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  • Le secret de la ratatouille de catherine a été réalisé par des internautes gastronomes désireux de mettre à disposition de tous des recettes à titre gratuit, dans la plus pure tradition de l'Internet. Le casting Conception, développement Cold Fusion et HTML, textes, animation, référencement, validations et lasagnes maison : Christophe Duhamel Partenariats, communication, consensus et émincé de volaille: Anne-Laure Vincent Moteur de recherche, back office, développement avancé, expertise technique et columbo de poulet : Olivier Aboilard Réalisation de la base initiale, validations, modération et barbecue bourguignon : Jean-Bernard Verot Direction artistique et crumble au chocolat : Peggy Nille
    with food france
    Note: English version available
  • Leslie's Artgallery: Women in Art by Eggman913
    La vidéo "Women in Art", réalisée par l'énigmatique créateur Eggman913 dans le Missouri aux Etats-Unis, est une hymne impressionnante consacrée à l'histoire de l'art à travers l'image de la femme. La musique est celle de Yo-Yo Ma jouant la Sarabande de la Suite pour Violoncelle n° 1 de Bach.
    with art graph videofilm
  • Lessons From the Science of Nothing At All
    Where I come from we make things from nothing - from dreams and fantasies. The laws of physics don't apply. Our products weigh zero. We've explored just about every product development approach there is - extreme or otherwise: waterfall, iterative, rapid prototyping, community development, and mobs. Imagine this: Dionysus has deleted all the software on the planet - what's going to happen? You won't be able to surf the Web, send email, make and run spreadsheets, use word processors, and download music. No more anonymously available dirty pictures, no more mapping services, no more reading newspapers from around the world, no more computer and video games, no more pocket organizers, no more modern warfare, governments will come to a halt. Well, that's not so
    with computer linglang net script
  • LifeClever
    How to cure traffic jams» <<stigmergy>> <<cellular automata>> <<management>> The strategy is to simply maintain a large space in front of you instead of instinctively speeding up to close any gaps. It’s counter-intuitive, but according to his own experiments, it works. Here’s what he says: Traffic jams on highways are often triggered where two lanes must merge into one. Lanes of cars cannot merge if there are no large gaps between cars. Therefore, drivers who create large gaps between cars will ease this type of traffic jam.
    Tips for design and life
    with biz blogs computer design economylogy evo evolution gaming geostrategy science
  • Extremely strange but cool jumping spider mating behaviour
    Marked as: Featured A male jumping spider (Salticidae) is trying very very hard to excite a female jumping spider. He taps, he scrapes, he turns and twists...he stops!...quite funky! Make sure you turn up the volume on your speakers...the sounds are half the act!
    with economylogy evo evolution fun videofilm
  • Luke Chuey
    "... our art teacher claimed that anime wasn't real art, and neither was yours."
    with art graph by 2 users
  • Making the sky searchable
    In other words, their computer program will make night sky searchable. The team is organizing and mixing images coming from astronomical databases with images coming from 'all kinds of cameras, amateur telescopes, large ground-based telescopes, and space telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope.' This specialized search engine is still in beta-version, but is available to both professional and amateur astronomers.
    How new technologies are modifying our way of life
    computer computing consultant high industry market nanotechnologies performance robotics space storage trends visualization web
    with astronautics net science
  • » Archives
    # !mobiledesktop # %s # 2005 # adobe # advice # aggregator # airplane # ajax # algorithms # amazon # amusing # apache # api # apollo # apple # architecture # art # atom # auto # b&w # baby # background # backup # bandwidth # battery # beer # bestof # blogging # blogs # bone # bookmarking # bookmarklet # bookmarklets # bookmarks # books # bpel # browser # bugtracking # business # business2.0 # cabletv # caching # camera # cancer # capture # career # cell # charting # chat # cheatsheet # cherrypy # christmas # cisco # cms # code # color # comet # comic # comparison # complementary # compression # computers # computerscience # computing # conference # congress # cooking # coupon # coupons # cpu # cryonics # css # database # deals # # delicious # de
    with computer system:unfiled tutorial utils
  • Mapping and Distance Tools
    Measure distances on maps. Quick start: A course is the shortest line between two points. Move the map cursor to the desired start point and click there; or use the find box. Then, move to the next point and click again; or use the find box again. Continue choosing points until done. Pan and zoom the map if necessary to find each point. A circle is a line around a point. Choose the circle's center by clicking on the map; or use the find box. Move the cursor away from the center the desired distance, and click again; or, use the find box.
