- [EN] Is PDF/A a viable preservation file format?
Law Librarian Blog
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiv archivierung archiving compliance digital-preservation format imported longterm pdf pdfa pdfa2
- [EN] Lieberman Introduces Anti-WikiLeaks Legislation | Wired
Wired | Lieberman Introduces Anti-WikiLeaks Legislation | Kevin Poulsen | December 2, 2010 | Senator Joseph Lieberman and other lawmakers on Thursday introduced legislation that would make it a federal crime for anyone to publish the name of a U.S. intelligence source, in a direct swipe at the secret-spilling website WikiLeaks.
in Public bookmarks with [en] cablegate compliance imported lieberman wikileaks
- [EN] Mike2 | OpenMethodology.org
[EN] Mike2 | OpenMethodology.org | Part of the AIIM ECM Master Training Program at PROJECT CONSULT | The MIKE2.0 Methodology has been built to support our belief that information really is one of the most crucial assets of a business. We believe meaningful, cost-effective Business and Technology processes can only be achieved with a successful approach for managing information Management that we call Information Development.
in Public bookmarks with [en] change compliance consult dms ecm eim governance information kampffmeyer maangement management methode methodolgy mike2 mike2zero open project ulrich
- [EN] No one cares about compliance - at least not enough to pay for it | Joe Shepley
No one cares about compliance - at least not enough to pay for it | Joe Shepley | agile ramblings
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance cost erm management records
- [EN] Patriot Act extended for 4 years - Politico.com
Leaders reach Patriot Act deal | Politico.com |
JAKE SHERMAN & JOHN BRESNAHAN | 19.05.2011 | http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55341.html#ixzz1Msaadvza | Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, Microsoft - ALL have to deliver private data of users and content on request
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance datenschutz ediscovery for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter patriotact
- [EN] Presidential Records: Bush vs. Obama acts
Records Management | Presidential Records: Issues for the 111th Congress | Wendy A. Ginsberg | Congress Research Service | 17. February 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance email imported records-management standards by 2 users
- [EN] Records Management & eDiscovery - the DuPont example
DuPont re-looked at nine cases. They determined that they had reviewed a total of 75,450,000 pages of content in those nine cases. A total of 11,040,000 turned out to be responsive to the cases. DuPont also looked at the status of these 75 million pages of content to determine their status in their records management process. They found that approximately 50% of those 75 million pages of content were beyond their documented retention period and should have been destroyed and never reviewed for any of the 9 cases. They also calculated they spent $11, 961,000 reviewing this content. In other words, they spent &11.9 million reviewing documents that should not have existed if their records retention schedule and policy had been followed.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving compliance cost document e-discovery ecm ediscovery legal management records recordsmanagement retention
- [EN] SharePoint 2010 RM Analysis | AIIM
SharePoint 2010 RM Analysis | AIIM Communities | Mike Alsup | Senior Vice President for Gimmal Group | 30.07.2010 | Overall, his article offered many important insights into SharePoint RM and presented a well informed perspective.
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- [EN] Social media policies: trust better than control | J. Boye
Social media policies: trust better than control | J. Boye
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance ecm enterprise-content-management for:project_consult_kampffmeyer policy social-business social-media
- [EN] Symantec acquires Clearwell Systems
[EN] Symantec acquires Clearwell | Clearwelll Systems is now part of Symantec | The combination of Symantec and Clearwell brings together the industry’s leading archiving, backup and eDiscovery, offerings to provide customers one of the most comprehensive information management solutions available. The Clearwell eDiscovery solution complements and enhances the eDiscovery capabilities of Symantec for a more comprehensive eDiscovery solution.
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- [EN] The Cloud and the Asymmetric Patriot Act | Lubor Ptacek | 09.08.2011
[EN] The Cloud and the Asymmetric Patriot Act | Lubor Ptacek | 09.08.2011 | There have been numerous articles recently about cloud-based companies and their policies in regards to the Patriot Act. Most recently, Dropbox and Microsoft Office 365 have generated headlines when the press found out that their end user license agreement includes clauses that basically state that the company may have to hand the customer data over to the law enforcement authorities under certain circumstances – such as to comply with the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (in short USA PATRIOT Act).
in Public bookmarks with [en] cloud compliance dropbox for:twitter microsoft patriot-act privacy risk saas security storage trends web
- [EN] The Emperor has no Clothes: IT Governance in the Age of Transparency and Open Government | Slideshare
Risks and results in an increasingly transparent government 2.0 world | fmi.ca | November 2010 | The Emperor has no Clothes: IT Governance in the Age of Transparency and Open Government | Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with [en] compliance e-government ecm enterprise-content-management erm imported information-management it records-management risk
- [EN] XING group newsletter "Information & Document Management" August 2012
[EN] XING group newsletter "Information & Document Management" August 2012 | The newsletter of the XING group "Information & Document Management" is out. The newsletter provides an overview in English about current ECM trends in Germany. | Ein Überblick in englischer Sprache über die Diskussionen in der XING Gruppe der letzten Monate: De-Mail, Organisationskonzept elektronische Verwaltungsarbeit, elektronische Signatur, Web Archivierung, Nachsignieren usw.
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- 2007 Cohasset ARMA AIIM Electronic Records Management Survey Results Released : Electronic Discovery Law
Cohasset hat über 1700 Organisationen zum Thema Records Management befragt und ergänzt mit der Studie die vorangegangenen Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 2001 und 2005.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim arma compliance erm imported markt moreq records_management rm standards trends by 2 users
- AIIM - Association for Information and Iamge Management international
Der internationale Verband für ECM Enterprise Content Management, USA, Silver-Springs. Qualifizierung, Schulung, Mitarbeit bei Standardisierung z.B. ISO 19005 PDF/A, Mikroformen u.a.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim compliance content_management ecm ecms enterprise_content_management imported kampffmeyer newsletter pdf standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 8 users
- AIIM - The Enterprise Content Management Association
Homepage der AIIM Association for Information and Image Management international
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- AIIM Knowledge Center
Blog und News zum Thema ECM Enterprise Content Management der AIIM international (mit Atle Skjekkeland)
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- AIIM unterstützt MoReq2-Initiativen
Pressemitteilung der AIIM Europe zur MoReq2 Roadshow im November 2007
in Public bookmarks with [de] aiim compliance conference dlm document_related_technologies drt ecm enterprise_content_management imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 preservation project_consult records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 2 users
- Amazon.de: Grundsätze der elektronischen Archivierung.
Grundsätze der elektronischen Archivierung. "Code of Practice" zum Einsatz von Dokumenten-Management- und elektronischen Archivsystemen. Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Jörg Rogalla. VOI 1997, ISBN 3932898036
in Public bookmarks with [de] amazon archivierung archiving artikel_kff compliance dlm document_related_technologies drt imported kampffmeyer metadaten preservation records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer verband by 2 users
- Amazon.de: Grundsätze der Verfahrensbeschreibung nach GoBS
Grundsätze der Verfahrensdokumentation nach GoBS von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Karl-Georg Henstorf und Jan Prochnow. VOI Code of Practice Bd. 2, ISBN 3-932898-04-4
in Public bookmarks with [de] amazon archivierung archiving artikel_kff compliance imported kampffmeyer records_management rm standards ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
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