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  • mcshep_match: TEAM AWAY: Thief in the night, "Perchance to Dream"
    Perchance to Dream Team: Away Prompt: Thief in the night Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: We’re stuck here until we fall asleep, and then…
    with mcshep mcshep_match
  • mcshep_match: TEAM AWAY: Through the grapevine, "Infiltration"
    Infiltration Author: [info]villainny Team: Away Prompt: Through the grapevine Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Warnings: none given Summary: ‘I’m hopelessly in love with you,’ Rodney said, and rolled his eyes.
    with a_villainny mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM HOME: Pound of flesh, "Shadows Cast by Outward Things"
    Shadows Cast by Outward Things Team: Home Prompt: Pound of flesh Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: None Summary: 9450 words. It's not that John doesn't know how obsessed Rodney can get when he's really focused on something -- he does. What he hadn't known was that Rodney was holding onto this all this time, and it's kind of disturbing to find out something new about Rodney now. Especially something like this.
    with mcshep mcshep_match nc-17
  • mcshep_match: TEAM HOME: Rolling stone, "The Distance between Two Points"
    The Distance between Two Points Author: [info]tex and [info]lamardeuse Team: Home Prompt: Rolling stone Pairing(s): John/Rodney, John/Nancy, John/OMC Rating: NC-17 Warnings: None (spoilers to Outcast) Summary: Home isn't always a place.
    with a_lamardeuse a_tex mcshep nc-17
  • mcshep_match: TEAM HOME: Thief in the night, "Mission: Improbable"
    Mission: Improbable Team: Home Prompt: Thief in the night Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU; action movie-style violence Summary: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it…" Theme music.
    with mcshep mcshep_match
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ROMANCE: Aftermath, "Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Down"
    Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Down Team: Romance Prompt: Aftermath Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Warnings: none Summary: John only has a moment to boggle at the fact that Elizabeth knows what a Tyrolese Grey is and what it looks like before he boggles harder at the fact that they've ended up in an uninhabited parallel Stargate-less universe with cows.
    with mcshep romance
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ROMANCE: Famous Last Words, "Not a Love Song"
    Not a Love Song Team: Romance Prompt: Famous Last Words Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: None Summary: "I'm not gay, all right?" John announced, dropping his tray on the table with a thud.
    with mcshep nc-17 romance
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ROMANCE: Sacrifice, "Strange How Certain the Journey"
    Strange How Certain the Journey Team: Romance Prompt: Sacrifice Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Warnings: Discussion of really mild kink and some minor alien drugs Summary: The Ancients were really concerned about the effects various distractions had on people's productivity.
    with mcshep romance
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ROMANCE: Strategy, "The Twelve-Step Program"
    The Twelve-Step Program Team: Romance Prompt: Strategy Pairing: McShep (with light sides of Zelenka/Lorne and Daniel/Jack) Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Excessive bad decision making and flawed matchmaking, which always require warnings of a “beware!romanticcomedy!” variety. Spoilers for all of Season 3, specifically all episodes from The Game through First Strike. Summary: No one ever said that genius meant having a gift for strategy. Unfortunately for Rodney McKay, he has meddlesome friends who are quite certain of their gifts for strategy.
    with mcshep nc-17 romance
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ROMANCE: Transformation, "Snapshots of Two Lives in Transition"
    Snapshots of Two Lives in Transition Team: Romance Prompt: Transformation Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 (for language) Warnings: Spoilers through the end of Season 3 Summary: They met in Antarctica. Thus began the changes that would bring them together.
    with mcshep romance
  • mcsheplets: Challenge Fic: Journeys End... (NC-17)
    AN: This was originally written as a companion piece - a "missing scene" from my fic, Pas de Deux. It's a first time fic and I've written it to be read as a stand alone, so you don't have to read Pas de Deux first, although there may be a few references in the fic that are singular to that original story. The time frame is between "Irresponsible" and "Sunday," but there are no spoilers. The title comes from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, "journeys end in lovers meeting" - because the Bard is always a good bet and I suck at titles - but something like that does happen here.
    with mcshep pasdedeux
  • minervacat: FIC: Looking At You With The World In The Rear View [SG:A, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17]
    Title: Looking At You With The World In The Rear View Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Through 3x20, "First Strike" Summary: John keeps his eyes closed, thinks about Rodney, and flies. 5600 words.
    with mcshep
  • miss_porcupine
    fic: Praxis (prologue & part one)
    with lorne
  • Neither an Ocelot Nor a Raccoon Be., by Basingstoke
    Neither an Ocelot Nor a Raccoon Be. A thousand thanks to Pares for the beta and a thousand curses to Shalott for her evil powers making me write so relentlessly. You can take from me my fingertips, but you cannot take my FREEDOM!
    with mcshep
  • No Refunds Or Exchanges
    With many thanks to cesperanza, giglet, and giddygeek for beta, and to the #pnp crowd for additional encouragement. And check out the super-awesome cover art by liviapenn! No Refunds or Exchanges by astolat
    with mcshep
  • Oblivious
    Oblivious by shalott The night after they all miraculously didn't die, Rodney was sitting on the end of his bed trying to come down enough to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking: analyzing the weapons systems, calculating the drain rate on the ZPM, working out the equations for the shield generator. It wasn't the drugs anymore, just the wildly improbable surprise of winning, and he was so exhausted he couldn't force his eyes to close.
    with mcshep
  • Ordinary Life
    Ordinary Life by Shalott and Speranza Author's Note: This story was written for the SGA Zine Surfacing, published by Val and Stormy of Duet Press. This is a fairly early, Season 1 -2 type story, written when going back to earth was a novelty. The impetus for the story was Shalott's annoyance at the joke that Rodney didn't have any messages on his answering machine in "Home". Rodney obviously thinks that this is unusual ("Huh! Must have been a power failure or something.") and we think he's right about that. Feel free to play "guess who wrote what," also known as "spot the writer's obsessions" (cough*speedo*cough), though the real sekret of this story is that, er, this is scarily what Shalott and I are like when we travel together.(*facepalm*).
    with a_shalott a_speranza mcshep
  • Oriolegirl's Nest - New SGA Fic
    HQ800, or Single in the Capital Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were, they'd be living with me. Notes: Written for anotheratlantis, prompt "John Sheppard is chief of staff for Senator Weir and needs access to research materials in the Library of Congress. Rodney McKay is a cranky librarian at the LoC who John encounters." Much thanks, as always, to my fabulous beta silver_cyanne.
    with au mcshep
  • Oriolegirl's Nest - New SGA Fic
    A Day in the Life Fandom: SGA Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were, they'd be working at my library and I'd have lots of pretty to look at every day. Notes: For atlantis_9to5, prompt: the one at the library. Many thanks to my overworked beta, silver_cyanne.
    with a_oriolegirl au mcshep
  • out_there: SGA Fic: The Holiday Season
    The Holiday Season Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG Disclaimer: Pshaw. Like I'd ever claim to actually own them. Summary: John suffers a series of Christmas misadventures (and he's sure Rodney's to blame). Notes: Thanks to mecurtin for betaing.
    with mcshep

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