- "Was bedeutet Web 3.0?"
XING | Hamburg@work: "Was bedeutet Web 3.0?" (Mai/Juni/Juli 2007)
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- [DE] E-Mail - Opfer ihres Erfolgs | Badische Zeitung | 14.12.2011
Nachruf auf die die elektronische Post | Elektronische Post als alleiniges Mittel der digitalen Kommunikation ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Unternehmen wenden sich neuen Formen des Informationsaustauschs zu. | - ... Auch aus Dokumentations-, Records-Management- und Archivierungs-Gesichtspunkten gehörten die E-Mail abgeschafft. Aber was macht Deutschland? Erfindet spezielle E-Mail-Formen wie E-Postbrief und De-Mail ... - | E-Mail - Opfer ihres Erfolgs | Badische Zeitung | 14.12.2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung blog collaboration communication e-mail forum intranet kommunikation messaging portal trends wiki
- [DE] Forum Elektronische Steuerprüfung zu unsinnigen GoBD Zertifikaten | PROJECT CONSULT Blog
[DE] Forum Elektronische Steuerprüfung zu unsinnigen GoBD Zertifikaten | PROJECT CONSULT Blog | Das "Forum Elektronische Steuerprüfung" (www.elektronische-steuerpruefung.de) behandelt bereits im Editorial des aktuellen Newsletter die "GoBD-Zertfikat"-Thematik und vergleicht sie mit einer anderen Branche: Automobil-Hersteller werben nicht mit "StVO-Konfomitäts-Zertifikat" ... netter Vergleich :) [Newsletter Elektronische Steuerprüfung, 08/15, Editorial, http://elektronische-steuerpruefung.de/kommentare/ed1508.htm]
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog consult elektronische forum gdpdu gerhardt gobd gobs kampffmeyer project schmidt siegel steuerprüfung ulrich unsinn wahnsinn zertifikat zertifizieren
- [DE] MoReq2 - deutschsprachige Bachelor-Arbeit aus der Schweiz
Im Februar 2011 ist in der Schweiz auch eine Bachelor-Arbeit zu MoReq2 erschienen | Churer Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft | Schrift 44 | Pia Baier Benninger | Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2) | Anleitung zur Umsetzung | Chur | Februar 2011 | Kommentierung und Links bei PROJECT CONSULT
in Public bookmarks with [de] bachelor consult dlm forum informationswissenschaft kampffmeyer management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 project records schriftgutverwaltung standards ulrich
- [DE] Records Management & Compliance Fachtag | 29.11.2011 | Frankfurt
PROJECT CONSULT Records Management Compliance Fachtag 2011 | 29.11.2011 in Frankfurt | Agenda http://bit.ly/PC_RM_Fachtag | Anmeldung http://bit.ly/PC_RM2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] archive compliance consult digitale dlm dokumentenmanagement ecm erm fachtag forum iso15489 kampffmeyer management martin project records schriftgurverwaltung standards ulrich
- [DE] Records Management Fachtag | 29.11.2011 | PROJECT CONSULT
Records Management Fachtag | Am 29. November führt PROJECT CONSULT ihren diesjährigen Records Management Fachtag zum 5ten Mal durch. Diesmal dabei sind Vorträge von d.velop, IBM, Iron Mountain, HP, Optimal Systems, Qumran, SAPERION, SER und T-Systems. Motto der Veranstaltung ist „Records Management effizient und rechtssicher einsetzen“. Besucher erhalten zum Thema Records Management auf einen Blick an einem Tag das geballte Knowhow aus Deutschland!
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- [DE] Update: MoReq2010 und MoReq2 - Aktuelles zum MoReq Records Management Standard
Die diesjährige Tagung des DLM Forums hat sich vorrangig mit MoReq2010 beschäftigt. Dennoch geht es auch bei MoReq2 immer noch weiter. Der Beitrag "Update: MoReq2010 & MoReq2" beleuchtet die aktuellen Entwicklungen um den MoReq Records Management Standard. Anlässlich der DLM Forum Konferenz ( Download der Vorträge http://bit.ly/tIk2Hp ) wurde auch eine gedruckte Version von MoReq2010 verteilt. Diese hat einige inhaltliche und redaktionelle Veränderungen zur veröffentlichten elektronsichen Version des Standards. Die gedruckte Version soll zukünftig auch über das Publikationsbüro der Europäischen Kommission kostenfrei bestellbar sein: http://bookshop.europa.eu/ ISBN 978-92-79-18519-9. Ulrich Kampffmeyer auf www.PROJECT-CONSULT.de
in Public bookmarks with 15489 30301 [de] diskussion dlm dms ecm forum iso kampffmeyer management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 publikation records schriftgutverwaltung standards ulrich xing
- [EN] DLM Forum: Public Consultation on 2012 modules for MoReq2010
DLM Forum: Public Consultation on 2012 modules for MoReq2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] board consultation dlm erm eu forum governance management moreq moreq2010 public records recordsmanagement
- [EN] Information & Document Management | Newsletter | XING Group | September 2009
Newsletter of the XING Group "Information & Document Management" September 2009 with links to discussions in English, German, French and Spanish in the group
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- [EN] Marc Fresko - DLM Forum: A tightrope Balance Act - MoReq2010
Marc Fresko - DLM Forum: A tightrope Balance Act - MoReq2010 - Developing something like MoReq2010 is a bit like crossing a chasm by tightrope – a circus high-wire. If you succeed in crossing the rope, you reach the end and everyone applauds. If you fall off – you fail – then you can be injured, perhaps fatally. And if you don’t know what you are doing, you can ‘freeze’ in the middle, unable to advance
or go back – then everyone laughs at you, stuck in the middle of an unfinished act.
