- [DE] [EN] Comments and Discussion about MoReq2010 | PROJECT CONSULT
Comments and Discussion about MoReq2010 | PROJECT CONSULT | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 8.7.2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] cmis compliance discussion dlm dlm-forum dod5015 for:twitter moreq moreq2010 project-consult records-management recordsmanagement standards ulrich-kampffmeyer
- [DE] MoReq210 - Status Juni 2011
Am 8.Juni 2011 veröffentlichte das DLM Forum die Core Services und Plug-in Module für die Modular Requirements for Record Systems (MoReq2010®) Spezifikation für elektronische Records Management Systeme (ERMS). Kaum veröffentlicht, spalten sich die Meinungen hinsichtlich Funktionalität und Nützlichkeit des neuen Standards. Ist eine Neu-Vermessung der ERM-Systeme notwendig, oder wird mit MoReq2010 lediglich ein weiterer Records Management - Standard übers Knie gebrochen?
in Public bookmarks with [de] article artikel_kff diskussion dlm dlm-forum erm for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:tomraftery kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 moreq2010 project-consult projectconsult records-management recordsmanagement standards ulrich-kampffmeyer
- [DE] PROJECT CONSULT Records Management & Compliance Fachtag 2011
Am 29.11.2011 führt PROJECT CONSULT ihren 5ten Fachtag zu "Records Management & Compliance" durch. Das Motto ist "Records Management: effizient und rechtssicher einsetzen!". Nach einem einführenden Vortrag von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer werden von den Unternehmen d.velop, Iron Mountain, Optimal Systems, SAPERION, SER und T-Systems Referate zu aktuellen Lösungen vorgestellt.
in Public bookmarks with [de] conference dvelop erm for:twitter hp ibm iron-mountain moreq moreq2 moreq2010 optimal-systems project-consult recordsmanagement rm roadshow saperion t-systems ulrich-kampffmeyer
- [DE] PROJECT CONSULT Records Management & Compliance Fachtag 2011 | Handout der Vorträge
Der PROJECT CONSULT CONSULT Records Management & Compliance Fachtag am 29.11.2011 war mit 48 Teilnehmern ein voller Erfolg. Die gezeigten Vorträge von d.velop, HP, IBM, Iron Mountain, Optimal Systems, PROJECT CONSULT, Qumram, SAPERION, SER und T-Systems gibt es auf der Webseite zum Fachtag http://bit.ly/PC_RM_Fachtag
in Public bookmarks with [de] aktenplan archiv archivierung compliance consult content ecm enterprise erm kampffmeyer management project records recordsmanagement rm schriftgutverwaltung seminar standards ulrich
- [DE] Records Management Fachtag | 29.11.2011 | PROJECT CONSULT
Records Management Fachtag | Am 29. November führt PROJECT CONSULT ihren diesjährigen Records Management Fachtag zum 5ten Mal durch. Diesmal dabei sind Vorträge von d.velop, IBM, Iron Mountain, HP, Optimal Systems, Qumran, SAPERION, SER und T-Systems. Motto der Veranstaltung ist „Records Management effizient und rechtssicher einsetzen“. Besucher erhalten zum Thema Records Management auf einen Blick an einem Tag das geballte Knowhow aus Deutschland!
in Public bookmarks with [de] dlm forum hp ibm iron kampffmeyer moreq moreq2010 mountain optimal project-consult qumran records-management recordsmanagement saperion schriftgutverwaltung ser systems ulrich
- [DE] Records Management und MoReq
Aktualisierte Version einschließlich MoReq2010 | Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in das Tätigkeitsfeld des Records Management und berücksichtigt hierbei sowohl definitorische Aspekte wie die Begriffsbestimmung und Anwendung im deutschen Sprachraum, Standards und Normen betreffend Records Management und Digital Preservation, aber auch Metadaten, die Abgrenzung zwischen Records Management und Archivierung, sowie Zertifizierungsverfahren, den jeweiligen aktuellen Status, die Anwendungsbereiche und Visionen von MoReq über MoReq2 bis hin zu MoReq2010.
in Public bookmarks with [de] dlm dlm-forum erm for:hannskk for:hobohm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 moreq3 records-management recordsmanagement seminar standards
- [DE] Records Management, Schriftgutverwaltung & Enterprise Search | EGovernment Computing
Aktuelle Entwicklungen (nicht nur) im eGovernment unter der Lupe | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | August 2012 | Records Management, Schriftgutverwaltung & Enterprise Search | Schriftgutverwaltung ist die offizielle Übersetzung des englischsprachigen Begriffes Records Management. Der deutschsprachige Begriff klingt verstaubt nach Bürokratie und trifft auch nicht den Kern von Records Management. Der englischsprachige Begriff dagegen ist außerhalb der Pharma- und der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche in Deutschland kaum bekannt. Auch wenn diese Vorzeichen nichts Gutes verheißen, so ist es dennoch wert, sich mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen. Zahlreiche Entwicklungen auf nationaler Ebene wie auch international haben die Landschaft erheblich verändert.
