- Imagination Cubed - Interesting way to quickly and easily draw things. You can also send and save them.
with design net utils w2 by 7 users
- In 1981 Avalon Hill made a board game on the topic titled "The Peter Principle Game."
with biz economylogy gaming geostrategy by 2 users
- Index of Economic Freedom 2007
The 2007 Index of Economic Freedom measures and ranks 161 countries across 10 specific freedoms, things like tax rates and property rights. View scores and rankings for any country, along with detailed data and background analysis. [Visit the Countries »] or [See Top 10 »] A Renewed Index The 2007 methodology has been revised to provide an even clearer picture of economic freedom by using data-driven equations rather than performance brackets which allows countries to be graded using a percent score rather than a 1–5 rating. In addition, labor freedom has been added as a variable. We continue the tradition of blending "Ten Freedoms" equally to produce a simple, unbiased overall score for each country.
with biz economylogy geostrategy
- infinite thØught: towards a humanist pornography
A recent collection of silent pornographic films mostly made in France between 1905 and 1930 and collected by French director Michael Reilhac as The Good Old Naughty Days, astonishes and appeals for several reasons. The first thing you notice is the sheer level of silliness on show: sex isn't just a succession of grim orgasms and the parading of physical prowess, but something closer to slapstick and vaudeville. Men pretend to be statues of fauns for curious women to tickle; two seamstresses fall into a fit of giggles as their over-excited boss falls off the bed; a bawdy waitress serves a series of sexually-inspired meals to a man dressed as a musketeer before joining him for 'dessert'.
with art graph videofilm
- IP check
START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. Make the anonymity test for your Tor/Torbutton or JonDonym/JonDoFox configuration! Visit this IP check regularly to see which new tests have been added meanwhile.
with computer cryptography net utils by 3 users
Note: http://forum.zebulon.fr/astuce-testez-votre-anonymit-sur-la-toile-t185894.html
- IP Enforcement Directive 2: European Community goes criminal
Analysis of the IP Enforcement Directive text (IPRED2) proposed by the European Commission on 2 May 2006. The Commission bulldozes through criminal law, completely mixes up infringement and organised crime and at the same time manages to exceed its legislative competence.
with cryptography net p2p
- IRVAJ English -
with geostrategy iran mecf media
- iTulip.com Retrospective 2006 + ka poom theory
"Here's the grade on Ka-Poom 1999 based on what happened since then with a revised Ka-Poom prediction below. On predicting the timing, length and extent of the deflationary or "Ka" part of the cycle, I'll give myself an "A." It started from the middle of 2000 and ended in the middle of 2002, as predicted. Inflation during 2001 averaged 1.6% for the year as shown in the updated 2006 graph below and it hit bottom at -3.3% in October 2001 as shown in the 1999 original above. Here's where reality and the prediction diverged."
Looking back on iTulip.com since 1998
with biz economylogy
- John Paul Vann as a Metaphor for U.S. Involvement in Vietnam, p. 2 of 7
Harry Kreisler interviews Neil Sheehan on covering the Vietnam War; November 1988
bright conversations harry history interview john kreisler lie neil paul sheehan shining vann vietnam with
with geostrategy history military usa
- kill -9
<<linux>> It has come to my attention that there is a great wave of people out there that think using 'kill -9' on everything is a great idea. Who are these people and how did they acquire such an insidious habit? I wish I knew. Signals There exists in Unix a thing called a signal. There are many types of signals that are sent to processes for a great variety of reasons. When a process receives a signal, it may ignore it or catch the signal and execute a "signal handler". This is called "trapping" a signal. Untrapped signals have a default action, which are basicly "do nothing" or "exit". There are two signals that are untrappable, "SIGKILL" and "SIGSTOP". There is a command line utility called 'kill' that simply sends a signal to a process. 'kill -signal p
with computer
- knockoff*project
Album cover spoofs, goofs, tributes, send ups, near misses and coincedences. This is the all-new Knockoff*Project. There are over 100 new knockoffs...stashed all over the place. I've split it into sections. I hope it's still as fun and awesome as before. Still, there is no rhyme, reason or order to it. OK, there's the new Beatles section and all the sexy ones are in one place too. Enjoy!
Knockoff Project. Album cover spoofs, goofs, and send-ups.
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with audio design fun graph by 3 users
- Learning to unlearn-Scientist's Perspective: John Seely Brown Storytelling
The curious thing is that with these exponential changes, so much of what we currently know is just getting to be wrong. So many of our assumptions are getting to be wrong. And so, as we move forward, not only is it going to be a question of learning but it is also going to be a question of unlearning. In fact, a lot of us who are struggling in large corporations know first hand that the hardest task is to get the corporate mind to start to unlearn some of the gospels that .
with psy system:unfiled
- lego futurama
with fun gaming videofilm
- LH Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions - Lifehacker
If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it's Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we've tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves. Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you'll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.
with computer net utils
- List anonymous wikipedia edits from interesting organizations
with cryptography net script utils w2 by 15 users
- Live Plasma: Visualize movie and music connections (flash)
alternative: pandora.com
with audio media net videofilm by 20 users
- LiveLeak.com: Gravity Wave [8 seconds]
Time-Lapse of gravity wave action from the Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007 A gravity wave is a vertical wave. The best example I can think of in describing what a gravity wave looks like is to think of a rock being thrown into a pond. Ripples or circles migrate from the point the rock hits the water. An up and down motion is created. With increasing distance from the point where the rock hit the water, the waves becomes less defined (the waves are dampening). Now let's look at what a gravity wave is in the atmosphere. To start a gravity wave, a TRIGGER mechanism must cause the air to be displaced in the vertical. Examples of trigger mechanisms that produce gravity waves are mountains and thunderstorm updrafts. To generate a gravity wave, the air mus
with fun media science videofilm
- LiveScience.com When Ants Go Marching, They Count Their Steps
They glued stilt-like extensions to the legs of some ants to lengthen stride. The researchers shortened other ants' stride length by cutting off the critters' feet and lower legs, reducing their legs to stumps. By manipulating the ants' stride lengths, the researchers could determine whether the insects were using an odometer-like mechanism to measure the distance, or counting off steps with an internal pedometer. The ants on stilts took the right number of steps, but because of their increased stride length, marched past their goal. Stump-legged ants, meanwhile, fell short of the goal.
By putting some ants on stilts and lopping the legs off others, researchers conclude an internal pedometer is at work.
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with economylogy evo evolution science
- Los Angeles Times - No One Dares to Help
BAGHDAD — On a recent Sunday, I was buying groceries in my beloved Amariya neighborhood in western Baghdad when I heard the sound of an AK-47 for about three seconds. It was close but not very close, so I continued shopping. As I took a right turn on Munadhama Street, I saw a man lying on the ground in a small pool of blood. He wasn't dead. The idea of stopping to help or to take him to a hospital crossed my mind, but I didn't dare. Cars passed without stopping. Pedestrians and shop owners kept doing what they were doing, pretending nothing had happened.
with mecf media mesopotamia
- maninthedark.com by Miltos Manetas and Aaron Russ Clinger , 2004.
move man with mouse
maninthedark.com by Miltos Manetas and Aaron Russ Clinger, 2004.
dark herakleitus man manetas the
with art fun net by 8 users
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