- "In der Diskussion" - Beiträge zu ECM, KM, DMS, RM, ILM, BPM, DRT, DLM usw.
Rubrik "In der Diskussion" aus dem PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter mit provokanten Thesen und Hintergründen zu allen Themen von ECM, KM, ILM, BPM, DMS, DRT usw. | PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer GmbH
in Public bookmarks with archivierung article artikel_kff beratung bpm business_process_management capture cdia classification cms cold collaboration compliance consulting content_management cost digital_signature dlm dms imported by 3 users
- [DE] DMS EXPO 2009: "ECM Stammtisch" | Anmeldeformular
DMS EXPO, Köln | Dienstag 15.09.2009, 13:00-14:00 Uhr: "Die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Einsatzes von ECM-Lösungen“ ("The cost-effectiveness of ECM solutions”) | Donnerstag, 17.09.2009, 13:00-14:00 Uhr: "ECM-Lösungen zur Dokumentation und zur Erfüllung rechtlicher Anforderungen" ("ECM solutions for documentation and regulatory compliance") | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT
in Public bookmarks with [de] compliance cost discussion diskussion dms_expo dmsexpo dokumentenmanagement ecm fme ibm imported kampffmeyer panel project-consult recht records-management ulrich_kampffmeyer wirtschaftlichkeit by 2 users
- [EN] No one cares about compliance - at least not enough to pay for it | Joe Shepley
No one cares about compliance - at least not enough to pay for it | Joe Shepley | agile ramblings
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance cost erm management records
- [EN] RealStoryGroup: Implementation Cost Multipliers | 23.06.2011
Adriaan Bloem | Real Story Group | 23.06.2011 | Implementation Cost Multipliers
| Rules of thumb can be dangerous -- because of the inherent broad generalizations. But they can also be quite useful, especially if they highlight something that may be unpleasant to hear, but shouldn't be ignored. One such truths is that in general, your implementation cost for an enterprise implementation will come to 7 to 8 times that of initial licensing. Vendors sometimes inadvertently highlight this hidden cost.
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog budget cms cost dms ecm enterprise-content-management for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter project_management
- [EN] Records Management & eDiscovery - the DuPont example
DuPont re-looked at nine cases. They determined that they had reviewed a total of 75,450,000 pages of content in those nine cases. A total of 11,040,000 turned out to be responsive to the cases. DuPont also looked at the status of these 75 million pages of content to determine their status in their records management process. They found that approximately 50% of those 75 million pages of content were beyond their documented retention period and should have been destroyed and never reviewed for any of the 9 cases. They also calculated they spent $11, 961,000 reviewing this content. In other words, they spent &11.9 million reviewing documents that should not have existed if their records retention schedule and policy had been followed.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving compliance cost document e-discovery ecm ediscovery legal management records recordsmanagement retention
- Consolidation and Convergence Reshaping ECM Market - Report
Datamonitor ComputerWire - Artikel zur Konsolidierung der ECM-Branche. Das Wachstum verlangsamt sich, die großen Standardsoftwareanbieter dominieren immer mehr den Markt
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition bpm business_process_management cms collaboration comparison cost dms ecm ecms enterprise_content_management ibm ilm imported itc-market journal markt microsoft wcm by 2 users
- Der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft / Vortrag von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer / PROEJCT CONSULT
Vortragsmitschrift "Der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft" von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer auf den DoQDays 2003 (weder die DoQ noch die DoQDays gibt es noch ...)
in Public bookmarks with [de] article artikel_kff conference cost dlm document_related_technologies drt imported kampffmeyer km knowledge_management trends ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
- Digital Preservation Coalition - Workshop - Cost Models
Bericht zur Konferenz der DPC "Cost Models for preserving digital assets", British Library, London 2005, zu den Kosten der elektronischen Archivierung mit Links zu den einzelnen Beiträgen
in Public bookmarks with [en] archivierung archiving cost imported itc-market markt preservation records_management rm by 2 users
PDF-Ausgaben des PROJECT CONSULT Newsletters zu ECM, KM, DM, RM, ILM, BPM usw. seit 1999 | PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH | Hamburg
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving artikel_kff bpel bpm business_process_management capture cdia classification cms cold collaboration comparison compliance consulting content_management cost digital_signature imported by 2 users
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