- rodcorp: London Tube Map with Walklines: sometimes it's quicker to walk
* tube map with 500m walklines dotted in (warning: it's a large 429k gif file, pdf to follow possibly. Nb: our photo album constrains the size of the picture, so click the big versions of these pictures if you want to see them full size); big version here. The dense knots are Euston-Warren Street-Gt Portland St in Bloomsbury and Bank-Cannon St-Mansion House-St Paul's in the city. And these are interesting places to walk anyway. * And here's the same with the tube map faded out slightly, so you see the walklines more easily. (232k gif); big version here. * And indeed it might be interesting, for arty folk, to see the walklines without the original tube map behind it. They look like un-named constellations (20k gif); big version here. * The origin
in Public bookmarks with design map travel utils by 2 users
- RomeReborn1.0
digital model
Rome Reborn: A digital model of ancient Rome.
reborn rome
in Public bookmarks with design history italy media system:unfiled by 2 users
- Simple Tools for Software Modeling OR- It's "Use the Simplest Tool" not "Use Simple Tools"
One of the most commonly asked questions asked by developers is “What tool(s) should we use?” Although there are as many answers to this question as people asking it, I would like to provide a few words of advice to help guide you: “Use the simplest tools possible.” Why simple tools? Simple tools are easy to learn, easy to use, and very often easy to share with others. Yes, complex tools have their place, assuming they provide the best value for your investment in them, but never underestimate the effectiveness of simple tools either.<<management>>
agile bpr business data developm engineering extreme language methodology modeling ooa process programming software uml unified
in Public bookmarks with computer design w2
- SoDoItYourself
The Hard disk Speaker» Did you know you could build a speaker out of your old hard drive? Well as a matter of fact, a harddrive uses the same technology for its arm as a traditional loudspeaker. Just apply the right waveform and it will produce sound.
in Public bookmarks with blogs design utils
- Tele Atlas Map Insight
Tele Atlas uses a unique approach to update our maps, including the latest mobile mapping technology, professional drivers and tens of thousands of data sources to provide you with the freshest, richest, and most accurate map data available.
in Public bookmarks with design map net utils
Note: adress finder for all western countries!
- The Gapminder World 2006, beta Search statistics through Google and watch it move with Gapminder
Gapminder’s Trendalyzer software unveils the beauty of statistics by converting boring numbers into enjoyable interactive animations. Trendalyzer’s developers have left Gapminder to join Google in Mountain View, where Google intends to improve and scale up Trendalyzer, and make it freely available to those who seek access to statistics. The Stockholm-based Gapminder Foundation will continue to spearhead the use of new technology for data animations. The goal is to promote a fact-based worldview by bringing statistical story-telling to new levels. In collaboration with producers of accurate statistics that are eager to give the public free access to databases, Gapminder hopes to recruit and inspire many users of public statistics.
in Public bookmarks with art design flash geostrategy graph science
- The Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan
In 1961, the name of Marshall McLuhan was unknown to everyone but his English students at the University of Toronto--and a coterie of academic admirers who followed his abstruse articles in small-circulation quarterlies. But then came two remarkable books-- "The Gutenberg Galaxy" (1962) and "Understanding Media" (1964)--and the graying professor from Canada's western hinterlands soon found himself characterized by the San Francisco Chronicle as "the hottest academic property around." He has since won a world-wide following for his brilliant--and frequently baffling--theories about the impact of the media on man; and his name has entered the French language as mucluhanisme, a synonym for the world of pop culture.
in Public bookmarks with art audio book design economylogy geostrategy graph history linglang media net philosophy psy science script videofilm w2
- The Style Press
Frequently updated newsfeed about fashion, design, art, culture, architecture, lifestyle, and music <<photo>>
in Public bookmarks with art audio design graph media script videofilm by 3 users
- touchgraph amazon browser (data visualization & visual idesign - nformation aesthetics)
an interactive network visualization that aims to reveal the intricate network structure within purchase pattern recommendations. users can explore related books or albums, see how similar items form clusters around common subjects, & discover how the clusters themselves are connected within the information space. it seems the visual information design & interactive features have been dramatically enhanced since their first google browser version about 2 years ago.
in Public bookmarks with art book design ebook graph net script utils w2
in Public bookmarks with design evolution geostrategy history military scandinavia
- Ultimate Flash Face v0.42b
portrait robot fantombild ghost face
It provides a palette of facial objects: eyes, jaw, hair, etc. For each, you pick the one you like, then place and size it appropriately. I thought the Flash-based interface was pretty clever. You can even save your creation.
beard create eyebrows eyes face foto generator glasses hair head jaw mouth mustache noise person the
in Public bookmarks with art design fun graph by 36 users
- WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: What Happens When Things Get Free?
