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  • cathalin - SGA Fic: Decreasing Radii Part 1
    Decreasing Radii Author: Cathalin Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Length: Kind of embarrassing. *Squints* Let’s say 27,000 words Genre: Aliens Made Them Do It (sort of), angst, first time Warnings: None. Unless you are a person for whom AMTDI is a problem, but there’s nothing nonconsensual. The angst isn’t hugely heavy either imo. Spoilers: One for Outcast, one for Harmony; general through about mid-Season 4.
    with a_cathalin mcshep nc-17
  • chelle | Atlantis slash fan fiction
    In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps Author: chelle Author's email: Author's URL: Fandom: Atlantis Archive: Ask first Rating: NC 17 AN: Post "Duet" fic written before "Critical Mass" aired. Thank you to Grrrl and Rachel Saboitni for their criticism.
    with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • Constant Craving... - New Fic: Pas de Deux
    She asked for Rodney hurt/captured on a mission and Team Sheppard come to the rescue - with a side of first time John/Rodney.
    with hurtcomfort mcshep pasdedeux
  • Coping Mechanisms Part 1
    Coping Mechanisms Author: Amireal Rating: NC-17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Disclaimer: If they were mine, there'd be waaay more emotional continuity. So there. Also, I probably wouldn't be buying lotto tickets. Author's notes: Thanks to chopica who had to crack the whip bunches during beta. I hate you my dear. Die in a fiery death? Thanks. *innocent blink*
    with mcshep nc-17
  • couple_bucks: Flowbee, SGA
    Fandom: SGA Title: Flowbee Wordcount: about 3,000 Summary: "You and your hair are ashamed to be seen with me, just admit it."
    with mcshep
  • Cross-Pollination - Happy Birthday, sethoz! *hugsliekwhoa*
    Don't Ask Anymore Wordcount: ~2,300 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Merry Months of AU #8: Reporter!Rodney & Musical Star!John AN: sethoz wanted Evita crack!fic. While this is loosely inspired by that movie, it's not really crack. *coughs* Sorry. It's still your birthday present, though – hope you like. :) The once again amazing cover was made by smuffster. Thank you! x-posted: harlequin_sga, mckay_sheppard And I know it's spelled 'Ronon' – this is AU.
    with au mcshep
  • crownglass39 - Fic: Pressure Points pg13
    Pressure Points Author: crownglass39 Rating: PG13 Genre: McShep, episode tag to Common Ground Word count: 2730 Spoilers: Spoilers for 3.04 Sateda and 3.07 Common Ground Beta done by Jude with great thanks; however all remaining mistakes are my own. Summary: John never knew a headache could hurt this bad.
    with hurtcomfort mcshep
  • Crys in Space - Fic: Fix by Crysothemis
    Fix by Crysothemis Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay Rating: NC-17, for adults only Length: 25,000 - 58,000 words, depending on how you choose to read it Disclaimer: Still not mine, damn it. Summary: John has a problem. Rodney really doesn't want to help. Warnings: All the usual clichés without the usual fluff. Spoilers up to 3x15 "The Game," with an additional spoiler for 3x17 "Sunday." Thank yous: to Aristide/Mairead Triste (a.k.a. cimmerians), rustler, and wpadmirer for kick-ass beta. Additional thanks to darklock, springwoof, and zorrorojo for checking my html. Notes: Set after "The Game" and veers from canon shortly thereafter.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • Crys in Space - Fic: Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy (1/3) [SGA, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17]
    Ways to Die in the Pegasus Galaxy by Crysothemis Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: Mckay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 (kinda light) -- for adults only Length: about 18,000 words Summary: Since when was sleeping together -- really, just sleeping -- some kind of a kink? Warnings: action, snuggling, obtuseness, gratuitous hair abuse Thank yous: To my incomparable betas, rustler and wpadmirer A/N: No spoilers. Not a death story. Not mine.
