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  • Ordinary Life
    Ordinary Life by Shalott and Speranza Author's Note: This story was written for the SGA Zine Surfacing, published by Val and Stormy of Duet Press. This is a fairly early, Season 1 -2 type story, written when going back to earth was a novelty. The impetus for the story was Shalott's annoyance at the joke that Rodney didn't have any messages on his answering machine in "Home". Rodney obviously thinks that this is unusual ("Huh! Must have been a power failure or something.") and we think he's right about that. Feel free to play "guess who wrote what," also known as "spot the writer's obsessions" (cough*speedo*cough), though the real sekret of this story is that, er, this is scarily what Shalott and I are like when we travel together.(*facepalm*).
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