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  • mcshep_match: TEAM AWAY: Thief in the night, "Perchance to Dream"
    Perchance to Dream Team: Away Prompt: Thief in the night Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: We’re stuck here until we fall asleep, and then…
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep mcshep_match
  • mcshep_match: TEAM HOME: Pound of flesh, "Shadows Cast by Outward Things"
    Shadows Cast by Outward Things Team: Home Prompt: Pound of flesh Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: None Summary: 9450 words. It's not that John doesn't know how obsessed Rodney can get when he's really focused on something -- he does. What he hadn't known was that Rodney was holding onto this all this time, and it's kind of disturbing to find out something new about Rodney now. Especially something like this.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep mcshep_match nc-17
  • mcshep_match: TEAM HOME: Thief in the night, "Mission: Improbable"
    Mission: Improbable Team: Home Prompt: Thief in the night Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU; action movie-style violence Summary: "Your mission, should you choose to accept it…" Theme music.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep mcshep_match
  • Post Comment
    Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition Team: Away Prompt: Pound of flesh Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Warnings: None Summary: It's 1904 and Lady Elizabeth Weir, Dowager Countess Menlow and Head of the Atlantis Expedition, is the widow of an English noble; Colonel John Patrick Sheppard, US Army Reserve, is a Spanish-American War veteran who's also piloted airships and tested aeroplanes and motorcars, and Doctor Meredith R. McKay, smartest man in two galaxies, is the inventor of the first Patented Completely Portable Personal Computing Machine. And yet, things are strangely familiar.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep mcshep_match
  • sheafrotherdon: Fic: No Light and Transient Cause
    No Light and Transient Cause by [info]sheafrotherdon ~ 21,500 words, R, McKay/Sheppard (and a wee hint of Dex/Keller) Summary: Rodney McKay has an opinion on everything, including whether, in times of crisis, John Sheppard has any business risking death. Answer: no, don't be utterly stupid, what kind of ridiculous half-wit are you anyway? Small casting spoiler for season five. Enormous thanks to the vast and generous collective of people who brought this story into being: [info]aesc, [info]amberlynne, [info]girlnamedpixley, [info]siriaeve, [info]thegrrrl2002, and especially [Bad username: lj user=], and [info]dogeared. And thanks also to those who offered concrit on the original version, posted as part of [info]mcshep_match, 2008, particularly [info]friends
    in sga fic with a_sheafrotherdon mcshep mcshep_match

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