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  • Badtux the Snarky Penguin
    In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.
    with blogs
  • BBC NEWS: Europe Wildlife defies Chernobyl radiation
    "The exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power tation is teeming with life. As humans were evacuated from the area 20 years ago, animals moved in. Existing populations multiplied and species not seen for decades, such as the lynx and eagle owl, began to return. There are even tantalising footprints of a bear, an animal that has not trodden this part of Ukraine for centuries[...]"
    bbc british foreign international news online service world
    with economylogy science
  • Beowulf Down
    with astronautics gaming
  • Beyond the !Kung A grand research project created our origin myth that early human societies were all egalitarian, mobile and s
    When the anthropologist Irven DeVore suggested in 1962 to then-graduate student Richard Lee that they study hunter-gatherers, neither expected to transform the modern understanding of human nature. A baboon expert, DeVore mostly wanted to expand his research to human groups. Lee was searching for a dissertation project. Being interested in human evolution, they decided not to study peoples in the Americas or Australia, as was the norm in hunter-gatherer studies. Instead, they looked for a site that was, in Lee’s words, ‘close to the actual faunal and floral environment occupied by early man’. So, they headed to Africa – specifically, to the Kalahari.
    with economylogy evo geostrategy
  • BlenderWikiTutorials
    Welcome to the Blender wiki. This wiki holds or references everything about Blender, a graphics animation and video production program. If you are a Blender user, check out the User documentation. Blender developers click here, and documentors click here.
    doc tutorials
    with system:unfiled tutorial videofilm
  • Bob Altermeyer - The Authoritarians.pdf
    with geostrategy philosophy psy
  • Boing Boing 2006 Videos
    with videofilm
  • Bringing Down the House - Evan Philipson University of Pennsylvania
    The Causes and Effects of the Decline of Personal Relationships in the U.S. House of Representatives - viewcontent.cgi
    with geostrategy system:unfiled usa
  • Britain and the US are poor societies with some very rich people When it comes to average household incomes, the UK may soon ne
    Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at Where would you rather live? A society where the rich are extraordinarily rich and the poor are very poor, or one where the rich are merely very well off but even those on the lowest incomes also enjoy a decent standard of living?
    with britain economylogy geostrategy usa
  • Bruce Sterling: Defining the Centipede
    "Centipedes" are covert conspiracies meant to drive politicians from power by creating moral panics. Centipedes have the same dynamics as modern terror-groups, but they exploit sexual scandal instead of bloody mayhem. Centipedes are a cheap, highly effective, low-risk, highly-mediated method of political destabilization. Centipedes are new phenomena because the barriers-to-entry in media have crashed. This means that subversive efforts formerly isolated and punished as libel, slander and whispering campaigns can swiftly take on avalanche proportions. While pretending to be about spontaneous indignation and moral values, centipedes are coolly calculated and all about power. The assymetrical advantage that enables a "centipede" is that the conspirators t
    On Dec 15, 2006, at 9:57 AM, Pete Welsch wrote: Hello, My friends and I have been going back and forth on list for the last couple of days trying to figure out
    with media net w2 w4
    Note: w2 w4 net
  • Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
    Common fallacies of logic and rhetoric
    with philosophy script
  • Carl Zimmer: Did DNA Come From Viruses? Science, May 11, 2006
    Scientists who deal in the history of life have never been quite sure what to do with viruses. One measure of their uncertainty is the Tree of Life Web Project, a collective effort to record everything known about the relationships of living and extinct species. The first page of its Web site--entitled "Life on Earth"--shows the broadest view: From a single root come three branches representing the domains of life (
    with economylogy evo evolution science
    Note: more: The New York Times Book Review calls Carl Zimmer "as fine a science essayist as we have
  • Casualties Due to the Blast, Heat, and Radioactive Fallout from Various Hypothetical Nuclear Attacks on the United States
    The Medical Implications of Nuclear War - NCBI Bookshelf We have developed the tools for calculating the deaths and injuries due to blast, thermal effects, and local fallout from hypothetical nuclear attacks on the United States. This is the first time that the capability to do such consequence calculations has existed outside the (mostly classified) government domain. We have used this capability to explore the sensitivities of the consequences of a nuclear attack to various assumptions. The first was the sensitivity to the types of targets involved. We examined three different hypothetical ''limited" nuclear attacks on the United States, each involving a 1-megaton (Mt) airburst over approximately 100 targets of three different types: The city centers
    with geostrategy history military usa ussr w4
  • Charles S. Peirce, "Logic of Events" (1898)
    We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility -- boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom. <philosophy>
    with philosophy psy script
  • Charlie's Diary (antipope): The High Frontier, Redux
    I write SF for a living. Possibly because of this, folks seem to think I ought to be an enthusiastic proponent of space exploration and space colonization. Space exploration? Yep, that's a fair cop — I'm all in favour of advancing the scientific enterprise. But actual space colonisation is another matter entirely, and those of a sensitive (or optimistic) disposition might want to stop reading right now .