in Public bookmarks with [en] complex consult criticism critics dlm erm forum fresko kampffmeyer management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 moreq3 project records rm trends
- [EN] MoReq2010 Accredition, Certification & Test Documents | Download
MoReq2010 Certification & Test Documents | Download | MoReq2010 Accreditation, Certification & Testing | Documentation relating to the formal accreditation of test centres and the testing and certification of products and site installations under MoReq2010. | About the BETA test programme |
The MoReq2010 test framework is currently in BETA until the test materials can be verified in the field by testing against actual solutions. Until the test programme comes out of BETA updates of the test framework will be posted here from time to time. Remember to check back.
in Public bookmarks with [en] accredition certification dlm forum management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records standards test
- [EN] MoReq2010 print version 1.1 - PDF
MoReq2010 | Modular Requirements for Records Systems |
Volume 1 | Core Services & Plug-in Modules |
Version 1.1 DLM Forum | 28 MByte | 524 pages
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- [EN] MoReq2010 Test Framework and Material (beta) published | DLM Forum
Announcement of release of BETA Test Framework and launch of MoReq2010 testing programme. The DLM Forum has begun to release the MoReq2010 test framework and kick started the testing programme for compliant solutions. Following on from the previous announcement in September inviting test centres to seek accreditation and join the MoReq2010 test programme, the DLM Forum is now releasing the test framework that will be used by accredited test centres for testing solutions.
in Public bookmarks with [en] accredition center certification dlm forum framework management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records test testing
- [EN] MoReq2010: "Every ending is a new beginning" - not completed but finished too early?
"Every ending is a new beginning:" ... in fact this means, officially the work programme for MoReq2010 will be closed in a few month although the work was not finsihed. Not all functionality which was available in the MoReq and the MoReq2 standard is covered by MoReq2010!
The Executive Committee reflects on the MoReq2010 work programme | 12.03.2012 | The upcoming spring members’ meeting in Copenhagen will formally mark the end of the MoReq2010 work programme and a transition to a fresh and restructured MoReq Governance Board (MGB). It is perhaps a fitting time to spend a couple of moments looking back over the highlights of the MoReq2010 work programme.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archive archivierung dlm ec eu forum future management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 national planung preservation records trends zukunft
- [EN] MoReq2010: Second consultation module covers "file aggregations"
As part of the current public consultation on plug-in and extension modules for MoReq2010 that runs until October 2012, a second draft extension module has been posted today on the public Consultation Portal. This module adds File Aggregations and Volumes to MoReq2010. Files and file volumes were a feature of the first version of MoReq published in 2001. The second version published in 2008 retained files and volumes and added an additional category of sub-files. MoReq2010, which provides for an essential but small group of core services that can be built upon with plug-in and extension modules, introduced a more simplified aggregation structure that is mandated as part of the core services. Nevertheless, the project team always planned to add file aggre...
in Public bookmarks with 2010 [en] consultation dlm forum management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 public records standards
- [EN] Presentations of the DLM Forum Conference December 2011 | Download page
Presentations of the VIth triennial conference Brussels, December 2011, 12.-14.12.2011. The presentations from the conference are listed in the same sequence, titles and authors as they appear in the programme
in Public bookmarks with [en] conference dlm forum ica management moreq moreq2 moreq2010 presentations preservation records standards
- = XING = Gruppen - Themen - "Information & Document Management"
XING (ex- openBC ) Group "Information & Document Management" hosted by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT
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- Anglizismen und Akronyme - Diskussionsbeiträge zum Artikel von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer
Artikel & Diskussion zum Thema Anglizismen und Akronyme auf ContentManager.de
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- BPM Group
BPM Group :: The Global Business Process Management Community - est. 1992. Standards, Community, News zu BPM, Workflow und Geschäftsprozessmanagement
in Public bookmarks with [en] bpel bpm business_process_management community forum imported newsletter standards verband workflow by 2 users
- CMS Matrix - cmsmatrix.org - The Content Management Comparison Tool
Vergleich von CMS - Poodukten
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