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  • ignipes: SPN Fic: The Measure of a Man (gen, PG-13)
    The Measure of a Man Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: The boys belong to Kripke & Co., not me. You can tell this because if they were mine they would be happy, damn it.
    in spn fic with gen pre-series
  • ladycat777: Fic: the boys i mean are not refined (SGA, 1/1, R)
    the boys i mean are not refined Fandom: SGA Character: Weir, gen Rating: R for language only Summary: Except she doesn’t know what she wants, not really. She wants to see, but the idea of watching just how far one of her people can go, even with due cause, is something she’s not sure she can handle. She wants to know, but it’s better for her to remain ignorant. Words: ~3700 A/N: This is a better, bigger version of something I wrote for ismenetruth. The dialog in question -- you'll know it when you see it, unfortunately -- is lifted directly from her experience. Title is from EE Cummings.
    in sga fic with gen issue
  • LantisJournal
    LantisJournal IN MEMORY OF LOST TIME SLACKING ON LJ. \o/ made. of. win.
    in sga fic with gen
  • laurajv | FIC: "The Word for World Is--" ST:AOS. 1/1. Gen.
    The Word for World Is-- Humans would've named the planet New Earth and the places things like New Africa or New Russia. Vulcans did no such thing; they named the planet Vik: the well in the desert. They named the continents Ashv'cezh, Laktra, and Vrekasht: Revenge, Grief, and Outcast.
    in star trek reboot with gen
  • linabean: SGA Fic: Blessed Are the Cheesemakers (gen)
    Blessed Are the Cheesemakers by Caroline
    in sga fic with gen snippets team
  • luvhandlz: SGA Story: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
    The Sincerest Form of Flattery by luvhandlz
    in unread_yet_sga with gen
  • Matter, Form, and Privation
    Matter, Form, and Privation Story by Domenika Marzione | Art by Anna Luna Prologue She'd heard rumors as a child; they all had. Koreos, living ghosts. Those taken by the Wraith and returned to the world of men changed. Marked. Cursed. Where they went the Wraith followed, but they could not die by the Wraith's hand. They brought death to all who saw them, all who helped them, and so they stayed away and died alone, forsaken by man and the Ancestors alike. "Wraith take you," was how you cursed someone. But that really wasn't the curse it was made out to be. True damnation didn't come with being taken by the Wraith. It's what happened when they gave you back.
    in unread_yet with gen
  • Patchwork
    Patchwork by Auburn Codes: Stargate Atlantis, gen, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Season 5, rated R, ~18,500 words, 130 KB, 9.15.08, standard disclaimers apply. Notes: Beta-ed by dossier and springwoof. Summary: People are all made up of pieces of each other. Sheppard and McKay are just more obvious about it.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_auburnnothenna gen
  • Qui Habitat
    qui habitat
    in unread_yet_sga with gen long mcshep
  • rheanna27: Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1
    Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Summary: Nyota liked her roommate just fine until she met her. Rating: In spite of a whole lot of sex, nudity and people eating in public, this is firmly a PG-13. Length: 9,786 words Notes: The main dish is Uhura & Gaila friendship, with a tasty side order of Spock/Uhura. Lots of appreciation for [info]taraljc for a superfast beta.
    in star trek reboot with gen spockuhura
  • River's Run My Flow Of Ideas - FIC: The Therapeutic Properties of Coffee (SGA Gen)
    The Therapeutic Properties of Coffee Category: Gen, h/c, futurefic. Written for the Dating Challenge over at sga_flashfic Word Count: ~23,300 (it got away from me, what can I say?) Rating: T Characters: John and Rodney and others Warnings: None Spoilers: Anything up through Season 2 is fair game but Sunday is hit pretty hard. A/N: When I first saw the dating challenge prompt, I realized I've written two slash fics recently that specifically dealt with John and Rodney dating. So, I decided to go in the completely opposite directions and approach the Sheppard and McKay friendship and the impacts their het relationships have on it. So even though there is a relationship at the center of the story, that's not really what the story is about. The fic spri
    in sga fic with gen
  • sga_flashfic: A Crime They Didn't Commit, by siegeofangels (Amnesty 2007; Criminal Challenge
    TITLE: A Crime They Didn't Commit RATING: PG, gen SUMMARY: A crime they didn't commit, in five parts.
