- Anagram Maker
Create anagrams to unscramble in class. Good vocabulary refresher if a meaning activity is added
in Public bookmarks with activity anagram games vocabulary
- Arctic Sea Ice and Global Warming
Earth System Science activity
in Public bookmarks with activity climate cryosphere earth_system_science hydrosphere warming
- ENSI/SENSI Lesson: Mystery Boxes
Students manipulate sealed "mystery" boxes and attempt to determine the inner structure of the boxes which contain a moving ball and a fixed barrier or two. The nature and sources of uncertainty inherent in the process of problem-solving are experienced. The uncertainty of the conclusions is reduced by student collaboration. PRINCIPAL CONCEPT Scientific knowledge is fundamentally uncertain.
in Public bookmarks with activity ball boxes collaboration conclusions hands-on nature_of_science problem-solving uncertainty
Little deceptive problem stories are presented to the class, and students are challenged to solve each problem by asking only yes/no questions. The key is for students to recognize what the False Assumption is that makes the solution tricky, and that many common problems are difficult to solve because we tend to assume a particular paradigm. Things are not always what they seem! Science is a way to work around or through those false assumptions. PRINCIPAL CONCEPT Scientific knowledge is contingent and subject to modification. ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS Science contains an element of uncertainty. ASSESSABLE OBJECTIVES Students will.... 1. related insights from this activity to their personal lives. 2. be unable to solve thought problems because of false a
in Public bookmarks with activity assumption change evidence evolution nature_of_science paradigm problems questions uncertainty
- Flashy Fish Simulation
in Evolution with activity evolution interactive simulation
- Food, Water, and Medicine from the Sea
ActivBoard-friendly lesson about the impacts of people on the ocean, this one in particular about what can be farmed from the seas and how humans are jeopardizing this mighty source. Talks about wild vs. farmed salmon and fresh water from icebergs.
in Interactive Whiteboard with activity farming fish interactive iwb marine medicine oceanography whiteboard
- Kingdom of the Blue Whale
Tracking the Blue Whale. Interactive activity where you try to tag the blue whale with sonic dart tags. Get 3 tries and then have to go elsewhere. Pretty realistic interface and frustration! ;)
in Public bookmarks with activity blue interactive_whiteboard sonar tagging tracking whale
- NOVA | Making Stuff: Cleaner
Can innovations in materials science help clean up our world? In "Making Stuff: Cleaner," David Pogue explores the rapidly developing science and business of clean energy and examines alternative ways to generate it, store it, and distribute it. Is hydrogen the way to go? What about lithium batteries? Does this solve an energy problem or create a new dependency? Pogue investigates the latest developments in bio-based fuels and in harnessing solar energy for our cars, homes, and industry in a program full of the stuff of a sustainable future.
in Public bookmarks with activity clean environment green lesson nova video
- Scaling the Solar System lesson
Understanding science lessons. Modified version of a typical solar system scale model activity (often called Solar System on a String) in order to emphasize one of the ways that scientists use models. See this example of such an activity.
in Public bookmarks with activity models scale solar_system
- Skill Activity: Main Idea
Literacy interactive in which topic is selected and then the topic sentence (or idea) is clicked. If you're right, you get to uncover tiles that lead to solution of a riddle. Get to uncover number of tiles relative to tries it took to get it. Lots of science topics. Interactive from Harcourt School Publishers
in Interactive Whiteboard with activity iwb literacy main_idea reading
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