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  • gaiaanarchy: FIC: A Thursday Morning Concerto for the City in the Sea
    A Thursday Morning Concerto for the City in the Sea Author: Gaia Email: Website: Rating: Family Warnings: Futurefic, kidfic Pairings: McShep Beta: None, quick two-hour fic Spoilers: Implied knowlege of at least one of these episodes: Underground, Hot Zone, Intruder, Coup d'etat Disclaimer: Don’t own it, don’t make money. Summary: John is a bridge between Kako and Rodney, just as Atlantis is a bridge between Kako and John.
    with domestic mcshep
  • gateverse_remix: Fic: The Unfortunate Incident of the Valentine's Dance
    The Unfortunate Incident of the Valentine's Dance Author: sheafrotherdon Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Disclaimer: not mine, not mine, just playing in the sandbox Summary: Elizabeth's taken it into her head to hold a Valentine's Dance in the gateroom, and insists that all her staff attend. ~1100 words A/N: I tried something different with this – rather than a remix of an entire story, this is just one scene from thisissirius's The One With All The Pink fleshed out in greater detail. Hope you enjoy, thisissirius! Thanks, as ever, to dogeared for the delicious beta.
    with mcshep remix
  • gblvr_lite: SGA: Home [The Felis Catus Extended Mix] (McShep, rated PG)
    Home [The Felis Catus Extended Mix] Author: gblvr Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney Rating: PG Disclaimer: None of what you might recognize in this story is owned by me: the characters and most of the settings are owned by the suits, and the original story is owned by wickedwords. All I claim is the new order of the words.... Comments: This was written as part of the 2007 remix_redux; the original story is Domestic Shorthair by wickedwords. A HUGE thank you to my last minute (but still very awesome) betas, merryish and twistedchick; any remaining errors are mine and mine alone, as I ripped the story apart and re-did it at the last minute....
    with animals mcshep
  • Good Idea, Bad Idea -
    Cadence Summary: A progression of chords moving to a harmonic close, point of rest, or sense of resolution. (Definition from Date: 5/8/06 Rating: NC-17 Thanks: To shrift and gritkitty for beta. Notes: When I offered to write resonant8 something for her birthday, she asked for a story set in my Atlantis AU "Counterpoint". I find myself very attached to this version of these characters, so I was thrilled to write this for her. I got into my first slash fandom right before Resonant started writing, a particularly lucky bit of timing on my part. I admire her writing greatly, and devouring everything she writes watching her has taught me a lot about what I want my own writing to be. Happy birthday, Resonant!
    with mcshep nc-17
  • harlequin_sga: Jingle Wings (John/Rodney AU) Christmas Harlequin
    Jingle Wings Author: forcryinoutloud Rating: R Pairing: John/Rodney Category: Humor, Fluff, AU, Romance, Crack For: wickedwords Archiving: Full Summary: I selflessly helped a poor struggling elf to earn his over-sized jingle shoes and found the spirit of Christmas all while getting laid.
    with au christmas mcshep
  • Hello, I Must Be Going by Stormy Stormheller
    Summary: "Dentist. Theoretical astrophysicist. It’s a fine line, really." Story Notes: 11,000 words Originally published in Military/Intelligence from Red Shirt Press Hello, I Must Be Going by Stormy Stormheller
    with mcshep
  • her hands don't go to the moon - SGA: "Best Somethings" (PG-13, John/Rodney)
    Best Somethings Stargate: Atlantis. PG-13, John/Rodney. 2,620 words. "In which John and Rodney are idiots, although perhaps not more so than usual." Post-ep for the most recent episode, 4x13 - "Quarantine". Speedy beta by nestra, who fed me a few lines of dialogue Friday night and caused this to happen.
    with a_shrift mcshep post-quarantined
  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation, by Dr. Rodney McKay by lamardeuse
    w I Spent My Summer Vacation, by Dr. Rodney McKay by lamardeuse
    with mcshep
  • hypercritical reprobate curmudgeon - Be here now
    For 30toseoul. SGA John/Rodney NC-17 John doesn't like Christmas parties.
    with a_filenotch mcshep nc-17 snippets
  • I'd play with a nuclear device.
