- 4 Best Practices for Optimizing Customer Engagement
As a marketer, it can be difficult to identify where and when to make changes to optimize your customer engagement strategy before it’s too late. Often times, you see the results of a campaign but have no real diagnostics for where and what went wrong or right so you can engage your customers better next time.
in Public bookmarks with communication content customer data digital experience global information intelligence journey management mapping social system translation
- 5 Reasons Why Journey Mapping is Critical to Your Business
Customer journey mapping is not a new idea. In fact, the concept of “journeys” has become so pervasive you can’t go a day without hearing someone’s journey referenced in the media, a marketing campaign or conversations in the office. One of the challenges with a concept becoming so well understood is that people often find themselves getting a little complacent about the utilization of something that “everybody” does.
in Public bookmarks with communication customer data global information intelligence journey management mapping social system translation
- Customer Analytics to Predict & Simplify
247 Inc.’s customer analytics, reinvents customer service by providing a smarter customer service. Our software platform leverages big data analytics to provide more effective multi channel customer service and predict online customers journey.
in Public bookmarks with analytics big consumer customer data journey journeys online predicting
- Innovation: Where is your company in this Digital Twin?
In today’s highly competitive world, there is a race to be on top of the digital bandwagon to be successful. After Big Data Analytics, the concepts of “Digital Twin” and “Digital Thread” are the new game-changers.
in Public bookmarks with digital digitalization journey prolim thread twin
- Social Intelligence Video Series Kickoff
I’m excited to say that we will be launching a video series on social intelligence, starting with the video that you see here. Our team can discuss social intelligence all day long, but we thought it would be beneficial to ask some experts in market research who are currently leveraging social intelligence as part of their research and marketing strategies.
in Public bookmarks with communication customer data global information intelligence journey management mapping social system translation
- What Recession? The Customer Never Left!
Marketers worrying about the recession should stop worrying about lost spending. The consumer dollar has not disappeared and it still exists. The current recession has primarily been caused by cutbacks in business spending.
in Public bookmarks with communication customer experience global information intelligence journey management mapping social system translation
- Where is your Company in this Digital Twin and Digital Thread Journey?
In today’s highly competitive world, there is a race to be on top of the digital bandwagon to be successful. After Big Data Analytics, the concepts of “Digital Twin” and “Digital Thread” are the new game-changers.
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journey from all users