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  • NCSE Resource: Islamic Scientific Creationism: A New Challenge in Turkey (by Ümit Sayin & Aykut Kence)
    At the time that "Creation Science: A Successful Export?" was published in RNCSE (Matsumura 1998), there was an notable debate among intellectuals, scientists, lay people and fundamentalist Islamists concerning Islamic scientific creationism in Turkey. Since the early 1990s, the Science Research Foundation (Bilim Arastirma Vakfi, or BAV) has undertaken a new mission of spreading an Islamic version of scientific creationism in Turkey, the ideology of which was mainly imported from the US. However, it was not until late 1998 that many scientists and academics, as well as Turkish science institutions, such as TUBITAK (the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council) and TUBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences), protested the pseudoscience of BAV and publis
    with evo evolution geostrategy philosophy turkey w4
  • Netvouz blog - This is the official Netvouz blog
    with blogs computer netvouz w2 by 9 users
  • NewsMap
    with map media net by 24 users
  • Obsidian Wings: Wiki THIS
    Glenn Reynolds laments that he's been wiki'ed with a truly bizarre Wikipedia entry on Instapundit. "WIKIPEDIA, and its trustworthiness, has become a topic of considerable discussion," he writes. Indeed, it should be -- this whole Wiki-thang has been a bit Arthur 2 (i.e., "on the rocks") for a while. Eugene Volokh and Orin Kerr have been quite right in their criticisms (even though it seems that Volokh's Wikipedia entry is at least tentatively grounded in fact.) Moreover, adding to the confusion and potential for bias is the fact that you're able to write your own entry. The entry on LGF, for instance, was written by LGF's own Charles Johnson. [see Seigenthaler]
    with blogs media mesopotamia net usa w2 w4
  • Obsolete Skills
    # ADA Programming # Adjusting rabbit ears on top of a TV -still in use # Adjusting a television's horizontal and vertical holds # Adjusting a television's color and hue adjustments # Adjusting the dwell angle on the spark distributor of an engine # Adjusting the levels and song layout for recording to audio tape
    with system:unfiled utils by 2 users
  • Omniglot: writing systems and languages of the world

    A guide to alphabets and languages, with useful foreign phrases, tips on learning languages, language-related links, multilingual texts, and much more
    abjads abuguida alphabet encoding glyph h language multilingual script syllabaries syllabary syllabics systems writing written
    with linglang script by 11 users
  • On the Psychology of Military Incompetence: Books: Norman F. Dixon
    "Everyone who manages anyone should be required to read this book. By focussing on the military Dixon has written a book crammed with examples that show the drastic consequences of incompetence. In management situations it's seldom a matter of life and death (despite the way some bosses act) but the consequences are still there: demotivated, under-utilised, confused and stressed staff. So if you're the boss and this sounds familiar you should read this book and learn it's lessons."
    On The Psychology Of Military Incompetence (Pimlico): Norman F Dixon, M Dixon: 9780712658898: Books
    0712658890 2706556 defence dixon in incompetence military norman occupational pimlico planning psychology research strategy the
    with biz book military psy w4
    Note: The best ever explanation of 'military intelligence', Reviewer: A reader
  • pastebin - collaborative debugging tool
    A pastebin, also known as a nopaste, is a web application which allows its users to upload snippets of text, usually samples of source code, for public viewing. It is very popular in IRC channels where pasting large amounts of text is considered bad etiquette. A vast number of pastebins exist on the Internet, suiting a number of different needs and provided features tailored towards the crowd they focus on most.
    with biz computer net script w4 by 2 users
  • PERMANENT Asteroid mining, space colonies, commercialization
    P rojects to E mploy R esources of the M oon and A steroids N ear E arth in the N ear T erm G o a l s We mean business!Don't expensively launch from Earth, use construction materials already in space.Build valuable, profitable products and habitats in orbit (not send back to Earth).Non-governmental, commercial, faster, cheaper large scale space development. O r g a n i z a t i o n PERMANENT is an introductory guide for all, a reference source for experts and a news site on space resources. We link to known, quality websites, stockpile technical resources of third parties not on the web, and help them publish on the web.
    with astronautics biz design ebook economylogy evo evolution geostrategy system:unfiled travel w4
  • Phone hacking, News International and operational disaster for News Corp by Guy Rundle | Crikey | 7 July 2011
    Back in the day, the analogue and offline day, when a plenitude of images did not circulate, one of the most vital jobs in the newspaper industry was that of the “picture-snatcher”?—?the reporter, often a cub/cadet, who would accompany a senior colleague to the house of a grieving widow whose family member had just been trampled by a horse/died of dropsy/ etc, and, while the bereaved was being engaged in conversation, snatch a picture of the decedent from the mantelpiece, and then sprint back to the office with it.