    with geostrategy map utils
  • MathTrek Ancient Islamic Penrose Tiles By Julie J. Rehmeyer
    When Peter J. Lu traveled to Uzbekistan, he had no idea of the mathematical journey that he was about to embark on as well. The Harvard graduate student in physics was fascinated by the beautiful and intricate geometric "girih" patterns on the 800-year-old buildings there, and he wanted to know how ancient artisans had created them. He discovered more than just a clever construction method. He also found an entirely unexpected level of mathematical sophistication in the designs, pointing at mathematical ideas that weren't formally developed until hundreds of years later. Lu's determination to find out took him on a journey through hundreds of photographs of Islamic architecture in the libraries at Harvard—and now it's landed him an article in Science.
    with art design history science
  • Mefi: Confessions of a Book Pirate
    Confessions of a Book Pirate NY Times Arts Beat: Report Finds 9 Million Illegal Downloads of E-Books Attributor Blog: Online Book Piracy Costs U.S. Publishers Nearly $3 Billion posted by brundlefly (105 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
    with biz book ebook economylogy media net p2p script system:unfiled
  • MetaFilter Military History links
    Whether you are looking for Soviet War Photos or some free monographs, this incredible collection of military history links should be your first stop.
    with history map military
  • MetaFilter: Art of Science
    Art of Science* 2006 'images, videos and sounds—produced in the course of research or incorporating tools and concepts from science.' Previously* on MeFi. (*links)
    with art audio science videofilm
  • MetaFilter: Bendy Vert and Argent, a Tierce Argent, a Fusil Azure
    Make like a knight and generate your own simple heraldic shield. The venerable Pimbley's Dictionary of Heraldry can define the archaic blazoning terms that the Generator uses. If you'd prefer a more modern, more casual emblem, try the Official Seal Generator.
    with design graph
  • MetaFilter: Deviation*; a Machinima* film hits the mainstream festival circuit. (previous* forays* into* Machinima*)
    asteriks mark links in mefi post
    with art computer videofilm
  • MetaFilter: Index of Medieval Medical Images
    <<medicine>> Index of Medieval Medical Images Searchable collection of medieval illustrations (to the year 1500); the thumbnails can be viewed at varying magnifications. There are many more interesting online repositories devoted to the history of medical illustration--both medieval and early modern--including Historical Anatomies on the Web, Anatomia, Seeing is Believing, and Medieval Manuscripts in the National Library of Medicine
    with art evo evolution graph history science
  • MetaFilter: What did one ghost say to the other?
    Get A-Life - an interesting read on artificial life and evolutionary computation, from the game of life (playable applet), through core wars, tierra and on to genetic programming. This approach has recently borne fruit to genetic programming pioneer and inventor of the scratchcard, John Koza, who last year patented his invention machine, actually a 1000 machine beowulf cluster running his software, which has itself created several inventions which have been granted patents. [See also: BBC Biotopia artificial life experiment, another odd BBC evolution game, Artificial Life Possibilities: A Star Trek Perspective] <evolution>
    with computer economylogy evo evolution science
  • Mike Lin's Home Page
    Applications Playlist Assist for iTunes Utility Software CrossHair Startup Control Panel StartupMonitor MCL Clipomatic SMP Seesaw Fun Stuff Other Software by Mike Lin Help and Support Firefox with Google Toolbar
    with computer utils by 2 users
  • Miyamoto Musashi - A Book of Five Rings
    with art book ebook geostrategy japan military philosophy psy w4 by 2 users
  • MP3 Converter Downloads and Reviews

    MP3 converter software downloads and reviews. Search for over 145 tools to convert MP3 to WAV, WAV to MP3, and MP3 to CD. One of the largest MP3 converter software directories on the Internet.
    converter mp3 wav
    with audio computer by 2 users (all private)

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