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  • Lacey McBain - A Nerd in Geek's Clothing - SGA Fic: Care in the Holding (Sheppard/McKay, R)
    Title: Care in the Holding Author: Lacey McBain Characters: Sheppard/McKay Word Count: ~8740 Rating: R. Summary: Everything comes back to the weight of a gun in his hand. Author's Notes: Spoilers through to Seige III. A fic that follows them through the first season and how it changes them.
    with mcshep
  • Lacey McBain - A Nerd in Geek's Clothing - SGA New Fic: Distraction [McKay/Sheppard, R]
    Distraction Author: Lacey McBain Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Word Count: ~9100 Summary: “Have you tried ear plugs?” Rodney asks. “It’s in my head, Rodney. Ear plugs don’t do a lot when the voices are inside your brain!” Author Notes: Reference to “The Long Goodbye.” Written for the Urban Legends Challenge by flordeneu. My challenge selection was: Some older models of cordless phones call 911 by themselves when their batteries are dying.
    with mcshep
  • ladyflowdi: SGA fic: "Guardian", PG13, McShep
    Guardian Status: Complete Author: Dianann Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Main Character(s): McKay, Sheppard Warnings: Minor character death, angst, shameless h/c, cause I like it :) Rating: PG13 for language Summary: Rodney deals with survivors guilt. Tag for Grace Under Pressure. 4686 words Notes: For sunnyluvsmcshep, who sent me Grace Under Pressure (and three other eps!), cause she's just awesome like that. :) And thank you to hotspur18, who rocks like a rocking thing, for the beta.
    with hurtcomfort
  • ladyflowdi: SGA fic: "Little Thing", McShep, NC17 part 1/2
    Little Thing Status: Complete Author: Dianann Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Main Character(s): McShep, bwaha! Warnings: Well, the butt sex, of course. And some rimming. And fingering. Pretty much all butt-related hijinx, except the really hard core stuff you see in German porno. Also, the f-bomb brings me joy, and so I dropped it regularly. Rating: NC17 for boy sex and bad words. Summary: It wasn’t that John had a problem with his ass, per se. Notes: I didn’t get this done in time for the virgin contest over at sga_flashfic. Considering that was months ago, that should tell you my rate of writing! My title is inspired by Queen. Thank you to sunnyluvsmcshep and hotspur18 for the beta's! 13,263 words.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • Lallybroch - FIC: Hot Pants, NC-17
    Title: Hot Pants Author: Lallybroch Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Notes: Basically, I watched Boa vs. Python and became hypontized by David Hewlett's ass. Then, on Wednesday, 30toseoul and I discovered we were writing naughty things at the same time and this became Minnesota's entry for our day of Porn Across the Nation. Much credit must also be given to devildoll for reminding me that Porn can be Without Plot. Additionally, I have typed the word "pants" so many times that it no longer seems like a real word. Summary: Those were not Rodney's pants.
    with a_lallybroch mcshep nc-17
  • Lallybroch - FIC: M(eredith + 1) Theory, 1/2 (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)
    M(eredith+1) Theory Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 A/N: 15,000 words. Thank you [info]bibliotech and [info]carleton97 for audiencing and [info]hamilcarbarca and [info]shusu for the awesome, awesome betas, because even self-indulgent fic needs firm words and threats of violence. Summary:“You don't have a Dr. McKay?” he demanded, trying to keep his voice steady and trying not to imagine any one of the terrible things that must have happened for him to not be here. Radek gave him a curious look. “No, we do. But who are you?”
    with a_lallybroch genderswap mcshep nc-17
  • Learning To Breathe
    Learning To Breathe by Speranza
    with johnatlantis
  • Lenore's Journal - SGA Fic: Only Grumpier and With Darker Hair
    Only Grumpier and With Darker Hair Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Summary: Who knows what you'll find on the path to personal discovery?
    with mcshep nc-17
  • Lenore's Workshop - SGA FIC: The One Adventuring Atlantean
    Title: The One Adventuring Atlantean Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Summary: Atlantis to the tune of "The Twelve Dancing Princesses." Notes: Big thank you to kassrachel for the speedy beta!
    with au mcshep nc-17
  • Loves Me Not
    With many thanks to terrio and giddygeek and cesperanza and misspamela and special_trille and, um, anyone else who looked over this thing during the last four months while it's been creeping slowly towards the finish line and who I have lamely forgotten in the interim. This is for Merryish, who demanded pining, with a side order of wooing for giddygeek, and a special surprise for sisabet. (Okay, maybe not so much a surprise...) Loves Me Not by astolat
    with mcshep
  • luvhandlz: SGA Story: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
    The Sincerest Form of Flattery by luvhandlz
    with gen
  • masturbation assistance for the near sighted
    Masturbation Assistance for the Near Sighted Author: [info]glitterandlube Fandom: SGA Pairings: Rodney/John Rating: NC-something Word Count: 3326
    with mcshep nc-17
  • mckay_sheppard: science discipline by 30toseoul (R)
    science discipline Author: 30toseoul Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Notes: I blame the flist for triggering my dominant!Sheppard fixation with their kink prompts last Friday. It was lying dormant, and they awakened it.
    with mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Aftermath, "On the Trail of Polaris"
    On the Trail of Polaris Team: Angst Prompt: Aftermath Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Warnings: Spoilers for Trinity Summary: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
    with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Famous Last Words, "Midnight Shakes the Memory"
    Midnight Shakes the Memory Team: Angst Prompt: Famous Last Words Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 for language Warnings: none Summary: Sheppard doesn't remember who he is, but he remembers Rodney.
    with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Finest Hour, "Moments, Coming and Going"
    Moments, Coming and Going Team: Angst Prompt: Finest Hour Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 (language, non-explicit sexual content) Warnings: none Summary: Their place in the universe brought him here, to this moment, to the thousand and one that came before. Once you've read the story, please take a moment to vote in the poll below. Ratings go from 1 (low) to 9 (high), so all you need to do is enter a single number in that range into each text entry box. You'll be able to see the Prompt and Team (Genre) information in the header above. More details about the voting procedure can be found here.
    with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Shot in the Dark, "Machinery of Night"
    Machinery of Night Team: Angst Prompt: Shot in the Dark Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, suicidal thoughts Summary: "Get a grip, John. It was just a nightmare."
    with angst mcshep nc-17
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Strategy, "In a Dark Wood"
    In a Dark Wood Team: Angst Prompt: Strategy Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: hard R Warnings: violence, sex Summary: A five-day hunt.
    with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Transformation, "Life (Sometimes It Washes Over Me)"
    Life (Sometimes It Washes Over Me) Team: Angst Prompt: Transformation Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: Adult Warnings: Contains material that some may find disturbing and/or triggering. Summary: This is growing up. Sometimes it hurts, but you clench your teeth and grin and bear it and don't think about tomorrow.
    with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM AWAY: Quid pro quo, "A Moment's Consideration"
    A Moment's Consideration Author: [info]monanotlisa Team: Away Prompt: Quid pro quo Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard (other pairings in past & background) Rating: R Warnings: none given Summary: The road taken. Author's Notes: My most profuse thanks to four ladies without whom -- no hyperbole -- the story wouldn't exist like this: [info]busaikko, who was there for me when I needed her and made both brilliant and extensive suggestions, [info]smittywing without whom the plot wouldn't hold water (or any other liquid for that matter: holes, people), [info]auburnnothenna whose kick-assedness needn't be mentioned, except that it totally does, and [info]so_spiffed, an artist and kind soul who took pity on me (and also care of some phrases). They rock; remaining mistakes
    with a_monanotlisa mcshep

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