- LH Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions - Lifehacker
If ever a software application was built to be more than itself, it's Mozilla Firefox. Over the past 2 years we've tried, loved and posted dozens of feature-adding extensions for our favorite web browser. But today we have the master, grand daddy list of 10 must-haves. Narrowing the huge field of available add-ons down to the ten best was quite a challenge. Your Firefox extension choices have everything to do with your needs, but the ten add-ons you'll find in the following pages are highly-evolved, robust and have proven their usefulness over and over.
in Public bookmarks with computer net utils
- MetaFilter - Flash meditations
Agents - one of many Flash experiments and projects by Sébastien Chevrel.
in Public bookmarks with computer evo evolution flash science
- Microsoft developer Dave Stutz parting advice to Microsoft - Microsoft and the Commoditization of Software -
...Exciting new networked applications are being written. Time is not standing still. Microsoft must survive and prosper by learning from the open source software movement and by borrowing from and improving its techniques. Open source software is as large and powerful a wave as the Internet was, and is rapidly accreting into a legitimate alternative to Windows. It can and should be harnessed. To avoid dire consequences, Microsoft should favor an approach that tolerates and embraces the diversity of the open source approach, especially when network-based integration is involved. There are many clever and motivated people out there, who have many different reasons to avoid buying directly into a Microsoft proprietary stack. Microsoft must employ diplomacy to
An essay on the impact of commodity software on Microsoft
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- Mischievous Ramblings » It’s Not Just Abusive. It’s Stupid
EA Games' bad slave bad <<management>>
in Public bookmarks with biz computer design gaming
- NickCiske.com | Convert Binary
The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1. Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255).
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography by 13 users
- oddcast text-to-speech
in Public bookmarks with computer flash fun linglang by 7 users
- persistent.info Adding Persistent Searches to Gmail
in Public bookmarks with computer net utils
- Produktsupport Sony Ericsson
Program, installation och inställningar Nerladdning av program Nerladdning av program * Sony Ericssons uppdateringstjänst * Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda mobilt Internet . Mobilt Internet (WAP) Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda e-post på telefonen E-post Hämta inställningar via SMS direkt till telefonen och börja använda bildmeddelanden Interaktiva presentationer som ökar din kunskap Tips och tricks Hur du skapar en trådlös anslutning mellan din telefon och ett Bluetooth®-tillbehör Kombineringsanvisningar * Snabbguider som hjälper dig börja använda de funktioner som ger produkten mervärde Användarhandböcker
Support Användarhandböcker, hur du kommer igång, felsökning och annan information om din mobiltelefon
in Public bookmarks with computer tutorial utils
- William (Bill) Kent Document Catalog
Data and Reality, 1stBooks (excerpts) (1998) A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory (1983) Employee Was A Subtype Of Person (1988) About Time (1992) The Essence of Time (1993) The Null Wars: Much Ado About Something (1990) Nulls Again (1992) My Height: A Model For Numeric Information (1992) Foundations of a Theory of Measurement (1994) William Kent, Stephanie Leichner Janowski, Bruce Hamilton, Dan Hepner, "Measurement Data (Archive Report)" , April 1996. [135 pp]. (The introduction is provocative, and you might also browse some of the other sections.) The Many Forms of a Single Fact (1989) The Leading Edge of Database Technology (1989) What is an Object? (1989) The Breakdown of the Information Model in Multi-Database Systems (1991
in Public bookmarks with computer design science
- All streaming media recording software (freeware, shareware,...) [windows, linux, mac] Streaming video recorders (stream ripper
media pirate: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4318/
video downloader: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2390/
All streaming media recording software (freeware, shareware,...) [windows, linux, mac] Streaming video recorders (stream rippers)
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in Public bookmarks with audio computer flash media utils videofilm by 2 users
- Alt Search Engines » Blog Archive » The Alternative Search Engine of the Year, 2007!
in Public bookmarks with computer net utils
- Ars Technica
DNA Computing - Page 1 - (4/2000)
Ars Technica. Power users and the tools they love, without computing religion. Oh yeah, did we mention we are unassailable computing enthusiasts.
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in Public bookmarks with computer evo evolution science
- arstechnica.com: Fun with Knoppix : Page 1
in Public bookmarks with computer utils
- CNET News.com: Facebook ignores OpenSocial, embraces Windows Live Contacts API | Outside the Lines
Now that Yahoo has finally and officially signed on to the OpenSocial API bandwagon (see Techmeme), the company that Microsoft might buy has joined with MySpace.com and Google to create the OpenSocial Foundation. Facebook is still missing in action, considering whether joining the OpenSocial Foundation is in the best interests of its membership--or its own platform. OpenSocial provides a useful piece of functionality, solving a developer problem by allowing applications developed with the APIs to run on different services without modification--write once, play many. A photo-sharing application could tap into the social graphs of Orkut, Bebo, MySpace, Ning, or other services without any code changes.
in Public bookmarks with biz computer economylogy net system:unfiled w2 w4 by 2 users
- Crooked Timber: Wanting to Know Everything
As good as a starting point as any if you want to know everything on how the u.s intelligence-industrial complex wants to know everything. see also http://billmon.org/archives/002440.html
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography geostrategy military net
Non-profit community organization providing free computers and education to those in need through the reuse and recycling of old computers.
Non-profit community organization providing free computers and education to those in need through the reuse and recycling of old computers.
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in Public bookmarks with biz computer economylogy geostrategy p2p
- How to surf anonymously without a trace
The punchline to an old cartoon is "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog," but these days, that's no longer true. It's easier than ever for the government, Web sites and private businesses to track exactly what you do online, know where you've visited, and build up comprehensive profiles about your likes, dislikes and private habits. And with the federal government increasingly demanding online records from sites such as Google and others, your online privacy is even more endangered. But you don't need to be a victim. There are things you can do to keep your surfing habits anonymous and protect your online privacy. So read on to find out how to keep your privacy to yourself when you use the Internet, without spending a penny. What they know about you
With federal authorities increasingly demanding records from Web sites, your online privacy is getting more and more endangered. Here's how to protect yourself.
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in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography net by 2 users
- HowtoForge
Linux Howtos and Tutorials | Howtos about Linux and Open Source
in Public bookmarks with computer by 2 users
- HowtoForge
Linux Howtos and Tutorials | The Open Source Howto Development Web Site.
in Public bookmarks with computer utils by 34 users
- HyperCam
HyperCam captures the action from your Windows screen and saves it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file. Sound from your system microphone is also recorded.
HyperCam 1.6 captures the action from your Windows 9x or NT screen and saves it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file. Sound from your system microphone is also recorded.
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in Public bookmarks with computer utils videofilm by 2 users
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