- Teacher Printables Section
Teachnology provides multiple free printable resources for teachers. There are also many additional resources for a yearly subscription fee.
In this section of our site we feature all the items that you can print outside of your standard worksheets.
in Teacher Resources > Teacher Tools with games printable skills spelling technology words worksheets by 2 users
- Vocabulary Games (See Analogies, Avoid Word Search)
The Fun Way to Build Vocabulary Skills! Test Preparation & Vocabulary Building Made Fun by Vocabulary.co.il! This word game website helps to build English vocabulary with fun practice activities for K-12 students. Use the games that evoke the most learning. Avoid Word Search Hang Mouse.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with analogies games idioms prefixes suffixes vocabulary
- Vocabulary Instruction « Road to Teaching
Resources for Aspiring, Student, and Beginning Teachers, This site lists various vocabulary strategies contributed by teachers.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with games vocabulary
- Walk Through Time - BBC Education History - Age 7-9
Here's your chance to walk into the past! But look closely - there are things that don't belong in each scene. Click on the odd items and send them flying down the Time Tunnel.
BBC Education Walk Through Time - Colourful games, print offs, animations and activities to help 7 to 9 year olds with history - an invaluable resource for the Classroom and fun to use at home.
1950s 50s bbc children history roman romans timeline timelines tudor tudors victorian victorians viking vikings
in Social Studies with game games history interactive time
- Welcome to the SuperThinkers Website!
This is a site where students with more advanced English proficiency can practice using higher thinking skills. It provides opportunities for them to analyze information and to solve problems while they are having fun. They can also practice their reading skills! Rec. by Colorin Colorado
in Student Resources with games hots mysteries thinking
- Online games - SAT and GRE Games and Info
Prepared by Sheppard Software The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are both essential to getting into competitive colleges. Our online games are a great tool to help refresh and enhance your vocabulary and prepare you to get a great score on either exam. Hear the pronunciation of the word. The words are not in context but can be helpful for motivated learners who can read the definitions and examples.
Unique online games - hear SAT and GRE vocabulary words pronounced. Play games to match words with their meanings and learn the use of words in context. Definitions of all vocabulary words are provided.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with games gre pronunciation sat vocabulary by 2 users
- Sample Literacy Games
Literacy games to practice vocabulary presented in authentic stories.
in English as a New Language > Songs, Chant, Games, Quizzes, Survival Language Mostly with ells games literacy reading vocabulary by 2 users
- World Geography Quizzes: Games
Hundreds of Map Games prepared by Shepard Software
World geography quizzes galore - over 250 fun online map games teach capitals, country locations, and more. Also info on the culture, history, and much more.
in Social Studies > Geography with games geography interactive quizzes by 3 users
- Activities for ESL/EFL Students (English Study)
This is a fun, interactive website that is a great resource for ESL teachers. Included are grammar and vocabulary quizzes (easy, medium, and hard), crossword puzzles, podcasts, bilingual quizzes in more than 20 languages, a teacher section, and more. Everything is interactive- Students can do the quizzes, etc. online. Great for when there is extra time in the computer lab. Rec. by Paul Ceisel
Free Online English Learning: Study English with Quizzes, Tests, Crossword Puzzles, Exercises and other activities for students of English as a second language.
efl elt english esl esol foreign language second tefl tesl tesol toefl toeic
in English as a New Language > Grammar for ELLs with activities bilingual ells games grammar by 6 users
- ESL KidStuff
Music, Flashcards, worksheets, games for ESL kids, support resources. Note it is important to teach skills in context. Use worksheets with caution.
in English as a New Language > Songs, Chant, Games, Quizzes, Survival Language Mostly with english flashcards games kids language sec teachers worksheets by 2 users
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