- 2011 Perseids meteor shower viewing times and information at Spacedex.com
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- 3:AM Magazine » The Minotaur & the Maze #2 - The Pathology of Night
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- 43 Folders: Ze Frank, on procrastination
I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber), don’t miss “Waves” for a weirdly touching paean to the primacy of the web surfer. Now: off to consider my Power Move.
the show with zefrank [“pro-cra”] I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber),
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- 5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think
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- A Guide To Twitter: What It Is, How To Use It And Twitter Tools | Lost Art Of Blogging
When I first started out using twitter, about 2 months ago, I was very skeptical regarding its actual utility and purpose, as I found the notion of knowing what people were up to kinda irrelevant. “Off eating dinner,” “My flight just arrived in San Francisco,” “Walking my dog.” Why should I care about anything like this? Well if you, like I have in the beginning, think that’s all there is to twitter, then you’re just making mis perceptions. Truth is there’s more to it then meets the eye my friends.
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- About the EIB (ArmyStudyGuide.com)
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The Chronicle of Higher Education
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- Advice to a Board Game Designer, part 1, by Tom Vasel
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- Afghanistan: Anti-Coalition Militia ACM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, 2003
s a 31 page 2003 US intelligence brief written at the For Official Use Only level. It was prepared by the Afghanistan Crisis Team, Russia/Central Asia Division, Ground Forces Directorate, National Ground Intelligence Center, and U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Mr. Michael J. Dueweke, This handbook provides information regarding tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of anti-coalition militia (ACM) forces operating against Afghan military and coalition forces in Afghanistan. The term ACM is used in a generic sense, except in cases where it is important to denote capabilities or procedures of specific elements such as Taliban, al-Qaida, or other forces operating in Afghanistan
with system:unfiled
- Against Intellectual Monopoly (boldrin & levine)
It is common to argue that intellectual property in the form of copyright and patent is necessary for the innovation and creation of ideas and inventions such as machines, drugs, computer software, books, music, literature and movies. In fact intellectual property is not like ordinary property at all, but constitutes a government grant of a costly and dangerous private monopoly over ideas. We show through theory and example that intellectual monopoly is not neccesary for innovation and as a practical matter is damaging to growth, prosperity and liberty.
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- Alt Search Engines » Blog Archive » The Alternative Search Engine of the Year, 2007!
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- Animetric – Anime Movie, Series, DVD, OVA Reviews
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- Anti-Americanism: A Clinical Study
Apparently yes. Google the words anti-Americanism, Jim Crow and you get a paltry 390 hits. Substitute Jacques Chirac for Jim Crow and you rake in a much healthier 5,210 hits. Trade the French president for intellectuals and up you soar to 14,000. Paul Johnson understands: "Anti-Americanism is the prevailing disease of intellectuals today," avers the historian, who, leaving Osama off the hook, proceeds to aim his fire at effete gaggles of Gauloises-puffing café intellectuals. What gives?
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- Ars Technica
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Ars Technica. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion. Oh yeah, did we mention we are unassailable computing enthusiasts.
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- arstechnica.com: Fun with Knoppix : Page 1
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- Art of the Title
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- Articles and information on Writing from Writing247.com
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- Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles (Zus)
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- Awesome Canadian Flag Designs That Got Cut (PHOTOS)
Canada became a country in 1867 but didn't actually get its own flag until 1965. For nearly 100 years after Confederation (with a few Union Jack interludes), Canada flew the Red Ensign, a design based on the flag used by British naval vessels and Canada's Coat of Arms. But by the middle of the century, nobody much liked the flag, or what it said about Canadian sovereignty. Lester B. Pearson, then serving as prime minister, led the charge for a new flag and kicked off the official debate in 1964 with his very own design.
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