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- Crisis (hostage) negotiation: current strategies and issues in high-risk conflict resolution Gregory M. Vecchi a, * , Vincent B
Abstract Crisis (hostage) negotiation has been described as the most significant development in law enforcement and police psychology over the past several decades. This paper reviews three primary components of crisis negotiation: (1) the incorporation of crisis management and intervention in current broad-spectrum approaches to crisis negot
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- Crooked Timber: Wanting to Know Everything
As good as a starting point as any if you want to know everything on how the u.s intelligence-industrial complex wants to know everything. see also http://billmon.org/archives/002440.html
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- DesignVerb
Designverb: Get Inspired! Covering mind-provoking elements in design that captivate, inspire, excite, and rattle our goofy curious minds. Designverb is a blog by Aaron Tang
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with art design by 2 users
- deviantART: where ART meets application!
community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
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- Dictators Who Dominate: Betraying Allies to Gain a Preponderance of Power. McGovern, Erin Rachel
Abstract: As authoritarian leaders rise to power, they require the backing of a group of well-connected, well-organized supporters, who together control a large pool of resources. Every new leader necessarily begins his tenure surrounded by politically powerful kingmakers. Dependent leaders aim to keep these supporters happy by sharing the spoils of office, and they often fall victim to coups when key supporters decide to align their resources behind someone new. An independent leader, by contrast, purges his own inner circle to ensure that the “kingmakers” are too weak to remove him from power. Intra-regime purges are a dangerous gamble, but those leaders who survive the short-term repercussions of betraying their supporters gain a more secure hold on
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- DN - Kultur - I var mans mun
Är man språkforskare känner man till bonobon (dvärgschimpansen) Kanzi. Han är en celebritet i den komparativa språkforskningens värld, och primatforskarens Sue Savage-Rumbaughs skötebarn. Vad jag vet finns ingen bonobo eller schimpans som nått i närheten av Kanzis prestationsförmåga i handhavandet av "lexigram" (symboliska tecken) och att förstå talat språk. Vid ett tillfälle när han var i en vattenbassäng blev han tillfrågad: "Kan du hämta några grapefrukter och kasta dem i bassängen?"
Är man språkforskare känner man till bonobon (dvärgschimpansen) Kanzi. Han är en celebritet i den komparativa språkforskningens värld, och primatforskarens Sue Savage-Rumbaughs skötebarn. Vad jag vet finns ingen bonobo eller schimpans som nått i n&aum
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- Doctor Nerve's Markov Page
This page allows the writer to type in prose or poetry, and submit it to a Markov Chain engine. This engine munches through the writer's text, performs a statistical analysis, and spits out statistically similar text. Another Cyber DADA online creativity enhancement tool by NerveWare.
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- Downsizing, or, Cannibalism in the Cars, by Mark Twain
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- Ektopia
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- Erowid Online Books "PIHKAL" - #43 2C-T-7
Entry #43 2C-T-7 from PiHKAL by Alexander & Ann Shulgin.
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- Essay Contest: Why Would You Want Your Doctor to Have Studied Evolution?
Imagine if when someone said, "I finished reading a book!" they had in actuality only read three- fourths of it. Would you ask this person for help concerning the book? Unlikely, since there is a possibility that the information you want is in the one-fourth of the book that they didn't read. This same concept can be applied to evolution and the current medical school curriculum.
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- Everything You Know About Clausewitz Is Wrong | The Diplomat | James R. Holmes
As Mark Twain reputedly quipped, it’s not so much what we know that gets us in trouble; it’s what we know that just ain’t so. How much of what we know about martial ventures is wrong? In the naval sphere, for instance, it’s common knowledge that Alfred Thayer Mahan instructs commanders never to divide the fleet. Except he doesn’t. Once upon a time, it turns out, historians took to quoting other historians quoting Mahan to that effect. Over time the quotation — in reality, someone’s bowdlerized version of his ideas about concentrating naval strength — took on an air of authenticity and authority. “Never divide the fleet” endured as a truism despite its flimsy provenance. And it drowned out Mahan’s real ideas through constant repetition.
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- Export.gov
The European Commission’s Directive on Data Protection went into effect in October, 1998, and would prohibit the transfer of personal data to non-European Union nations that do not meet the European “adequacy” standard for privacy protection. While the United States and the European Union share the goal of enhancing privacy protection for their citizens, the United States takes a different approach to privacy from that taken by the European Union. In order to bridge these different privacy approaches and provide a streamlined means for U.S. organizations to comply with the Directive, the U.S. Department of Commerce in consultation with the European Commission developed a "Safe Harbor" framework and this Web site to provide the informatio
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- FAQ Value Based Management
60+ frequently asked questions (faq) on Value Based Management, Corporate Finance, Corporate Strategy, Performance Management, Assets Valuation and Intellectual Capital
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- FAS Public Interest Report - Low-Yield Earth-Penetrating Nuclear Weapons
Fig. 1 Diagrams like this one give the false impression that a low-yield earth penetrating nuclear weapon would "limit collateral damage" and therefore be relatively safe to use. In fact, because of the large amount of radioactive dirt thrown out in the explosion, the hypothetical 5-kiloton weapon discussed in the accompanying article would produce a large area of lethal fallout. (Philadelphia Inquirer/ Cynthia Greer, 16 October 2000.)
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