- 6 Traits of Writing: Word Choice Unit
A sequence of suggested activities for teaching middle school students word choice.
with 6 literacy tiered word writing
- 6+1 Trait Writing Model : School Violence Editorial--ESL Version
This site provides a modified version of the 6+1 Trait Writing Model for ELLs
RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics, but does not have the time to develop them from scratch.
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with rubric writing
- 6+1 Trait® Scoring NWREL (Scored examples across grade levels)
6+1 Trait® Writing Scoring Guide by NWREL The 6+1 Trait analytical model for assessing and teaching writing is made up of 6+1 key qualities that define strong writing. See links to student sample writing for each score and practice links
with 6 nwrel scoring traits writing
- 6+1 Trait® Writing Prompts
This NWREL site provides tips for student writing prompts for narrative, expository and persuasive writing. See the link to prompts related to common state assessment questions.
with 6-trait nwrel prompts writing
- ABC's of the Writing Process
Specific Graphic Organizers Links with emphasis on the writing process.
The ABC's of the Writing Process - A Universal Process for Any Writing Task. The purpose of this site is to provide a user friendly online resource, for students or teachers, no matter what they are being challenged to write.
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with graphic organizers reading writing
- Approaches to Writing Instruction for Adolescent English Language Learners
A discussion of recent reserach and practice literature in relation to nationwide standards on writing, Prepared by the Education Alliance at Brown Un.
with ells research witing by 2 users
- Barbican Can I Have A Word?
Barbican Education has put together an interesting site designed to give 'teachers new ideas and insights to inspire creative writing in the classroom' by emphasizing the importance of words. There are 4 project areas: 'the elements,' 'the human body,' 'the odyssey,' and 'changing voices.' In each project, the visitor can listen to selected poets, watch visual stimuli aimed at firing 'children's imaginations' and also get ideas and activities to 'encourage creative writing.' There are links to other sites, bios of the poets featured, writing tips, and of course, a teacher's curriculum. Students, don't be put off by the idea that this resource is geared to teachers. Browse through this resource to get ahead of the teacher; you just might discover the joy of
with la poems poetry writing by 4 users
- Better Answers: Written Performance That Looks Good and Sounds Smart
Ardith Davis Cole presents an instructional model that is dramatically different from anything you might find in most "test prep" resources. At last, teachers and school districts have a powerful alternative to those isolated skill-drill workbooks. Although this model does prepare students for constructing test responses, it also prepares them for any task requiring thorough, cogent answers to questions--both in and out of school environments. See the introduction and first chapter online. ASCD rec.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
with assessment short-answer writing
- Colorín Colorado Writing Strategies for ELLs (MUST SEE)
This new section on Colorín Colorado presents 15 ELL-specific resources focused on writing, 15 ELL-specific resources focused on writing, including articles, online tools, research reports, and tips for parents. In addition, we highlight resources from our sister sites and other recommended sources.
with colorado colorin ells writing
- ESL Resources, Handouts and Exercises for Students and Teachers
We have many different materials for English as a Second Language (ESL) students and teachers, which include resource pages, handouts, and exercises.
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects.
with exercises handouts resource by 3 users
- Exemplars RWR 5-8 Sample
Immigration research and writing sample. Paula Bellerose and Mary Goodale respectively teach Language Arts and Social Studies at Middlebury Union Middle School in Middlebury, Vermont. They created this unit together and have used it in their classrooms as well as in a number of workshops. The unit was accepted by the Vermont State Department as a juried standards-based unit in 1998. It has rubrics and writing samples of each.
with diary exemplars immigration writing
- Gallery of Writing
National Council of Teachers of English, You can read published work, publish your own work, start a local gallery or search galleries
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- Handouts: Main Index from Owl Online Writing Resource
Purdue univeristy offers a number of handouts for students and teachers. Research papers, grammar, punctuatuion and spelling, support for ELLs etc.
The Purdue University Online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and the Purdue University Writing Lab helps writers on Purdue's campus.
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with college ells grammar punctuation research secondary writing by 2 users
- Hawthorn Junior High School - Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing is an activity that is used primarily for learning and communication. It also shows clarity of thought and deepens understanding of material. The purpose of this page is to provide teachers with strategies to use in their classrooms to help students learn. These strategies go across content areas and grade levels. Before using any of these strategies, one has to ask the question "What's my purpose?" These strategies are used for writing that is short, spontaneous, exploratory, unedited, informal and personal, and not lengthy and formal. Many of these strategies are adapted from The Illinois Writing Project Writing to Learn by Harvey Daniels and Steven Zemelman
with strategies writing
- IPL Teenspace A+ Research & Writing
This site provides online resouces for high school and college students. It gives explanations and examples of different types of writing.
ipl2: Information You Can Trust features a searchable, subject-categorized directory of authoritative websites; links to online texts, newspapers, and magazines; and the Ask an ipl2 Librarian online reference service.
arts books business computers education government history information internet law library literature public reference
with research teenspace writing by 3 users
- KidPub (Kids publish their stories)
You've found KidPub, the world's largest online collection of stories written by kids for kids! "At KidPub, we believe that writing is a fundamental life skill and a key to success later in life. By publishing kids' stories to a worldwide audience we create excitement about writing and reading. As a popular author once said, "Writers write." We don't criticize, analyze, correct, or evaluate children's stories. It's the act of writing that is important. The more a kid writes, the more comfortable it becomes. Posting stories on KidPub builds confidence and self-esteem in our young authors."
with kidpub la literacy publish stories writing by 3 users
- MESA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student Friendly 6+1 T raits™ Writing Rubric
with 6 rubric traits writing
- Notebook Know-How: Strategies for the Writer's Notebook
A BOOK review entire book online. In Notebook Know-How, Aimee Buckner provides the tools teachers need to make writers' notebooks an integral part of their writing programs. She also addresses many of the questions teachers ask when they start using notebooks with their students.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
with book notebook publication writer writing
- Principles for Powerful Persuasion (Helpful Analogy)
http://www.southwesterncc.edu/wac/resources/Persuation.ppt Copy the above link to see a PowerPoint presentation that compares Persuasion to making a candle. The analogy could be used to teach persuasive speech or writing.
with persuasion persuasive speech writing
- Science IDEAS Online, Writing Activities - Journaling
WRITING ACTIVITIES & JOURNALING Suggested Science Notebook Guidelines Science notebooks are an effective instructional device that allow students to record what they know (prior knowledge), take notes on what they are learning and finally, reflect on what they have learned either by assimilating what has been learned or by revising prior knowledge to accommodate new learning.
with ideas jounaling literacy notebooks science writing
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