- [DE] Aufbewahrungsfristen in Europa | Iron Mountain
[DE] Aufbewahrungsfristen in Europa | Iron Mountain | Der "European Document Retention Guide 2013" wurde zusammen mit den Rechtsanwälten von De Brauw|Blackstone|Westbroek erstellt. Er beinhaltet in englischer Sprache die Vorschriften zur Dokumentenaufbewahrung und die Aufbewahrungsfristen in Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Irland, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Spanien, Schweden, Ungarn und dem Vereinigten Königreich (England). | Die Guides können nach Registierung hier kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden: http://bit.ly/Retention-Europe
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiv archivierung aufbewahrung aufbewahrungsfristen consult denmark dänemark england europe france frankreich ireland iron management mountain project rchiving records retention
- [DE] Google Vault - ist dies schon ECM in der Cloud?
News bei PROJECT CONSULT | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 29.03.2012 | Mit Google Vault betritt nun Google ernsthaft die Arena des Enterprise Content Management in der Cloud. Vault soll eine Compliance Infrastruktur mit Records Management Funktionen (wie Rentention), Archivierung und Suche (auch eDiscovery) anbieten. Google kündigt mit Vault (http://bit.ly/H36PaS) eine Reihe von ECM-Funktionen an, die man bisher nur im Umfeld von Lösungen für "ECM in the Cloud" angesiedelt hat.
in Public bookmarks with apps archivierung beratung cloud compliance consult drukff ecm ediscovery google governance grc in management news project records retention saas the
- [EN] AIIM: Disposing of Electronic Records with “Triggering Event” Based Retention Periods
AIIM: Disposing of Electronic Records with “Triggering Event” Based Retention Periods
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim based blog deletion dynamic event expert management periods records retention schriftgutverwaltung trigger
- [EN] Eight Requirements of an ECM Strategy | CMSwire.com
How to Clearly Articulate Your Enterprise Content Management Objectives, Guiding Principles | Richard Medina | May 20, 2013 | (1) Content capture, indexing and a managed repository.(2) Accessibility and availability. (3) Security and protection. (4) Retention and integrity.(5) Lifecycle management. (6) Integration. (7) Scalability and performance. (8) Ease of use. --- a leap too short?
in Public bookmarks with 8 [en] access an capture content ecm enterprise integration lifecycle management of performance protection requirements retention scalability security strategy
- [EN] Google Vault for Compliance, Records and Archive Management
Google enters the world of records management, compliance infrastructure, and archiving. - Information Governance
Google Apps Vault allows you to reduce risks and costs associated with litigation, investigation, and compliance audits. For an additional $5/user/month, you can add capabilities to Google Apps that help prepare your business for these situations. Archive and manage in place - A single archive for Gmail and on-the-record chat messages, built on Gmail, where the data is managed in-place. Governance policies are applied directly to the native data store, eliminating the need to duplicate data in a separate archive and helping to reduce the risks associated with data movement and from spoliation. A robust audit trail provides complete visibili...
in Public bookmarks with [en] apps archiving compliance ecm ediscovery google management records retention
- [EN] Records Management & eDiscovery - the DuPont example
DuPont re-looked at nine cases. They determined that they had reviewed a total of 75,450,000 pages of content in those nine cases. A total of 11,040,000 turned out to be responsive to the cases. DuPont also looked at the status of these 75 million pages of content to determine their status in their records management process. They found that approximately 50% of those 75 million pages of content were beyond their documented retention period and should have been destroyed and never reviewed for any of the 9 cases. They also calculated they spent $11, 961,000 reviewing this content. In other words, they spent &11.9 million reviewing documents that should not have existed if their records retention schedule and policy had been followed.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving compliance cost document e-discovery ecm ediscovery legal management records recordsmanagement retention
- [EN] Secret U.S. court prohibits NSA from holding phone records beyond five years | ZD Net
Secret U.S. court prohibits NSA from holding phone records beyond five years | ZDnet | The U.S. government's metadata collection program cannot store phone records for longer than five years, handing a rare victory to civil liberties advocates. | A U.S. secret surveillance court has denied a bid by the U.S. government to hold onto phone records for more than five years, handing a rare win for civil liberties and privacy advocates. But because the motion was denied "without prejudice," the Justice Dept. is allowed to file a new motion should new evidence or facts come to light.The U.S. government submitted a request in February to store the data, collected under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, for longer than five years. The government's argument was that...
in Public bookmarks with [en] act court fbi liberty management nsa patriot period phone privacy records retention storage surveillance victory
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