmark, piling in drifts over the stone walls and bushes and even the long flat path the humans have made. .notes: I should probably say that dogeared and I have talked about this for quite a bit in various forms, and the "Not Human" challenge coming up when it did is... eerily appropriate. Thanks to sheafrotherdon for indulging my "I am too lazy to go to the computer with Photoshop" self. Also, when I say "crack," I do mean it.
    in sga fic with a_aesc christmas crack turkeys
  • sga_flashfic: With Feathers, by aesc (Not Human challenge)
    is it wrong that I sort of want a sequel in which Rodney nearly gets plucked? This made me realize I have left out one very crucial detail. .A Bird of Courage John, like the rest of the flock, recognizes that Rodney is very, very smart, even for a Meleagris gallo-whatever, but there are times when John wonders exactly how smart.
    in sga fic with a_aesc christmas mcshep turkeys

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