Chris Anderson - Mr. Long Tail, editor of Wired Magazine - makes a great decision here at Pop!tech: assuming that everyone in the audience has either read The Long Tail or knows the argument, he gives a different talk: “What Happens When Things Get Free?” (It covers much of the same ground as the book, but draws a different narrative through many of the same examples.) He starts with a photo of Dr. Carver Mead. Mead started thinking about what happens as semiconductors get cheap to the point where they’re free. The answer is, “you should waste them.” This insight led to VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration - chips that included thousands of transitors, not just single ones.
in Public bookmarks with biz design economylogy science w2 w4
- Armoured cats & mice
Q. Where did you get the idea to build armour for cats and mice?At the time that I made my first armour mouse and cat, by 1985 I had completed seven full suits of armour for people.I had been studying the history of armour for many years and had an extensive collection of books on the subject. At ...morethe same time, I was just in my second year at the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD), majoring in the jewellery design program. In truth, I made a suit of armour for a cat first. I did it as a project for a sculpture class. It turns out that my tendency for exploring opposites came into play at this point.
in Public bookmarks with art design history military
Note: I felt that as a sculpture, the cat armour was great, but I wondered what it would look like if I could have made it with the kind of materials that wou
- ArtMam Art in Internet»
A great collection of links to Asian art sites We are currently gathering a collection of links, Orientations readers, and indeed all Asian art enthusiasts, will find most useful. Our goal is to be able to present a collection of sites each focusing on a various Asian-art related topic. Category Directory: » Directories Region Region: » Hong Kong http://www.orientations.com.hk/link.htm » A.F.T.R.A. "The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists."
in Public bookmarks with art blogs china design graph net
- Atomic Rocket Space War: Weapons
So You Wanna Build A Rocket?
in Public bookmarks with art astronautics design gaming geostrategy military
Note: see also: http://www.netvouz.com/click/2627294911800513484?url=http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/53382
- Boing Boing: Artnatomy facial expression learning tool
The Flash interface enables you to visually explore how the movements of specific muscles contort our faces into emotional expressions <<medicine>> <<anatomy>>
in Public bookmarks with art design flash graph science tutorial
- Calligraphy
Easier - Calligraphy is the art of making beautiful or elegant handwriting. It is a fine art of skilled penmanship. Harder - The word calligraphy literally means beautiful writing. Before the invention of the printing press some 500 years ago, it was the way books were made. Each copy was handwritten out by a scribe working in a scriptorium. The hand writing was done with quill and ink onto materials like vellum or parchment. The lettering style applied was one of the period bookhands like rustic, carolingian, blackletter, etc. Today, there are three main types or styles of calligraphy: (1) Western or Roman, (2) Arabic, and (3) Chinese or Oriental. This project focuses mainly on Western calligraphy with a glimpse at the other two styles.
in Public bookmarks with art design graph script
- Calligraphy Supplies
Nibs and Holders
in Public bookmarks with art design graph script
- Clay Shirky’s Writings About the Internet - Economics & Culture, Media & Community, Open Source
NEC@Shirky.com -- Networks, Economics, and Culture NEC is a mix of essays written for the list, essays written for other outlets, drafts of ideas I’m pursuing, and reader commentary (re-printed only with permission, of course). The list will be very low volume, with an approximately twice-monthly frequency, and the contents will also be archived on shirky.com. <<management>>
Clay Shirky's writings about the Internet
economics internet media open source
in Public bookmarks with biz design economylogy media net w2 by 8 users
Note: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
- Color Schemer: Online Color Scheme Generator
Enter an RGB or HEX value, or click on the Color Palette below
Generate matching color schemes like never before!
color colorschemer design hex html page pick picker rgb scheme schemer web
in Public bookmarks with art design net utils by 52 users
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