    authors' notes: written for ladyjestyr in the SV and SGA Flash Fiction Challenge with the help of Propaganda, who eased my way through twenty-six hours of brain-numbing writer's block. combined prompts: Sheppard/McKay; McKay/Zelenka; something involving Ancient technology; preferably not a PWP; something set a while after Season 2. this probably isn't what you were looking for, but it was as close as we could get. cheers. the three-day theory is getting old by onthecontrary and propaganda
    with mcshep
  • idyll: Ficlet: Perpetual Motion (John, Ronon) PG
    Perpetual Motion Fandom: SGA Character: Ronon, John Rating: PG Word Count: 476 A/N: Okay, so this wasn't a request. Inspired by a post amand_r made which got me thinking about Parkour in relation to SGA and Atlantis itself. The Wikipedia entry on Parkour is here, and a YouTube vid is here
    with john ronon
  • Industrial Arts
    Industrial Arts Author: Punk E-mail: Category: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: MGM Summary: The important thing is that Rodney has a wrench and John's lurking in the doorway, staring at his ass.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • inky_pink: Title: Half-lifeAuthor: indy_goFandom: S
    Half-life Author: indy_go Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: John/Rodney (pre-slash) Rating: PG Summary: After Atlantis, you have to find a way to keep going. Word count: ~1,700 Warnings: None. Beta: tropes Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit Feedback: is most welcome! Author's Note: This is my first stab at SGA fic, having been lured into the fandom by tropes and villainny. *shakes fists at them* I'm not even finished watching Season 3 yet, so there's no real spoilers beyond Season 2; this is kind of a hypothetical "after all of it's over" scenario. Hope you like. :)
    with mcshep
  • Intimacy of Man
    with a_m john mcshep
  • It's fortunate you laughed :: it may seem romantic but that's no defense
    BETA: Leah looked at part of this. The rest is my own fault. GENRE: angst, drama, romance, AU RATING: NC-17 PAIRING: McShep. Of course. DISCLAIMER: If I owned them . . . believe me, you'd've noticed. *evil grin* AUTHOR'S NOTE: Before you ask: Yes, this is an excuse to write geek!John. Yes, I'm pimping Jeffery Deaver like a mad thing. No, I have no idea what happens in the second part. We shall see.
    with au mcshep nc-17
  • John & Rodney OTP - Don’t Cry Over Spilt Coffee NC-17
    Don’t Cry Over Spilt Coffee Author: mckays_girl Paring: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Word Count: ~ 3,400 Beta: The fabulous girly_curl_3 Summary: “No. It’s just one more backwater planet filled with easy women,” Rodney answered, fixing Sheppard with another scathing look. A/N: Inspired by THIS really lovely picture by _kiden. Seriously people - you need to go look and comment on that pic!!! Right after you comment on my story and tell me how awesome I am ;)
    with mcshep nc-17
  • Kellifer_fic - "Slow and Steady" - J/R
    Slow and Steady By: kellifer_fic Written: Through S1 and 2 Rated: PG Is: John/Rodney - A gradual wearing down of barriers. Summary: He rolled onto his side and narrowed his eyes. “You do realise I’m armed, don’t you?” he asked.
    with mcshep
  • Kid A
    Kid A by Speranza Author's Note: Kid A is a Radiohead album, and for some reason, it got attached to this story as a working title and I haven't been able to shake it (despite the advice of both betas). It's not songfic, though, I promise—or kidfic, for that matter—so don't worry! I wrote this in Africa, where shalott betaed it. The invaluable Terri gave it a good scrubbing when I got home.
    with mcshep
  • kormantic: The Protection Racket, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17
    Title: The Protection Racket Characters: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Summary: He found the ad in miscellaneous: Any Job. Sliding scale. About 14,000 words.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • Lacey McBain - A Nerd in Geek's Clothing - New SGA fic: Five Impossible Things Rodney McKay Did Before Breakfast
    Title: Five Impossible Things Rodney McKay Did Before Breakfast Author: Lacey McBain Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~4700 Summary: Rodney hates that this is the day he’s going to disappoint everyone, and it’s little consolation he probably won’t be around to deal with the fall-out. Author Notes: For tzi and sori1773 just because. It’s up to you to figure out the five things. Season 1, sometime after "The Storm."
    with mcshep

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