- Matthew White's Homepage
Surreal History, including ... Balkanized North America: What would America have looked like if every separatist movement in U.S. and Canadian history had succeeded? CSA Today Who won the Civil War anyway? Middle Earth: The map for J.R.R. Tolkein's lost sequel to Lord of the Rings. Moslem Australia: What if Australia had been contacted by Asians 150 years before the Europeans arrived in the Indian Ocean? Perotista Revolution! What would an American Civil War of the 1990s have looked like? Odds and Ends: Self-Help Manual: Smart-Ass Instructions for Life How to Overcome Procrastination Translations From the Italian: Fun with Babelfish. White-o-glyphics: Symbol language Wikiwatch: When amateur doesn't even begin to describe it
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- Meanings and origins of sayings and phrases
List of sayings | English sayings | Idiom definitions | Idiom examples | Idiom origins | List of idioms | Idiom dictionary | Meaning of idioms
An archive of the meanings and origins of thousands of phrases, sayings and idioms.
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- Obsidian Studios: Writing Sample Analyzer
This writing sample analyzer takes a sample of your writing and then calculates the number of sentences, words, and characters in your sample. As it's calculating these statistics it makes estimates as to how many syllables are present in each word. Using these numbers, it then calculates the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, which are three of the most common readability algorithms. Simply supply a sample of your writing up to 5,000 characters and then click "Analyze."
The writing sample analyzer calculates the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, three of the most common readability algorithms.
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- Resource Room: Reading Comprehension - Vocabulary Activities
Vocabulary is a weak area for many students, but much "vocabulary instruction" ends up being handwriting practice. Edwin Ellis and Theresa Farmer describe the situation eloquently in the introduction to their clarifying strategy to teach vocabulary. To quote:
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- The Office of Assertion by John Leo
So how should we write and restore the integrity of good English? Candor, clarity and sincerity are important keys. All of us are weary of writers who dance around their subjects, protecting friends, bending facts to push a cause. “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity,” Orwell wrote. “When there is a gap between one’s real and declared aims, one turns instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms.”
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- Why I Hate Personal Weblogs
Introduction Weblogs are fucking stupid Chapter 1 Weblogs Chapter 2 Why do they do it? Chapter 3 Weblog comments (suck (usually)). Chapter 4 Communication Issues with Weblogs Chapter 5 The word "Blog" is fucking stupid. Chapter 6 Acceptable Uses of Weblogs Chapter 7 Proposal and Conclusion Appendix A The Weblog Author Personality Quiz Appendix B Read This If This Essay Offends You
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- Wordorigins.org
Wordorigins.org is devoted to the origins of words and phrases, or as a linguist would put it, to etymology. Etymology is the study of word origins. (It is not the study of insects; that is entomology.) Where words come from is a fascinating subject, full of folklore and historical lessons. Often, popular tales of a word's origin arise. Sometimes these are true; more often they are not. While it can be disappointing when a neat little tale turns out to be untrue, almost invariably the true origin is just as interesting.
A site devoted to the origins of words and slang phrases
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- "Engines of Creation" by Eric Drexler available in free electronic format
"...Many authors start to realize that the danger of obsolescence by obscurity is greater to them that the perceived loss of royalties, and they put their books online, sooner or later after publication. Cory Doctorow is one of those..." <<nanotechnology>>
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- Articles and information on Writing from Writing247.com
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- Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
Common fallacies of logic and rhetoric
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- Charles S. Peirce, "Logic of Events" (1898)
We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For not means other than, and other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility -- boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom. <philosophy>
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- DN - Kultur - I var mans mun
Är man språkforskare känner man till bonobon (dvärgschimpansen) Kanzi. Han är en celebritet i den komparativa språkforskningens värld, och primatforskarens Sue Savage-Rumbaughs skötebarn. Vad jag vet finns ingen bonobo eller schimpans som nått i närheten av Kanzis prestationsförmåga i handhavandet av "lexigram" (symboliska tecken) och att förstå talat språk. Vid ett tillfälle när han var i en vattenbassäng blev han tillfrågad: "Kan du hämta några grapefrukter och kasta dem i bassängen?"
Är man språkforskare känner man till bonobon (dvärgschimpansen) Kanzi. Han är en celebritet i den komparativa språkforskningens värld, och primatforskarens Sue Savage-Rumbaughs skötebarn. Vad jag vet finns ingen bonobo eller schimpans som nått i n&aum
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- Framablog Introduction de Wikipédia dans les salles de classe : le loup est-il dans la bergerie ? 100206
on Beasley-Murray - avril 2008 - Wikipédia (Traduction Framalang : Olivier) Réflexions sur l’utilisation de Wikipédia dans le cadre du cours SPAN312 à l’Université de la Colombie Britannique, « Murder, Madness, and Mayhem: Latin American Literature in Translation » (NdT : « Meurtre, Folie et Chaos : la littérature latino-américaine en mouvement »), printemps 2008. Wikipédia : mal aimée mais omniprésente dans l’éducation Tel un membre non invité, Wikipédia s’aventure aujourd’hui très près du monde universitaire.
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- Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them
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- MetaFilter: Suction is the female of movement and pressure is the male of movement.
"Lawsonomy is the knowledge of Life and everything pertaining thereto." The collected works of Alfred Lawson - professional baseball player, aviation pioneer, economist, scientist, theologist, and philosopher - are available to all. [more inside]
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- Million Authors Project
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