    with blogs cryptography geostrategy media net oz
    Om Pistoleros Vi är tre kvalificerade systemutvecklare som utvecklar webbsidor och applikationer. Vi utför också arbete på konsultbasis. Vi har också erfarenhet av avancerad systemutveckling och webdesign i yrkeslivet. Vi erbjuder webblösningar som kan vara allt från en enkel presentation av innehavaren eller företaget till komplexa företagssajter med full script- och databasfunktionalitet. Vi arbetar strukturerat och strävar efter att allt vi producerar inte bara ska fungera och se bra ut, utan även vara väldokumenterat och användarvänligt. Vi tar alltid fram en detaljerad kravspecifikation där vi tillsammans med kunden kommer överens om hur produkten ska se ut och fungera. Vi vill alltid kun
    with computer design flash
  • The Planarity Game
    with flash gaming science
  • Platform Wars: TCP/IP vs. the Dollar
    Donna Bogatin : � Social Web or Business Web: where is the money? Naturally, people are fascinated by this question of "where's the money?" But it's the wrong question. The more interesting one is "why the money"? And it's still gonna take us a long time to get our heads around that. But that's what we're all gonna be asking at some point. The more effective the internet and the web are at helping us communicate and co-ordinate, the less money will be involved. Because ultimately the economy is a communication network and money is its protocol The network is not the means to the end of money.
    with biz blogs computer economylogy geostrategy net system:unfiled w2 w4
  • PressThink: Retreat from Empiricism: On Ron Suskind's Scoop
    Even realism has an obligation to be realistic. — George Packer. [...]Which is a perfect example of what Bill Keller and others at the New York Times call an intellectual scoop. (“When you can look at all the dots everyone can look at, and be the first to connect them in a meaningful and convincing way…”) Over the last three years, and ever since the adventure in Iraq began, Americans have seen spectacular failures of intelligence, spectacular collapses in the press, spectacular breakdowns in the reality-checks built into government, including the evaporation of oversight in Congress, and the by-passing of the National Security Council, which was created to prevent exactly these events.
    with blogs geostrategy history mecf media
  • Primidi
    Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends How new technologies are modifying our way of life
    How new technologies are modifying our way of life
    computer computing consultant high industry market nanotechnologies performance robotics space storage trends visualization web
    with blogs design economylogy evo evolution science
  • Ratatouille
    Recette de cuisine par Michel Zani -
    recette Ratatouille
    with food
  • ReliefWeb
    ReliefWeb is the world’s leading on-line gateway to information (documents and maps) on humanitarian emergencies and disasters. An independent vehicle of information, designed specifically to assist the international humanitarian community in effective delivery of emergency assistance, it provides timely, reliable and relevant information as events unfold, while emphasizing the coverage of "forgotten emergencies" at the same time.
    with economylogy geostrategy map neareast
    Note: west bank maps
  • rodcorp: London Tube Map with Walklines: sometimes it's quicker to walk
    * tube map with 500m walklines dotted in (warning: it's a large 429k gif file, pdf to follow possibly. Nb: our photo album constrains the size of the picture, so click the big versions of these pictures if you want to see them full size); big version here. The dense knots are Euston-Warren Street-Gt Portland St in Bloomsbury and Bank-Cannon St-Mansion House-St Paul's in the city. And these are interesting places to walk anyway. * And here's the same with the tube map faded out slightly, so you see the walklines more easily. (232k gif); big version here. * And indeed it might be interesting, for arty folk, to see the walklines without the original tube map behind it. They look like un-named constellations (20k gif); big version here. * The origin
    with design map travel utils by 2 users
  • RomeReborn1.0
    digital model
    Rome Reborn: A digital model of ancient Rome.
    reborn rome
    with design history italy media system:unfiled by 2 users
  • Saturn Sounds Spooky
    You know those sci-fi movies where the score is meant to be "eldritch", "eerie", "ethereal", "uncanny", "freaky" or whatnot? Well, Saturn really does sounds like that, in a way no musician could hope to compose. Listen to what Cassini heard on its way and around Saturn: Day 207 (10 seconds) Day 324 (73 seconds) Day 1268 (28 seconds) Day 517 (11 seconds) Day 542 (10 seconds) For pictures and info for each tune, check here: day 207, day 324, day 1268, day 517, day 542.
    with art astronautics audio

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