- FindLaw Library Subjects Securities Law Investment Advisors
in Public bookmarks with advisors findlaw investment library securities subjects
- For individual investors, risk-free investment money is fantasy money - Personal Financial Planning > Financial Decision Rul...
For individual investors, risk-free investment money is fantasy money - Personal Financial Planning > Financial Decision Rules - Financial Articles, Investments with low risk and high returns are just fantasies. No risk free investment money is consistently and reliably available to individuals. Luck dominates skill in the securities markets. Clever investment selection is vastly over hyped, and only the promoters tend to benefit. On average over long periods, investors get paid risk premiums, because they put their money at risk. If they control their costs, they get to keep most of these risk premiums.
in Public bookmarks with fantasy financial individual investment investors money personal risk-free
- Frauds and Scams by Financial and Investment Advisers - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industr...
Frauds and Scams by Financial and Investment Advisers - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry - Financial Articles, The vast majority of financial advisors and investment counselors are honest and try to serve the best interests of their clients. Unfortunately, there are wolves among the sheep, and investors should be very careful, when they use an adviser.
in Public bookmarks with advisers advisors counselors financial frauds industry investment scams
- Fund Authority Scores - Taking the Snake Oil Out of Investment Fund Evaluation - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORE...
Fund Authority Scores - Taking the Snake Oil Out of Investment Fund Evaluation - The Skilled Investor's FUND AUTHORITY SCORES for Mutual Funds and ETFs > The Fund Authority Score System for Evaluating Mutual Funds and ETFs - Financial Articles, Historical performance charts allow investment fund promoters to selectively market their supposedly superior funds and to allege that their excessively high fees are worth it. Lured in by superior past performance, most often individual investors will get mediocre future performance before costs and even worse performance after costs. Unreasonably high investment expenses, industry sales and marketing fees, and excessive yet hidden, performance killing portfolio trading costs are the real economic factors that in...
in Public bookmarks with authority fund investment oil scores skilled snake taking
- Governmental and self-regulation of the securities industry - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial I...
Governmental and self-regulation of the securities industry - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Regulation of Financial Advisors and Investment Advisers - Financial Articles, Regarding regulation of financial planners and investment advisors, the picture can sometimes be confusing. While various state and federal government entities can enforce laws, these agencies usually are not be involved in the direct management and regulation of market brokers and other financial or investment advisors.
in Public bookmarks with advisors counselors financial governmental industry investment securities self-regulation
- Hear ye, Hear Ye, individual investors: Be wary of new investment asset classes - Personal Investment Management > Asset All...
Hear ye, Hear Ye, individual investors: Be wary of new investment asset classes - Personal Investment Management > Asset Allocation and Personal Investment Risk Tolerance Articles - Financial Articles, Many promoters in the financial services industry have shown a strong proclivity in recent years to invent and to market supposedly new investment asset classes. Industry advocates will claim that these new asset classes deserve some minimum percentage allocation within your investment portfolio. These supposed new asset classes have included commodity futures, managed futures, precious metals, the 57+ varieties of hedge funds, and other asset class inventions.
in Public bookmarks with asset classes hear individual investment investors personal wary by 2 users
- Hear ye, Hear Ye, individual investors: Be wary of new investment asset classes - Personal Investment Management > Asset All...
Hear ye, Hear Ye, individual investors: Be wary of new investment asset classes - Personal Investment Management > Asset Allocation and Personal Investment Risk Tolerance Articles - Financial Articles, Many promoters in the financial services industry have shown a strong proclivity in recent years to invent and to market supposedly new investment asset classes. Industry advocates will claim that these new asset classes deserve some minimum percentage allocation within your investment portfolio. These supposed new asset classes have included commodity futures, managed futures, precious metals, the 57+ varieties of hedge funds, and other asset class inventions.
in Public bookmarks with asset classes hear individual investment investors personal wary by 2 users
- How can individual investors trust, when so much investment information is rubbish? - Personal Investment Management > Scien...
How can individual investors trust, when so much investment information is rubbish? - Personal Investment Management > Scientific Investment Best Practices Articles - Financial Articles, Investing evokes a very wide variety of thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Conversations, the media, and popular literature contain significant unverified, biased, false, and sometimes simply ridiculous investment information. When such information is superficially plausible, it seems especially easy for erroneous beliefs to perpetuate and become part of widespread investment folklore. The Skilled Investor dubs such supposed investment information as “rubbish.”
in Public bookmarks with individual information investment investors management personal rubbish trust
- How Expensive is Investment Advisor Compensation Paid via Sales Loads - The Skilled Investor provides free personal financia...
