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  • mcsmooch: The Future Mrs McKaytoe Head, PG
    The Future Mrs McKaytoe Head, PG *giggles unnervingly* Okay, so. [info]unamaga did not explicitly tell me not to do this, and therefore it is a PRESENT for HER because I love the smell of traumatised in the morning. :D McShep, slash, PG, ~460 words. So, so much crack.
    in sga fic with a_villainny crack mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: With Feathers, by aesc (Not Human challenge)
    With Feathers (~1,600 words) .by: aesc .pairing: McKay/Sheppard .rating/warnings: PG, absolute crack .excerpt: Every winter it’s the same story: John tries to lead them across the field, over the river, and up the hill through the forest, but the snow blankets every convenient landmark, piling in drifts over the stone walls and bushes and even the long flat path the humans have made. .notes: I should probably say that dogeared and I have talked about this for quite a bit in various forms, and the "Not Human" challenge coming up when it did is... eerily appropriate. Thanks to sheafrotherdon for indulging my "I am too lazy to go to the computer with Photoshop" self. Also, when I say "crack," I do mean it.
    in sga fic with a_aesc christmas crack turkeys
  • baaaaaaby animals!
    two-color dog happiness by LC 10/05 I asked people to post pictures of cute baby animals and pick someone from Atlantis to be turned into it. Thus resulted the following.
    in sga fic with crack
  • devildoll: FIC: Fuzzy Duck Smell (SGA) Sheppard/McKay
    Title: Fuzzy Duck Smell Summary: "Are you telling me you just laid an egg?" Rodney + John + baby ducks. Crack!Fic. Humor. Mpreg, with an emphasis on the "egg." Author: Devil Doll Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Reference to "Conversion." Website: Fan Fiction I Wrote Yay! Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and its characters (egg-laying and otherwise) do not belong to me. Notes: Thanks to hwmitzy and musesfool for the beta duties. Everything I know about raising ducks I learned from the internet, and in some cases I bent the information I had to fit the story. Hey, they're *alien* ducks, ya never know. Words: ~6500 Posted: February 9th, 2006
    in unread_yet_sga with a_devildol crack mcshep
  • I ♥s Sabrejets - "The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love," SGA, crack, Rodney/John.
    Title: The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love [The Pix or it Didn't Happen Remix] Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rodney/John Rating: R Warnings: Cookie porn, crumbs, strong language, extreme crackiness. Very image-heavy. No spoilers. Word Count: ~1250 (in text and 80 pictures) Disclaimer: The Stargate franchise belongs to MGM. Girl Scout cookies belong to Girl Scouts of the USA. Characters and cookie brands belong to their respective owners and creators. I don't own the Little Brownie Bakers bakery. This remix was written with the permission of the original authors. Many elements were borrowed from their original version. Elements and dialogue new to this version of the story, along with the photographs, are mine.
    in sga fic with a_bitter_crimson au crack mcshep
  • thingswithwings: Fic: But Where Would They Live (crackfic omg.)
    But Where Would They Live (crackfic omg.) words: ~2700 GOD HELP ME pairings: McKay/Sheppard, Emmagan/Dex rating/warnings: this is fic in which RODNEY IS A UNICORN AND JOHN IS A RAINBOW. no ratings or warning will sufficiently prepare you for this. the MPAA doesn't have a category for this. it is pure, unadulterated crack, and I have nothing to say in my own defense. dedication: for eruthros, who begged me to write this fic, because of how she unironically loves unicorns and rainbows. I drew great inspiration from the numerous portraits of unicorns and rainbows, done variously in velvet and watercolour, that she has on display in her home.
    in sga fic with crack mcshep
  • thingswithwings: Fic: The Dreams That You Dare to Dream
    The Dreams That You Dare to Dream words: ~1600 pairings: John/Rodney, Teyla/Ronon ratings/warnings: I just don't know where to start. it's now unicorn/rainbow kidfic. a/n: I don't wanna talk about it.
    in sga fic with crack domestic mcshep

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