    Fill this in yourself.
    problem this your
    with astronautics philosophy system:unfiled travel
  • Cinema-Obscura .com
    The primary focus of this site is not simply to provide filesharing infrastructure; it is to build a cohesive community capable of sustaining a collective digital archive of rare, unusual, classic, and fringe culture artifacts. As archivists, we seek out and ensure the survival of exceptional media which is either in the public domain, or is not being marketed for whatever reason. As a community, we share a wide variety of cultural touchstones with each other both for relaxation and for greater contextual understanding of the rarities we value highest. In plain language, our main goal is to collect and preserve weird stuff, and if we do technically violate a copyright now and then it's because on the side we're doing what people in every community do: hangi
    with art p2p videofilm
  • Clay Shirky's Internet Writings
    Along with the book, I am launching a Here Comes Everybody blog, designed to both chronicle and extend the themes of the book. I'm delighted to finally have to book out, and to be able to begin blogging about it. In addition, this site collects many of my older writings, from which many of the themes of the book arose.
    with biz blogs book economylogy media w2 by 2 users
  • CNASReport-CarrierAirWing-151016.pdf RETREAT FROM RANGE The Rise and Fall of Carrier Aviation By Dr. Jerry Hendrix
    Over the past 20 years naval aviation in the United States has undergone a dramatic change in focus and capabilities, and not for the better. Its historical and traditional focus on long-range capabilities and the deep strike mission has been overtaken by a concentration on lower maintenance costs and higher aircraft sortie generation rates. American power and permissive environments were assumed following the end of the Cold War, but the rise of new powers, including China and its pursuit of anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) strategies and capabilities to include the carrier-killing 1,000 nautical mile (nm) range Dong Feng-21 anti-ship ballistic missile, now threatens to push the Navy back beyond the range of its carrier air wings.
    with astronautics china geostrategy military usa
  • CNET Facebook ignores OpenSocial, embraces Windows Live Contacts API | Outside the Lines
    Now that Yahoo has finally and officially signed on to the OpenSocial API bandwagon (see Techmeme), the company that Microsoft might buy has joined with and Google to create the OpenSocial Foundation. Facebook is still missing in action, considering whether joining the OpenSocial Foundation is in the best interests of its membership--or its own platform. OpenSocial provides a useful piece of functionality, solving a developer problem by allowing applications developed with the APIs to run on different services without modification--write once, play many. A photo-sharing application could tap into the social graphs of Orkut, Bebo, MySpace, Ning, or other services without any code changes.
    with biz computer economylogy net system:unfiled w2 w4 by 2 users
  • Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters: Guidelines and Explanatory Report
    Council of Europe CDL-AD(2002)023rev-e Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters: Guidelines and Explanatory Report - Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 52nd session (Venice, 18-19 October 2002) in English
    with system:unfiled

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