Even if you actually are getting good financial advice, paying your investment advisor via a sales load charge is just one of several potential compensation
in Public bookmarks with advice advisor financial investment load paying sales via
- How Investment Sales Loads and One Time Investment Fees Work
Understanding one-time investment fees, such as sales loads Sales load charges and commissions on investment purchases differ from the financial service
in Public bookmarks with charges fees investment loads one-time sales understanding
- How Investment Securities Are Valued - Snapshots in Time
Snapshots in time - How investment securities are valued Every securities market transaction requires a buyer and seller with differing viewpoints. Markets
in Public bookmarks with investment market requires securities snapshots time transaction valued
- How investment securities are valued -- snapshots in time - Personal Investment Management > How Stock and Bond Markets Valu...
How investment securities are valued -- snapshots in time - Personal Investment Management > How Stock and Bond Markets Value Investment Securities - Financial Articles, Every securities market transaction requires a buyer and seller with differing viewpoints. Differences between investors in their assessments of the intrinsic value and risk of securities allow markets to operate.
in Public bookmarks with investment management personal securities snapshots stock time valued
- How many mutual funds are needed for a well-diversified portfolio? - Commentary - Personal Investment Management > Investmen...
How many mutual funds are needed for a well-diversified portfolio? - Commentary - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, Additional mutual funds in a portfolio improve diversification slightly, when looked at year to year. However, if the terminal value of a portfolio after multi year investment holding periods is considered, then very substantial reductions in risk or volatility can be achieved by holding multiple mutual funds.
in Public bookmarks with commentary funds investment mutual needed personal portfolio well-diversified
- How many mutual funds are needed for a well-diversified portfolio? - evidence - Personal Investment Management > Investment ...
How many mutual funds are needed for a well-diversified portfolio? - evidence - Personal Investment Management > Investment Asset Diversification Articles -- Reducing Your Portfolio Risk - Financial Articles, Mutual funds are not created equally. Particularly with actively managed mutual funds, performance can vary significantly – even when those funds are pursuing similar strategies or “styles.” Holding multiple funds will reduce the volatility or risk of your portfolio.
in Public bookmarks with evidence funds investment mutual needed personal portfolio well-diversified
- How much do hidden mutual fund trading expenses cost you? - Personal Investment Management > Cost Control and Investment Per...
How much do hidden mutual fund trading expenses cost you? - Personal Investment Management > Cost Control and Investment Performance Improvement Articles - Financial Articles, The average mutual fund paid .27% of net assets in hidden commissions in 2001. When measured on a capitalization weighted basis, the average hidden commission cost was .19% of net assets. The effective trading costs related to the bid/ask spread and the temporary shifting of these spreads added .36% more annually in the hidden costs of the average fund. For funds with the highest turnover, hidden commission and bid/ask spread expenses exceeded 3% of assets annually.
in Public bookmarks with cost expenses fund investment management mutual personal trading
- How stable have common stock market returns been over time? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Returns and Securi...
How stable have common stock market returns been over time? - Personal Investment Management > Investment Returns and Securities Market Risk Premiums Articles - Financial Articles, The short term common stock equity premium, which averaged about 4.1% from 1872 to 2000, has varied widely in the past. Measured by decades over the past 130 years, it was over 10% in four decades, between 0% and 5% in seven decades and negative in two decades.
in Public bookmarks with investment management market personal returns stable stock time
- How Stock and Bond Markets Value Investment Securities - Personal Investment Management - Financial Articles
How Stock and Bond Markets Value Investment Securities - Personal Investment Management - Financial Articles, Securities market prices provide a forward looking consensus on the value of traded securities. As such, they provide the best available estimate of risk adjusted fair market value.
in Public bookmarks with bond investment management markets personal securities stock value
- How to Lie with Statistics - Investment Performance Charts
How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts - A Tip from The Skilled Investor Darrell Huff wrote a short and very informative book, How to Lie
in Public bookmarks with charts investment investor lie performance skilled statistics tip
- How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 1 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the...
How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 1 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry? - Financial Articles, Historical investment performance charts for investment funds might be historically accurate, but their presentation in advertising, on line, and in printed materials can amount to lies from several perspectives. Performance charts are designed to lure gullible individual investors with an implied promise that superior past performance will continue. The financial research literature tells us clearly that on average this is a promise that cannot be kept. In other words, historical performance charts are a veiled lie. They...
in Public bookmarks with advisors charts financial investment lie part performance statistics
- How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 2 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the...
How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 2 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry? - Financial Articles, The securities industry and many of its brokers and investment advisors know that low cost index strategies are better for individual investors. However, the active management beat the market industry crowd will not make any money off of you, if they tell you that. They have to push the we deliver superior performance mantra, because that is the justification for their excessively high and performance killing fees. Since market realities make it virtually impossible for actively managed funds to consistently beat the ...
in Public bookmarks with advisors charts financial investment lie part performance statistics
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