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  • sga_flashfic: X by trinityofone (Superpower Challenge)
    X Author: trinityofone Rating: PG Characters: S1 team—Sheppard, McKay, Weir, Teyla, Ford, Beckett & Zelenka Length: ~3700 words Summary: Scenes from another evolution. A/N: Many thanks to wychwood, who always knows just what to tweak to make it better.
    in unread_yet with crossover gen
  • sga_flashfic: Yawning Angel, by slybrarian (Backstory Challenge)
    Yawning Angel (Backstory Challenge) Author: slybrarian Rating: R Pairing: Gen Author's note: Thanks to archae_ology for proofreading.
    in unread_yet_sga with backstory gen
  • slodwick: SGA FIC - The Nowhere Dance
    Word Count: ~ 9100 Notes: Written for alizarin_nyc, for the apocalyptothon challenge. Many thanks to celli & scrunchy for... well, everything. Boy, did this one get away from me. Any remaining fuck-ups are my own. This story was originally inspired by (Nothing But) Flowers by Talking Heads. Prompt: The Atlantis expedition returns to a devastated earth to see if there's anyone to save. (You pick the method/villain responsible for earth's downfall.) Most importantly, Atlantis folks learn a lot about themselves, each other and what/who they left behind.
    in unread_yet_sga with gen
  • spn_gen: Fic: "Accidents Will Happen"
    Accidents Will Happen Characters: Winchesters, various OFCs Rating: PG; gen as can be Summary: Some Goth teenagers accidentally resurrect John Winchester. No, seriously.
    in spn fic with gen john_winchester by 2 users
  • Stargate Atlantis Fanfic: The Light of a Fading Sun
    The Light of a Fading Sun Season/spoilers: Spoilers through Season Three's "Sunday". HUGE SPOILERS for that episode, and pretty damn big ones for several others. Rating: strong T/PG-13 (language, violence) Genre: Action/adventure, h/c Disclaimer: These guys belong to MGM. I only play with them. Author's Note: This story is somewhat darker and heavier than what I normally write. Just so you know. But if you've read my other stories, you also know how much I love writing friendship ... so keep that in mind, too.
    in unread_yet_sga with gen
  • synecdochic: a miscellaney
    After the announcement of the sale of LJ, I experienced a moment of complete insanity and wrote, oh, about three thousand words of fic I can't ever post, ever. I can, however, share a small bit of it, and any resemblance to any actual events, living or dead, is purely coincidental and completely fictional and besides I don't know anything anyway:
    in sga fic with au gen
  • That was cool... - Star Trek Fic: How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership
    Star Trek Fic: How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership [May. 11th, 2009|08:07 am] Previous Entry Add to Memories Tell a Friend Track This Flag Next Entry Fandom: Star Trek Pairing: Gen with lots of UST all around. Rating: R Notes: I was amusing myself by imagining Kirk attempting to be an authority figure and this is what happened. Thanks to [info]skripka for looking at it and reassuring me that it was funny. And thanks to [info]suaine for the speedy and awesome beta.
    in star trek reboot with gen
  • The Second Terrace of Purgatory
    The Second Terrace of Purgatory by Domenika Marzione
    in sga fic with gen john lorne
  • You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Work Here, But It Helps
    yultide 2008
    in top_gear with gen top_gear

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