Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Grades 6-12 In this practical and accessible book, Rick Wormeli shows middle- and secondary-level teachers how to plan a differentiated lesson from start to finish, detailing the steps to take before, during, and after to deepen connections for students. At each stage, Rick offers time-tested strategies and reflective advice about reaching a wide range of learners within the same classroom. He presents annotated models of effective differentiated instruction, including tiering, flexible groupings, and adjustments based on formative assessments. in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Differentiating Instructionwith differentiationlessonplanningricksecondarywormeli
Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Grades 6-12 In this practical and accessible book, Rick Wormeli shows middle- and secondary-level teachers how to plan a differentiated lesson from start to finish, detailing the steps to take before, during, and after to deepen connections for students. At each stage, Rick offers time-tested strategies and reflective advice about reaching a wide range of learners within the same classroom. He presents annotated models of effective differentiated instruction, including tiering, flexible groupings, and adjustments based on formative assessments. Through extensive interdisciplinary examples, teachers also learn how to extend these processes to any subject. in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Differentiating Instructionwith differentiationlessonsplanningrickwormeli