How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 1 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the... How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 1 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry? - Financial Articles, Historical investment performance charts for investment funds might be historically accurate, but their presentation in advertising, on line, and in printed materials can amount to lies from several perspectives. Performance charts are designed to lure gullible individual investors with an implied promise that superior past performance will continue. The financial research literature tells us clearly that on average this is a promise that cannot be kept. In other words, historical performance charts are a veiled lie. They... in Public bookmarkswith advisorschartsfinancialinvestmentliepartperformancestatistics
How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 2 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the... How to lie with statistics: Investment performance charts (Part 2 of 2) - Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry > Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry? - Financial Articles, The securities industry and many of its brokers and investment advisors know that low cost index strategies are better for individual investors. However, the active management beat the market industry crowd will not make any money off of you, if they tell you that. They have to push the we deliver superior performance mantra, because that is the justification for their excessively high and performance killing fees. Since market realities make it virtually impossible for actively managed funds to consistently beat the ... in Public bookmarkswith advisorschartsfinancialinvestmentliepartperformancestatistics