- Low Cost and Portable GPS Jammer
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography science w4
- OldVersion.com: Old versions of software, nicely categorised
OldVersion.com is an archive of old versions of various programs.
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in Public bookmarks with computer utils by 84 users
- Our Favorite Cheat Sheets - a definition from Whatis.com
All Categories Cheat Sheets
This page of cheat sheets from WhatIs.com includes quick references and printable cards for programming, operating systems, blogging, online slang, network and computer administration and much, much more.
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in Public bookmarks with computer net utils by 7 users
- The Anatomy of a Search Engine
in Public bookmarks with computer science by 5 users
- the Economist: China and the internet: The party, the people and the power of cyber-talk
see also openneyinitiative.net on the great firewall of china
At present the party has the upper hand. It is starting to sweat, though
in Public bookmarks with china computer geostrategy net
- The Joel Test 12 Steps to Better Code - Joel on Software
The Joel Test 1. Do you use source control? 2. Can you make a build in one step? 3. Do you make daily builds? 4. Do you have a bug database? 5. Do you fix bugs before writing new code? 6. Do you have an up-to-date schedule? 7. Do you have a spec? 8. Do programmers have quiet working conditions? 9. Do you use the best tools money can buy? 10. Do you have testers? 11. Do new candidates write code during their interview? 12. Do you do hallway usability testing?
in Public bookmarks with computer design w2 by 6 users
- The Ten Coolest Numbers
<<mathematics>> This is an attempt to give a count-down of the top ten coolest numbers. Let's first concede that this is a highly subjective ordering -- one person's 14.38 is another's $ \frac{\pi^2}{6}$ . The astute (or probably simply ``awake'') reader will notice, for example, a definite bias toward numbers interesting to a number theorist in the below list. (On the other hand, who better to gauge the coolness of numbers than a number-theorist...) But who knows? Maybe I can be convinced that I've left something out, or that my ordering should be switched in some cases. But let's first set down some ground rules. What's in the list? What makes a number cool? I think a word that sums up the key characteristic of cool numbers is ``canonicality.''
The Ten Coolest Numbers
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- Welcome to MusicBrainz!
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing this web site, or you can access the data from a client program — for example, a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide information about the CD, about the artist or about related information. You can also use the MusicBrainz Tagger to automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags in your digital music collections. Find out more in the introduction.
in Public bookmarks with audio computer evo evolution net p2p w2 by 20 users
- YouTube - 24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot
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- Boffins build JELL-O memory for your brain • The Register
team of US researchers has fashioned a memory circuit that may provide an electronic bridge between man and machine. "Our memory device is soft and pliable, and functions extremely well in wet environments – similar to the human brain," one of the researchers, Michael Dickey, said when announcing the breakthrough. To construct the circuits, the team used a liquid alloy of gallium and indium, set in water-based gels. "We've created a memory device with the physical properties of Jell-O," says Dickey.
in Public bookmarks with computer evolution psy science
- broadband » Speed tests
323 speed test sites ordered by location <<adsl>>
Broadband news, information and community, Speed Test
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in Public bookmarks with computer net p2p utils by 3 users
Note: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html
- Create PDF Online free, PDF API, PDF .NET Server, Consulting
PDF Online is a set of free web-based PDF creation and conversion services, powered by our powerful PDF Development Toolkit (works with C++, ASP, .NET, Java, etc).
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in Public bookmarks with computer utils w2
- Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly. Django focuses on automating as muc
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
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in Public bookmarks with computer design by 23 users
- Hide data in files with easy steganography tools - Lifehacker
Unlike encryption, which obscures data in such a way that it's obvious someone's keeping something from listeners-in (and therefore heightens interest in that info), stego techniques offer no hint to the outsider that there's any private data contained within the visible file. Like hiding your valuables from burglars in an empty cereal box in your kitchen cabinet, steganography keeps the existence of the secret item from everyone but those in the know.
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography utils
- How to Mask Your IP and Use Country Restricted Services
A warning from our reader, Mark: ”Whoever runs that proxy can see all your internet communications - including MSN conversations and any passwords that are not encrypted! Use this at your own risk and do not transmit any sensitive data through the proxy unless you know and fully trust the person who runs it!”
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography net
- How to Obscure Any URL
The URL (Universal Resource Locator) of the page you are now viewing is http://www.pc-help.org/obscure.htm. It is also http://3513587746@3484559912/o%62s%63ur%65%2e%68t%6D. Go ahead and click on that link. It'll take you right back to this very page. The weird-looking address above takes advantage of several things many people don't know about the structure of a valid URL. There's a little more to Internet addressing than commonly meets the eye; there are conventions which allow for some interesting variations in how an Internet address is expressed.
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography net
- How to Send Large Files without Email
Private P2P file sharing tools like Grouper, TrustyFiles or even Groove, QNext and several others are possible solutions, but they are not as popular or as easy to adopt for users needing to send a large file on an occasional basis. Thankfully, several vendors have recognized the need for a Web-based file exchange service to answer this market demand, and offer products ranging from bare-bones file uploading services (targeted mostly to individuals and home users) to fully customizable secure online file storage and distribution systems. If you have experience with these and other vendors (we're adding more — there's a lot of them!), please share them in the comments section.
in Public bookmarks with computer net p2p
- IBM Extends Moore's Law to the Third Dimension
An IBM scientist holds a thinned wafer of silicon computer circuits, which is ready for bonding to another circuit wafer, where IBM's advanced "through-silicon via" process will connect the wafers together by etching thousands of holes through each layer and filling them with metal to create 3-D integrated stacked chips. The IBM breakthrough can shorten wire lengths inside chips up to 1000 times and allow for hundreds more pathways for data to flow among different functions on a chip. This technique will extend Moore's Law beyond its expected limits, paving the way for a new breed of smaller, faster and lower power chips. Credit: IBM IBM today announced a breakthrough chip-stacking technology in a manufacturing environment that paves the way for three-dimen
PhysOrg news: IBM Extends Moore's Law to the Third Dimension
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- IP check
START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. START TEST! Please click here to start the full anonymity test IP check and see all results. Make the anonymity test for your Tor/Torbutton or JonDonym/JonDoFox configuration! Visit this IP check regularly to see which new tests have been added meanwhile.
in Public bookmarks with computer cryptography net utils by 3 users
Note: http://forum.zebulon.fr/astuce-testez-votre-anonymit-sur-la-toile-t185894.html
- kill -9
<<linux>> It has come to my attention that there is a great wave of people out there that think using 'kill -9' on everything is a great idea. Who are these people and how did they acquire such an insidious habit? I wish I knew. Signals There exists in Unix a thing called a signal. There are many types of signals that are sent to processes for a great variety of reasons. When a process receives a signal, it may ignore it or catch the signal and execute a "signal handler". This is called "trapping" a signal. Untrapped signals have a default action, which are basicly "do nothing" or "exit". There are two signals that are untrappable, "SIGKILL" and "SIGSTOP". There is a command line utility called 'kill' that simply sends a signal to a process. 'kill -signal p
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