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  • barrowjane: FicPost: shut up and eat your vegetables [ST:XI Kirk/Spock]
    Title: shut up and eat your vegetables Pairing: Kirk/Spock Summary: “If the Captain requires someone to monitor his diet and activities until he is more stable, I will volunteer for such a duty,” Spock says, and that's where it starts. Rating/Warnings: Adult. Includes decently explicit sex and food that should not be. Author’s Note: From the kink prompt meme here. Many many thanks to [info]falxumbra for her fantastic beta job.
    with kirkspock
  • cards_slash: Whiskey and Chocolate*
    Whiskey and Chocolate* Title: Whiskey and Chocolate* Pairing: Spock/McCoy/Kirk Rating: Nc-17 Prompt: Here: Fandom loves Pon Farr stories, right? They've been written for longer than I've been alive. But here's a twist: I want regular Pon Farr. No sudden alien trauma triggers, no unexpected 'oh man how did I forget about this?', no throwing the most friendly/most willing/worst at rock-paper-scissors crew member at Spock and locking the door. Established relationship Pon Farr right on schedule, they're all prepared with plomeek soup and space Gatorade and lube and 48 hours of leave. Also, I will fucking marry you if you make it Kirk/Spock/McCoy (they can swap places and tap out for naps!). *Ya'll be nice and forgive the stuipd title, k?
    with kirkspockbones
  • crimsonclad: fic: cut and fucking paste
    title: Cut and Fucking Paste rating: pg-13 pairings: oh jeez don't ask me that, I can't even tell you warnings: a few terribly obvious TOS references that you should already know about. genre: "ack the mindmeld gave me feeeeeeelings"
    with spockuhura
  • crimsonclad: fic: edit
    title: Edit (sequel to "cut and fucking paste") rating: pg-13 pairings: spock/uhura, newtrek/oldtrek, kirk/bafflement note: gratitude to [info]quettaser, who looked this over, and with whom I shared a fantastic interchange re: all of Kirk's fingers being fingerguns, even when he is not making the "pew pew" noise
    with spockuhura
  • emeraldwoman - [Fic] Reading Against/Reading With: Mastering the Oppositional Discourse in Textual Healing
    Title: Reading Against/Reading With: Mastering the Oppositional Discourse in Textual Healing Fandom: Nu!Trek Pairing: Various Rating: Oh my god they talk real dirty Warning: Will remind you of class
    with star_trek
  • ficcy_fic: Parts of a Whole
    Title: Parts of a Whole Fandom: Star Trek XI Rating: PG-13 for language. Characters: Ensemble Word Count: 3859 Notes: The movie theater in the second section is actually based on a real one in South Padre Island, TX. It's tiny, has about four screens, and the lobby (which is probably half the size of one of the screen rooms) has lawn chairs and a piano that you can play if you ask the concessions people (and actually know how).
    with gen
  • Home come the Angels - Fic: Positive Reinforcement (Star Trek)
    Title: Positive Reinforcement Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Kirk/McCoy Warnings: Porn and angst, not necessarily in that order Disclaimer: I own nothing worth suing me for Summary: In hindsight, he should have realised there and then that James Kirk was completely insane. Notes: Written for the Star Trek XI Anon Kink Meme (I am of course posting unanon, because I have no shame). The prompt was for Kirk/McCoy with sex in a shuttlecraft to help distract McCoy from his fear of flying. I'd intended to just write a PWP, but my brain (traitor that it is) was all "wait a minute, wouldn't the academy whose purpose is to train spaceship crews have views about fear of flying?". And it all went downhill from there. Stupid angst-machine brain. Alternate Summary: Jim Kirk: so
    with kirkbones
  • Hurl words into the Darkness - Star Trek XI FF: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) [Kirk/Spock; PG-13]
    Title: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) Fandom: Star Trek XI Characters: Kirk/Spock pre-slash, Uhura, Bones (Spock/Uhura) Rating: PG-13, but for violence and angst rather than kissing. Length: 7,400 words Disclaimer: Belongs to Paramount and Gene Roddenberry. Spoilers: Just the 2009 movie. Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. AN: This was meant to be a slow pre-slash to slash kind of thing. It's still mostly that (except it never really breaks 'pre') but also ended up being the story of James T. Kirk's first year in command of the Enterprise.
