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  • her hands don't go to the moon - SGA: "Weapons of Some Distraction"
    Weapons of Some Distraction Stargate Atlantis. NC-17. John/Rodney. 5,701 words. "At least it wasn't a Russian mail order bride." Set during those mostly-missing six weeks on Earth in episode 3x10 - The Return, Part 1. Thanks to nestra for beta.
    in sga fic with dating mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: All These Places We Have Met by Toft (dating challenge)
    All These Places We Have Met Author: toft_froggy Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Notes: This is monanotlisa's fault - not what she asked for, but, um, she told me to write. So I did. Thanks to lim and wychwood for help along the way, and mecurtin and frostfire_17 for beta. I initially meant this to be something a lot more lighthearted along the lines of a 'Groundhog Day'-type setup, a funny take on the challenge, but, um, I ended up with this, which really couldn't be said to be light-hearted or funny. Nor does it bear much resemblance to the challenge, but dammit, I wrote it for it, and if you squint at the word 'courting' rather than 'dating' it works. Warnings: Uh, made one of my betas cry? Just so you know. Although that might have been the typos.
    in sga fic with dating mcshep by 2 users
  • The Bead Box - Fic: The Untitled One With The Apple, M/S, Mature
    Title: The Untitled One With The Apple Pairing: McShep Rating: Mature Spoilers: None Warnings: None Summary: John attempts to invite Rodney over for dinner. Rodney is clueless for awhile, and then tries to explain to John the flaws in his logic. Author's notes: I got inspired by the sga_flashfic dating challenge, and since I've been laboring over every single word in the other stuff I'm writing, took a moment to enjoy zipping through this little story. Also, it ended where it ended, y'all. Don't hit me.
    in sga fic with dating mcshep nc-17
  • sga_flashfic: Blind Date by Bethynyc (dating challenge)
    Blind Date Author: bethynyc Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: PG-13 Notes: Written for the sga_flashfic dating challenge. Many thanks to linaerys for the beta! Warnings and Spoilers: None Word Count: 1088 Disclaimer: I don't own them. MGM, Sci-fi, and other corporate entities do. I'm not them. Summary: AU, set in New Jersey.
    in sga fic with dating humour mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Flying Blind by domtheknight and nudaydreamer (dating challenge)
    Flying Blind Authors: domtheknight and nudaydreamer Pairing/rating: McKay/Sheppard, NC-17 for explicit sex Notes: Earth AU, written for the dating challenge. Guest appearance by Samantha Carter.
    in unread_yet_sga with dating mcshep nc-17
  • sga_flashfic: Friday Night by bluflamingo (dating challenge)
    Friday Night Author: bluflamingo Pairing: John/Rodney (Teyla/Ronon) Rating: PG-13 Words: ~5000 Feedback: Yes please. Even if it’s bad. Especially if it’s bad. Disclaimer: No, I don’t own them. To my profound disappointment. Summary: Boy meets boy, boy dates boy... eventually.
    in unread_yet_sga with dating mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Independence Day by Sarah T. (dating challenge)
    Independence Day Author: Sarah T. Rating: PG-13 Notes: Thanks to Livia for a quick once-over. Summary: Just some summer fireworks.
    in unread_yet_sga with dating mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Says Who? (dating challenge)
    Says Who? Author: b_dsaint Rating: PG Pairing: Mckay/Sheppard Word Count: 640 Disclaimer: Not mine... I put them back all nice and neat Spoilers: none really... general seasons A/N: I appreciate constructive criticism. My students inspired this because this is the sort of thing I hear all day :-)
    in sga fic with dating mcshep short

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