- What is a linear system?
Discrete system is nothing more than algorithm, where input is transformed to output. The output is transformed by operator L() which describes discrete system. There are described the most common operators of discrete systems.
Discrete system is nothing more than algorithm, where input is transformed to output. The output is transformed by operator L() which describes discrete system.Lets see few most common operators of discrete systems.DelayThis means that output queue is delayed by on sample.MultiplicationThis operator takes each sample of input queue and multiplies by constant a.Sum operatorTakes two
with discrete dsp elements lienear systems
- Why use watchdog variable timer
Watchdog timer continuously inspects the program float. Basically if MCU program flow hangs, then watchdog timer resets microcontroller and brings embedded system back to life.
Most of embedded microcontrollers contain watchdog timer. Watchdog variable timer is literally a „watchdog“. Watchdog timer continuously inspects the program float. Basically if microcontroller program hangs, then watchdog timer resets it and brings embedded system back to life.The idea is very simple. Lets say, you know, that your program has to be executed during 20ms. [...]
with rtos setting timer variable watchdog
- Automated electronic CAD systems overview
Automated electronic CAD systems overview
with microwave modeling orcad protel spice
- Better performance with AVR XMEGA microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
XMEGA microcontrollers are based on same instruction set as standard AVR microcontrollers so code can be reused for older AVRs as AVR cores are 100% compatible.
with no_tag
- Building and installing USBASP-USB programmer of AVR microcontrollers
UsbASP set Up
with avr drivers install usb usbasp
- Classification of USB chips and microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Today companies producing electronics components have been pushing lots of types of USB chips to market. In order not to get lost there is some classification made.
with no_tag
- Connection sockets and headers used in embedded projects
Review of connectors used in electronics and embedded systems.
with electronics
- Controlling graphical 128×64 LCD based on KS0108
How to connect graphical LCD KS0108 (HQM1286404). Pinout included, sample demo and library.
with no_tag
- Digital Bugs | Detailed Windows help, software tips and tricks, helpful IT community for beginners
Detailed Windows help, software tips and tricks, helpful IT community for beginners
with beginners computer for help
- Easy way to measure motor torque
Easy way to measure motor torque with things you can find at home.
with at home measure motor simple test torque
- Embedded Systems: microprocessors and microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
In general, embedded systems can be classified into two types viz. microprocessors and microcontrollers.
with no_tag
- Encoding and modulation of digital signals - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Serial transfer mode has more possible modulation methods like PAM, PPM, PNM, PWM, and PDM. Each of them has a different schema.
with no_tag
- How to solder SMD at home even better
How to solder SMD parts with improved technology how to solder SMD parts with improved technology
with improved mask oven paste smd soldering by 2 users
- How to solder SMD at home even better-Part two - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
how to solder SMD parts with improved technology
with no_tag by 2 users
- How to solder SMD at home-Part one
Soldering SMD parts isn’t hard task and there are many methods of doing this.
with oven smd solder soldering tutorial
- Major programmer types for 8 bit AVR microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
AVR microcontrollers have many ways to be programmed. One type adapters are used only toprogram AVR memory other are used to program and debug.
with no_tag
- Measuring distances with SRF04 sonic module
Distance mesuring device project based on ATmega128 microcontroller and two sonic transducers.
with embedded
- Microcontroller Simulators and emulators - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Microcontroller simulator is a program model which imitates its work. Modern simulators now simulates not only arithmetic operations but also I/O operations and even peripherals like timers, ADC, USART, I2C
with no_tag
- Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Site is loaded with AVR, ARM microcontroller related information. Many projects including UV exposure box manufacturing, AVR signal generator, DTMF decoder.
ScienceProg serves scientific, embedded, biomedical engineering, physics based contents. If you want your article or scientific project to be on this site, do not hesitate to contact and send to scienceprog@gmail.com.
with arm7 avr biomedical electronics embedded pcb scientific uv winarm winavr
- USB types and architecture
Amount of digital information grows incredibly fast and everything has to go through some wires or wireless - who wants to wait for a long time while 4GB video will be transferred from camera to hard drive....
with no_tag
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