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  • crimsonclad: fic: cut and fucking paste
    title: Cut and Fucking Paste rating: pg-13 pairings: oh jeez don't ask me that, I can't even tell you warnings: a few terribly obvious TOS references that you should already know about. genre: "ack the mindmeld gave me feeeeeeelings"
    in star trek reboot with spockuhura
  • crimsonclad: fic: edit
    title: Edit (sequel to "cut and fucking paste") rating: pg-13 pairings: spock/uhura, newtrek/oldtrek, kirk/bafflement note: gratitude to [info]quettaser, who looked this over, and with whom I shared a fantastic interchange re: all of Kirk's fingers being fingerguns, even when he is not making the "pew pew" noise
    in star trek reboot with spockuhura
  • Hurl words into the Darkness - Star Trek XI FF: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) [Kirk/Spock; PG-13]
    Title: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) Fandom: Star Trek XI Characters: Kirk/Spock pre-slash, Uhura, Bones (Spock/Uhura) Rating: PG-13, but for violence and angst rather than kissing. Length: 7,400 words Disclaimer: Belongs to Paramount and Gene Roddenberry. Spoilers: Just the 2009 movie. Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. AN: This was meant to be a slow pre-slash to slash kind of thing. It's still mostly that (except it never really breaks 'pre') but also ended up being the story of James T. Kirk's first year in command of the Enterprise.
    in star trek reboot with kirkspock spockuhura
  • rheanna27: Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1
    Star Trek Reboot fic: Lunch and Other Obscenities - PG-13 - 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Summary: Nyota liked her roommate just fine until she met her. Rating: In spite of a whole lot of sex, nudity and people eating in public, this is firmly a PG-13. Length: 9,786 words Notes: The main dish is Uhura & Gaila friendship, with a tasty side order of Spock/Uhura. Lots of appreciation for [info]taraljc for a superfast beta.
    in star trek reboot with gen spockuhura

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