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  • Patchwork
    Patchwork by Auburn Codes: Stargate Atlantis, gen, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Season 5, rated R, ~18,500 words, 130 KB, 9.15.08, standard disclaimers apply. Notes: Beta-ed by dossier and springwoof. Summary: People are all made up of pieces of each other. Sheppard and McKay are just more obvious about it.
    with a_auburnnothenna gen
  • perfica: Fic: Morpheus, Interrupted
    Morpheus, Interrupted Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay Spoilers: 3x14 Tao Of Rodney Word Count: 1,326 A/N: As I was falling asleep last night this scene popped into my head. Happy, fuzzy, established relationship.
    with a_perfica mcshep
  • Post Comment
    Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition Team: Away Prompt: Pound of flesh Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: R Warnings: None Summary: It's 1904 and Lady Elizabeth Weir, Dowager Countess Menlow and Head of the Atlantis Expedition, is the widow of an English noble; Colonel John Patrick Sheppard, US Army Reserve, is a Spanish-American War veteran who's also piloted airships and tested aeroplanes and motorcars, and Doctor Meredith R. McKay, smartest man in two galaxies, is the inventor of the first Patented Completely Portable Personal Computing Machine. And yet, things are strangely familiar.
    with mcshep mcshep_match
  • Queen of the Sock Puppets! - Skimming the Surface, Rodney/John, NC-17
    Skimming the Surface Author: [info]mckays_girl Beta: [info]girly_curl_3 Pairing: Rodney/OFC, Rodney/John Rating: NC-17 Words: ~ 7,100 Summary: John is a Pool Boy and Rodney hires him to clean his pool. Sexin’ ensues.
    with a_mckays-girl au mcshep
  • Qui Habitat
    qui habitat
    with gen long mcshep
  • rageprufrock: More teacher/student sex shenanigans
    More teacher/student sex shenanigans This picks up right where the last one left off.
    with au mcshep nc-17
  • reel_sga: Hidden Depths, Part 1 of 2
    Hidden Depths Author: [info]lamardeuse Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Prompt: Splash Rating: NC-17 Category: Romance with a bit of angst thrown in. Summary: Really, it would make perfect sense if Rodney's ideal mate turned out to be some kind of sideshow freak. Warning/Spoilers: None A/N: I am sleep deprived and have obviously lost my mind, because I have just written nearly 14,000 words of John Sheppard as Daryl Hannah. But then, that's par for the course for this awesome fandom, isn't it? *g* Latin notes and more credits at the end. Thanks: To [info]crysothemis, [info]mmmchelle, [info]sheafrotherdon, [info]tex, and [info]thegrrrl2002 for great beta-ing and general handholding in my time of need. You rock, ladies. :)
    with a_lamardeuse au mcshep nc-17
  • reinforce my clarity - A Dangerous Desire or McKay Makes a Match
    A Dangerous Desire or McKay Makes a Match 27th-Feb-2007 09:51 pm A Novel of Romance by a Lady All Rodney McKay had thought he wanted was to be left alone with his theories and hypotheses. Being abducted and meeting the intriguing John Sheppard had put paid to that. Rodney understood his own desires rather better now, but society’s laws and conventions opposed him and Sheppard was surely far out of his reach. Not to mention the complication of his mysterious abductor…
    with au long mcshep
  • relax, I know how to make cement - FIC: And I Say (it's all right) (SGA, John/Rodney, PG)
    And I Say (it's all right) Author: telesilla Fandom/Pairing: SGA (Ventura Highway AU) , John/Rodney Rating: PG Word Count: 600 + Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh. Summary: Rodney won't admit to missing snow in the winter.
    with mcshep snippets
  • rheanna27: Fic! Theory of Everything - SGA, R, John/Rodney
    Theory of Everything Length: 21k words Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: R Spoilers: Small ones for 'Tao of Rodney'; set some time during season 3 Notes: I owe a huge debt of thanks to three amazing betas, [info]nestra, [info]counteragent and [info]yahtzee63, all of whom helped nurse this into existence. [info]nestra reminded me of the correct definition of 'decimate', [info]yahtzee63 gently pointed out that my original title was frankly risible, and it's only thanks to [info]counteragent that the story has the title it does, rather than being called "Damn SGA Fic I Can't Find a Name For". Her suggestion is much better, I think you'll agree.