    with kirkspock spockuhura
  • in a moment close to now
    In a Moment Close To Now Fandom: Star Trek XI Rating: teen/pg-13 Ship: McCoy/Kirk (with background Kirk/Carol Marcus) Summary: Bones plans on spending his thirtieth birthday alone with his jazz, his bourbon, and a book. Jim Kirk does not approve of this plan. A/N: So many thank yous to [info]r_becca: she makes everything, including this fic, better. 3,750 words. Set at the Academy. The title is from Neko Case's "This Tornado Loves You," which is a very McKirk song, IMO. ETA: Sequel: Heading Straight For A Fall.
    with kirkbones
  • laurajv | FIC: "The Word for World Is--" ST:AOS. 1/1. Gen.
    The Word for World Is-- Humans would've named the planet New Earth and the places things like New Africa or New Russia. Vulcans did no such thing; they named the planet Vik: the well in the desert. They named the continents Ashv'cezh, Laktra, and Vrekasht: Revenge, Grief, and Outcast.
    with gen
  • Less scribbling than a sort of awkward calligraphy - Birthday Smut-a-Thon: The Old Gentaran Boy's Club (Star Trek Reboot)
    Title: The Old Gentaran Boy's Club Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Pairing: Kirk/Spock Rating: NC-17 Word count: 2,800 Summary: It's a temple of man-loving, and Spock really wants to get inside to take some readings. Kirk proposes a logical course of action. Notes: Two great prompts that go great together! Thanks to [info]oxoniensis for suggesting "pretending to be gay" (sorry I didn't write it with your pairing!) and [info]barely_bean for "alien rituals." Disclaimer. Not mine. Just for fun.
    with kirkspock
  • Miss Cellaneous - Post a comment
    Title: Nothing in Life is Set in Stone Fandom: Star Trek XI (Reboot) Pairing: Kirk/Girl!McCoy Word count: 5,000 Rating: hard R Summary: "Bones. I can honestly say I didn't expect this. You. You like this."
    with genderswap kirkbones
  • My Maserati Does 185
    Title: The One With the Romulan Ale Series: 1st in the Fools Rush In series Author: [info]dancinbutterfly Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Rating: NC-17 Word count: roughly 6,200 words Disclaimer: They dont belong to me.The were envisioned many decades before my birth so I'm just happy to play with them. Beta: Thanks to the lovely and talented [info]guest_age and [info]ariadne83 Summary: What better way to celebrate the end of your first year at the Starfleet Academy than with a trip to Las Vegas? Lose some money, get a little drunk, get a little impulsive. Too bad what happens there doesnt always stay there. Written for [info]comically_so's awesome prompt over at [info]affectingly's McCoy-A-Thon.
    with kirkbones
  • rheanna27: Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1
    Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Summary: Nyota liked her roommate just fine until she met her. Rating: In spite of a whole lot of sex, nudity and people eating in public, this is firmly a PG-13. Length: 9,786 words Notes: The main dish is Uhura & Gaila friendship, with a tasty side order of Spock/Uhura. Lots of appreciation for [info]taraljc for a superfast beta.
    with gen spockuhura
  • stereomer: as makesomelove so aptly put it: "You're
    read, eat, sleep PG; 1630 words chris pine/zachary quinto
    with chriszack
  • That was cool... - Star Trek Fic: How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership
    Star Trek Fic: How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership [May. 11th, 2009|08:07 am] Previous Entry Add to Memories Tell a Friend Track This Flag Next Entry Fandom: Star Trek Pairing: Gen with lots of UST all around. Rating: R Notes: I was amusing myself by imagining Kirk attempting to be an authority figure and this is what happened. Thanks to [info]skripka for looking at it and reassuring me that it was funny. And thanks to [info]suaine for the speedy and awesome beta.
    with gen
  • This Year's Model of Humanity - Fic: Don't Bring Me Flowers (Star Trek XI; Girl!Kirk/Spock)
    Title: Don't Bring Me Flowers Summary: Jen Kirk is being courted and, for reasons that are perfectly logical, Spock objects. Rating: R/NC-17; Adult; Sexual Content
    with genderswap kirkspock

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