    with hurtcomfort mcshep
  • Day Break
    Day Break by Giddy
    with mcshep
  • devildoll: FIC: Fuzzy Duck Smell (SGA) Sheppard/McKay
    Title: Fuzzy Duck Smell Summary: "Are you telling me you just laid an egg?" Rodney + John + baby ducks. Crack!Fic. Humor. Mpreg, with an emphasis on the "egg." Author: Devil Doll Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Reference to "Conversion." Website: Fan Fiction I Wrote Yay! Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and its characters (egg-laying and otherwise) do not belong to me. Notes: Thanks to hwmitzy and musesfool for the beta duties. Everything I know about raising ducks I learned from the internet, and in some cases I bent the information I had to fit the story. Hey, they're *alien* ducks, ya never know. Words: ~6500 Posted: February 9th, 2006
    with a_devildol crack mcshep
  • devildoll: FIC: Junk Cheap (SGA) Sheppard/McKay (R) 1/2
    Junk Cheap Summary: If you were thinking you'd love to read an AU where Rodney is a college professor and John owns a junk shop, this is the story for you. Author: Devil Doll Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: R Spoilers: There's a small one for "Sunday" in here, but since this story is an AU, if you don't know what the spoiler is, you might not even realize it's a spoiler. Website: Fan Fiction I Wrote Yay! Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and its characters do not belong to me. Notes: Thanks to hwmitzy and musesfool for the beta duties. Words: ~13,000 Posted: May 15th, 2007
    with au mcshep
  • devildoll: FIC: Proof (SGA) Sheppard/McKay
    Title: Proof Summary: "We had a fight and he dumped me." Foofy humor. Author: Devil Doll Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: R Website: Fan Fiction I Wrote Yay! Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and its hot male couples belong to some big company that is not me. Notes: Written for hwmitzy's birthday. Beta by musesfool. My fannish life is infinitely better for the presence of the two of you in it. And I do, you know. *g* Word Count: ~5700
    with humour mcshep
  • Eighteenish by seperis
    Eighteenish by seperis [NC-17] [Reviews - 13] Summary: They woke up brand new.
    with mcshep nc-17 post-tao_of_rodney
  • eleveninches: SGA: Certain People Got a God Complex
    SGA: Certain People Got a God Complex This fic is ridiculously late for this challenge, I know. For svmadelyn's Cuff 'Em, Vamp 'Em, or Just Make 'Em Come Already Kink and Cliché Multi-Fandom Challenge I was given: Bad guys (or, well, anyone) force our Intrepid Hero (or, um, villain) to fess up to feelings for Guy B. Certain People Got a God Complex [Website version] 17,700 words Summary: An old friend needs McKay's expertise, so he takes Sheppard as collateral. Getting Sheppard back may prove to be harder than expected when McKay realizes they're dealing with a lunatic. McKay/Sheppard.
    with mcshep
  • equilibrium
    i haven't read this yet. and there are no notes. really.
    with mcshep
  • Euler's Jewel., by Basingstoke
    Euler's Jewel. Thanks to elynross for the beta. Bows to shalott, my SGA slavemaster. Notation: e is Euler's number; i is the imaginary number, sometimes denoted as the square root of -1, though that's not strictly correct; π is pi, natch.
    with mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: Unidentified, Part 1a
    Unidentified Details: PG-13, ~30,000 words, McKay/Sheppard. An SGA AU inspired by the documentary Unknown White Male. Summary: Fourteen years, eight months, and seven days after John and Rodney meet, the clock starts all over again. Notes: Very vague spoilers through season 3. See the index post for full headers and thank-yous.
    with mcshep
  • franticsga: Keeping Watch.
    Keeping Watch. Rating: PG. Summary: Can't really summarize without spoiling. Let's just say that if you want to remain unspoiled for the remainder of Season 3, don't read this. Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers up to and including "Sunday". Disclaimers: No money, broke, etc., etc.
    with mcshep
  • frivolous vitriol - Ophthalmology, SGA, John/Rodney
    Ophthalmology by Pares
    with mcshep

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