Anatomy of a well-intentioned Linux Troll - Ubuntu Forums A troll will always be successful on a Linux forum, and I'm about to explain why. Despite numerous protests of "Don't feed the trolls" and "The best thing to do is ignore posts like these," people will continue to respond to trolls because trolls (like Linux distros) come in different flavors and varieties. One troll in particular seems particularly impassioned and genuine and so always gets responses: The "If I can't use it, nobody can" troll Anatomy of a well-intentioned Linux Troll Community Cafe anatomyforumforumsfourmhelplinuxsupporttrollubuntuubunutwell-intentioned in Computing > Linuxwith changeovercomputercomputinglinuxproblemsswitchtrollubuntu Note: An interesting article on the problems of switching from windows to linux and the issues of the 'troll' user.