Gamestar Mechanic - Teachers Page We're glad that you are taking an interest in Gamestar Mechanic - we are committed to making this new game-based learning platform engaging, educational and empowering - for both kids and teachers! This Welcome Package will provide answers to the following questions: What is Gamestar Mechanic? Who is the team behind Gamestar Mechanic? What can students learn from Gamestar Mechanic? What is the pedagogy behind Gamestar Mechanic? Who is Gamestar Mechanic designed for? Do I need to be a gamer or game designer to teach Gamestar Mechanic? What are the technical requirements for Gamestar Mechanic? How much does Gamestar Mechanic cost? How do I get started? By pdboyerin Public bookmarkswith answersdesigneducationalgame-basedpedagogyquestions
ENSI/SENSI Lesson: Nat.of Sci. FALSE ASSUMPTIONS Little deceptive problem stories are presented to the class, and students are challenged to solve each problem by asking only yes/no questions. The key is for students to recognize what the False Assumption is that makes the solution tricky, and that many common problems are difficult to solve because we tend to assume a particular paradigm. Things are not always what they seem! Science is a way to work around or through those false assumptions. PRINCIPAL CONCEPT Scientific knowledge is contingent and subject to modification. ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS Science contains an element of uncertainty. ASSESSABLE OBJECTIVES Students will.... 1. related insights from this activity to their personal lives. 2. be unable to solve thought problems because of false a By pdboyerin Public bookmarkswith activityassumptionchangeevidenceevolutionnature_of_scienceparadigmproblemsquestionsuncertainty