Android version distribution This page provides data about the relative number of active devices running a given version of the Android platform. This can help you understand the landscape of device distribution and decide how to prioritize the development of your application features for the devices currently in the hands of users. For information about how to target your application to devices based on platform version, read about API levels. in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statisticswith androidapicoveragedistributionplatformusersversion
Developing Web applications with the Java Persistence API and JavaServer Faces The Java™ Persistence API (JPA) provides an easy mechanism to use with relational databases when you need applications to persist data. Although it is traditionally used with Enterprise Java™Beans (EJBs), JPA works quite well directly with Web applications. This article describes the simplified programming model and tools that IBM® Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere® Software Version 7.5 provides for easily building Web applications that use JPA. in Development > Java > JPAwith apiejbsjavajpapersistpersistencetutorial
Google Maps API - Google Code The Google Maps API lets you embed Google Maps in your own web pages with JavaScript. The API provides a number of utilities for manipulating maps (just like on the web page) and adding content to the map through a variety of services, allowing you to create robust maps applications on your website. in Internet > Googlewith apicodegooglemapmapsby 3 users
Google Powermeter : Step by step | Mosquitto This is a follow up to my previous post on using Google Powermeter, but this time I’m going to give a step by step guide to getting your data uploaded. The only assumptions are that you have a CurrentCost monitor (note that CurrentCost monitors are often rebadged by electricity suppliers such as EON in the UK so check yours) and have already connected it to your computer, want to use MQTT and that you’re using Linux, or another Unix operating system. in Hus & Hem > Home Automationwith apigooglepowermeter
Informa: RSS Library for Java - Overview The goal of the Informa Project is to provide a news aggregation library based on the Java Platform. With Informa we enable you with a harmonised view on a news channel object model. Both channels and news items do have metadata assigned, it does not make any difference from which channel format they were originally retrieved (RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0 / RDF, RSS 2.0, Atom 0.3). To ease finding relevant news items an integration with the full-text search engine (Jakarta's Lucene) may be used optionally. Besides exporting news channels in a specified XML format there is a persistence backend available using the Hibernate O/R mapping framework. This allows to persist the whole object model into a JDBC-compliant relational database. As default database Hyperson in Development > Javawith apifeedjavarss
Java API Design Guidelines There are tons of books and articles about how to design and write good Java code, but surprisingly little about the specific topic of API design. Here's a summary of what I've learnt on the subject from various sources and my own experience. in Development > Javawith apidesignguidelinesjava
Trafiklab Trafiklab är ett initiativ för öppen trafikdata. Vi vill göra det enklare att få tillgång till APIer från trafikföretag, lättare att visa upp vad som finns och roligare att prata om vad man skulle kunna göra. Här kan du utforska vad andra gjort, dela bra idéer och hitta information om tillgängliga APIer. in Traveling > Städer & Lokaltrafikwith apibusslokaltrafikprogrammeringspårvagntåg