    in sga fic with gen team
  • sga_flashfic: Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon by 2ndary_author (backstory challenge)
    Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon Author: 2ndary_author Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Characters: McKay, some Jeannie, Sheppard, and Zelenka Rating: pg-13 Length: about 2,650 words Notes: last bit contains a sort-of spoiler for Season 3's McKay and Mrs. Miller; epigraph by George F. Wills; subheading are the names and geographic coordinates of the lunar seas. I'm not sure how well the dates and ages fit the canon timeline: some of them I just made up Summary: The running battle that was Rodney’s childhood is equal parts sound and fury
    in unread_yet_sga with backstory gen
  • sga_flashfic: Decent Enough Hero by Kridaydragon (Scars Challenge)
    Decent Enough Hero Author: Kriadydragon Rating: PG, Gen Characters: McKay, Sheppard Synopsis: Takes place in season one after The Storm and The Eye. McKay was tortured, now Sheppard's survived torture, so they talk. A/N: I intitially intended to post this elsewhere, but it fit the challenge so I decided to post it here.
    in unread_yet with gen
  • sga_flashfic: Fic: No I in Team by lavvyan (Wordless Challenge)
    Title: No I in Team Author: lavvyan Summary: When the medics arrived, his team-mates were advised to stay away from him. Notes: Gen, though I suppose you could also read it as Team OT4.
    in sga fic with gen hurtcomfort ot4 wordless
  • sga_flashfic: Inundation by ltlj (Strange New Worlds & Alien Geography Challenge)
    Inundation Author: ltlj Rating: PG13, Gen, 3200 words Disclaimer: Don't own anything, no money made. Summary: The flood and the subsequent mudslide that had buried the gate were pretty bad, but at least the rain had stopped. And nobody was dead.
    in sga fic with alien_worlds gen
  • sga_flashfic: It's a Small Universe After All by likethervier (Strange New Worlds and Alien Geographies)
    It's a Small Universe After All Author: liketheriver Category: Gen. pure silliness. Written for the Strange New Worlds and Alien Geographies challenge. Word Count: ~3,400 Rating: T Characters: Ronon and the team Warnings: None Spoilers: Anything up through Season 3 is fair game, but really nothing is spoiled. A/N: Special thanks as always to Koschka for the quick beta. No Disney characters were harmed in the writing of this fic. Summary: One man's alien world is another's vacation destination.
    in unread_yet_sga with gen strange_worlds
  • sga_flashfic: Only with the Best Intentions by lavvyan (Men and Machines)
    Only with the Best Intentions Author: lavvyan Pairing: Gen Rating: PG-13 Summary: Elizabeth had been the first. AN: Vaguely inspired by something kuna_yashmaa said to me a few weeks ago. Set post-season 3. No particular spoilers.
    in unread_yet_sga with gen
  • sga_flashfic: The Grass so little has to do by Martha
    The Grass so little has to do by Martha Gen, h/c, cranky pilgrims, torcha 'n' stuff, around 6000 words
    in unread_yet_sga with gen wordless
  • sga_flashfic: Triptych by Mad Maudlin (Dopplegangers Challenge)
    Triptych Author: Mad Maudlin Rating: PG-13 Word count: 4,800 Characters: John, Rodney, various Spoilers: End of Season 1 through "The Intruder" (SGA) and "Moebius" (SG-1). Actually, "Moebius" is kind of important. Summary: "They actually created this universe the moment they activated the time-travel device, and so their actions in the past were always part of our timeline. If they had tried to return to this present, they'd have run into their own doubles who never traveled back, and, well, that would be terribly awkward, wouldn't it?"
    in unread_yet_sga with gen

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