in Public bookmarks with akte consult content domea eim elektronische enterprise erm kampffmeyer okeva organisationskonzept project recordsmanagement schriftgutverwaltung search sharepoint ulrich verwaltungsarbeit vorgangsbearbeitung workflow
- [EN] Calculating the impact of the Impact Calculator | Records management futurewatch
Steve Bailey : Records management futurewatch: Calculating the impact of the Impact Calculator
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] erm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter impact records-management records_management recordsmanagement
- [EN] DLM Forum: Public Consultation on 2012 modules for MoReq2010
DLM Forum: Public Consultation on 2012 modules for MoReq2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] board consultation dlm erm eu forum governance management moreq moreq2010 public records recordsmanagement
- [EN] Guidance on the recordkeeping capabilities of SharePoint 2010 | draft
Future Proof – Protecting our digital future » Guidance on the recordkeeping capabilities of SharePoint 2010 – exposure draft now available!
in Public bookmarks with [en] erm guide in keeping management metadata microsoft place record records recordsmanagement rm sharepoint sp2010
- [EN] ISO 30300 Records Management | Certification for products and solutions available in 2012
[EN] ISO 30300 Records Management | ISO/DIS 30300 Information and documentation - Management system for records -- Fundamentals and vocabulary
| Certification for RM products and solutions available in 2012
in Public bookmarks with [en] certification erm for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter iso iso30300 records-management recordsmanagement standards
- [EN] MoReq2010 | DLM Forum | revised press release 8.6.2011
Revised press release from the DLM Forum homepage, June 8th, 2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] dlm dlm-forum for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 presse recordsmanagement standards
- [EN] MoReq2010 2nd draft consultation phase has ended - how to continue?
MoReq2010: Sunday night the 2nd consultation phase for the new version of MoReq was closed | There last days and especially at christmas there were a lot of last minute comments on the consultation portal for MoReq2010. A lot of them not only included critique or error reports but good new ideas, comments and additional functionality. But some of those interested in Records Management and MoReq especially have the feeling, that the current status of MoReq2010 can not be final but a draft only. And this draft has to be discussed in more detail. The reason is, MoReq2010 is very different from MoReq(1) and MoReq2. It is more modern and in regard to the possebilities of electronic systems than the previous MoReq versions.
in Public bookmarks with [en] discussion dlm dlm-forum imported moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management recordsmanagement standards ulrich_kampffmeyer
- [EN] MoReq2010 And The New RM Debate | Jens Huebel
MoReq2010 And The New RM Debate | Jens Huebel | A first look into the recently published MoReq2010 specification. What's new and what is different to other standards?
| Recently a new version of the MoReq specification (MoReq2010) has been published by the DLM forum. MoReq2010 is different in many aspects from other standards in the records management area including previous versions of MoReq itself. This has led to an interesting debate about a new era in records management.
in Public bookmarks with []en] dlm dlm-forum dod5015 erm for:twitter moreq moreq2 moreq2010 opentext records-management recordsmanagement standards
- [EN] Over Managing of Records | MCS Whitepaper
[EN] Over Managing of Records | MCS Whitepaper | Daniel S. Carroll | "Better Safe than Sorry isn't always Safe" | Records Management | The Downside of Forever | Avoiding Over-Retention | To Keep and Kill
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm erm keeping management records recordsmanagement whitepaper
- [EN] Records Management & eDiscovery - the DuPont example
DuPont re-looked at nine cases. They determined that they had reviewed a total of 75,450,000 pages of content in those nine cases. A total of 11,040,000 turned out to be responsive to the cases. DuPont also looked at the status of these 75 million pages of content to determine their status in their records management process. They found that approximately 50% of those 75 million pages of content were beyond their documented retention period and should have been destroyed and never reviewed for any of the 9 cases. They also calculated they spent $11, 961,000 reviewing this content. In other words, they spent &11.9 million reviewing documents that should not have existed if their records retention schedule and policy had been followed.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving compliance cost document e-discovery ecm ediscovery legal management records recordsmanagement retention
- [EN] Social Networks and their Impact on Records Management | ARMA | Helen Streck
Social Networks and their Impact on Records Management | Helen Streck | 25.01.2011 | ARMA Whitepaper | PDF
in Public bookmarks with [en] arma erm filetype:pdf for:twitter media:document moreq records-management recordsmanagement social-business social-software socialsoftware
- [FR] ICA-Req est maintenant disponible en français
[FR] ICA-Req est maintenant disponible en français standard records management
in Public bookmarks with [fr] ica ica-req imported iso moreq records-management recordsmanagement standards
recordsmanagement from all users