    with a_rheanna27 mcshep
  • River's Run My Flow Of Ideas - FIC: The Pegasus Device (SGA Slash)- Part 1 of 6
    The Pegasus Device Category: Slash/ angst/ h/c/AU. Word Count: ~41,000 Rating: T Characters: Sheppard, McKay, and a bunch of others Warnings: None Spoilers: This is an AU so it doesn't spoil anything, but if you pay attention, you'll catch reference to canon items. A/N: This is total AU, set on Earth in the 1940s. But don't be turned off by that because I think you'll find the boys are much closer to their Atlantis selves than you might think. Also, the fic is complete and the last half is being beta'd so I hope to have the rest posted before the end of the week. Thanks, as always, to my betas Koschka and kodiak_bear Summary: Detective John Sheppard and criminologist Dr. Rodney McKay thought they were just investigating another murder that rainy,Seat
    with au mcshep
  • rivier: In The Dark
    In The Dark You know how it is. One thing and another, and the urge comes upon you to push away all those half-finished, half-baked serious, adult WIPs, and just splurge out on a bit of fluff. Here's some McShep McFluff - really, for any of you who feel in need of nice warm harmless fluff. I know there's a few of us around right now. I wish I'd won the Euro Lottery this week - £70 million, duudes! That would help a lot with the general un-fluff for all of us, I know.
    with a_rivier mschep
  • » Fic - SGA I'm with You
    I’m With You PAIRING: McKay/Sheppard SPOILERS: McKay and Mrs. Miller, Common Ground RATING: PG-13 1,894 words SUMMARY: John says goodbye before Rodney leaves for Ear
    with belly mcshep
  • samdonne: The Cowgirl Variant.
    The Cowgirl Variant. I woke up in pain at four in the morning, took some drugs, drank some tea, (chose not to read; I have been reading faster than Amazon can deliver), and wrote this. Then filled up half a notebook with scraps. Do not read the following if you cannot deal with uncertainty and long wait. This needs another forty thousand words, and the only way for that to happen soon would be for me to default on my contracts, be sent to jail for treason or crime de Lese Majeste or some such, at which point, yes, I would have time to write. Mostly I need to get it out of my system.
    with a_m teyla your_cowboy_days_are_over
  • sardonicsmiley - how the millers relaxed and learned to love rodney
    how the millers relaxed and learned to love rodney Fandom: SG: Atlantis Title: How the Millers Relaxed and Learned to Love Rodney (With A Little Help from John Sheppard) Characters: Jeannie, Kaleb, Madison, John/Rodney Rating: PG Warnings: General spoilers for season four, implied slash, slight language Disclaimer: Not mine! Beta: ferret_kitty, who did this ON VACATION, YO! Summary: Sooner or later, Rodney just gets under your skin. Author’s Note: Because I want Rodney to have a (happier) family. What? Wish fulfillment is allowed, right?
    with domestic jeanie mcshep
  • semivowel: Fic
    Where You Want To Be Fandom: SGA Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: R? Word count: ~13,000 Summary: John's used to not getting what he wants. Includes: public sex, the good drugs, the bad drugs, penis-shaped fruit, Dancing!Rodney, and the ping pong ball from hell.
    with a_semivowel mcshep
  • SGA Big Bang: "The Price That Life Exacts" by Cathalin
    The Price That Life Exacts Author Cathalin Prompt Big Bang 2008. After season 4. / John is more Ancient than anyone realizes. Summary When John disappears without a trace during a routine mission, people in a beleaguered Atlantis eventually have to try to move on. Rodney never completely gives up hope of finding John, and though he soldiers on to help Atlantis, a year later he still lives every day with his grief. The story opens with a shocking discovery that may help Rodney come to terms with some truths about himself and his relationship with John, and will have consequences beyond what anyone might predict. Pairing McKay/Sheppard Rating NC-17 Word Count 63848 words Notes
    with a_cathalin bigbang mcshep nc-17
  • sga_flashfic: "Affaire du Coeur" by Kat Reitz & tzigane (Cake or Death challenge)
    Affaire du Coeur Authors: tzi & zaganthi Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: PG-13. Ish. Summary: They made croissants and Napoleons, and little chocolate foam things, but most importantly they made incredibly delicious cakes Length: 4,726 words
    with cake_or_death mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: 5 Things John Does to Relax Rodney, by kassrachel [5 things challenge]
    Five Things John Does to Relax Rodney 1993 words John/Rodney "You'll feel better if you do," John said. "Trust me."
    with a_kassrachel mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon by 2ndary_author (backstory challenge)
    Atlas of the Far Side of the Moon Author: 2ndary_author Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Characters: McKay, some Jeannie, Sheppard, and Zelenka Rating: pg-13 Length: about 2,650 words Notes: last bit contains a sort-of spoiler for Season 3's McKay and Mrs. Miller; epigraph by George F. Wills; subheading are the names and geographic coordinates of the lunar seas. I'm not sure how well the dates and ages fit the canon timeline: some of them I just made up Summary: The running battle that was Rodney’s childhood is equal parts sound and fury
    with backstory gen

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